The hardest part of watching your calories....

This next week is going to be tough. I'm going away with the guys for the weekend and there will be a lot of drinking, and all our meals will be eaten out. Then next week, I have to go away for work, so it will be 3 more days of restaurants. Eating out sure is tough on the weight loss.


  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    Also going away for work next week and the hotel has a 24hr buffet. Needless to say, I'm not counting calories next week and whatever I gain, I'll lose the week after.
  • sassafrascas
    sassafrascas Posts: 191 Member
    It is hard just do your best look up calories when you can. But don't tress about it too much. Remember moderation.
  • Lorichr
    Lorichr Posts: 54
    When I am on vacation I allow myself to splurge one meal and keep it reasonable and healthy the rest of the time. But don't stress too much; have fun and get back on track when you return.
  • tenintwenty
    Just don't use eating out as an excuse to eat whatever looks good. If you have to order boring food that's not on the menu, do it. I eat out lunch dinner and snacks most days. I'm more worried about the effect on my wallet than my waistline.
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    I'm away a lot for work, that's why I ended up here! I find that trying to just stick to having a main course when I eat out, choosing healthy sandwiches for lunch, and staying in a hotel with a gym, or exercising in my hotel room to videos helps. I feel bad for the person in the room downstairs sometimes though.

    I find that hotels are happy to do you an omelette with a side salad if you fancy a healthy meal in the evening.
  • kellysulser
    kellysulser Posts: 13 Member
    I am also out of town for work all week next week. It is tough, but I still log everything I eat and drink. Even if I go over my calories some days, it helps keep it on my mind and hold myself accountable. I will take a day off once in a while, but any of us that travel for work on a regular basis can't ignore how we eat every time we travel or we would never get anywhere.

    That being said, if you have already or currently are truly changing your lifestyle and how you generally eat, you may not have as much of an issue with the foods you eat when you travel because those overall changes make you order and eat more healthy even if you aren't at home with your super controlled portions and ingredents.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    It's not difficult, be aware of calorie values of basic foods (steak, chicken, pork, fish, etc) and when choosing from the menu try to estimate before ordering, either avoid completely or eat the minimum of the fries, creamy sauces, bread and butter, etc, and don't be afraid not to finish what's on your plate. Leaving food on the plate is better than putting it round your middle as fat! I travel on business usually three weeks out of four (I'm away currently) and pretty much manage to keep below my targets. Another thing that helps is to have fruit or a boiled egg or something light for breakfast (without bread) and soup or a salad for lunch, then you have a bigger allowance for the evening. Drinks wise, look up calorie values again, I discovered that I can fit three whiskies into the calories from a decent pint or half litre of beer, so I don't drink a lot of beer now. Make use of low calorie snacks, dried fruit for example, to fill that gap during the day.

    You CAN do it!!!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Most restaurants have healthier options, so you can probably keep your calories relatively low. Or, you can try to burn extra calories to make up the difference, it you can. Or, like the above poster, you can just relax and lose the weight later. I'm hopefully going on a cruise with my mom later this year, and I plan to eat whatever the heck I want, and do damage control when I get home.
  • RonandDi
    RonandDi Posts: 120 Member
    That being said, if you have already or currently are truly changing your lifestyle and how you generally eat, you may not have as much of an issue with the foods you eat when you travel because those overall changes make you order and eat more healthy even if you aren't at home with your super controlled portions and ingredents.

    You are exactly right. I am out of town at least once a month and I've noticed that I tend to order a lot lighter than I used to.

    I decided when I started all this that I wasn't going to let a "diet" run my life. I still go out and enjoy myself on occasion, but I always come back to eating right....or at least better.