pwnderosa Member


  • I will be your dirty friend, because I had too much champagne last night and am now eating dirty, dirty Del Taco. Almost to goal weight too, eating and drinking these filthy things...
  • Well dang, I am happy we have Harkins here in AZ, a large popcorn with no butter is 780 calories = 260 calories for me since I usually eat 1/3 of the bag. YUM!!! If I want to keep the calories down I'll sneak a healthier, lighter snack in, like those popcorn flavored rice cakes, mini pretzels, etc.
  • Wow, you look absolutely amazing!! Best of luck with your recovery, it's so wonderful to see someone with such a great outlook taking such good care of herself. Congrats!!!
  • My alarm clock is across the room, sitting on top of the workout clothes I lay out before bed at night, this is tremendously helpful! I just try to get out of bed and into those clothes as fast as possible without thinking about it, but it did take some adjustment, I suggest trying to set your alarm 10 minutes earlier each…
  • Many doctors I know would disagree. So where does your informed opinion come from?
  • Meh. I enjoy them. I have a year of not smoking regular cigarettes now, they have saved me a ton of cash, allowed my recent breathing problems to heal well enough for me to take up running and drastically reduce allergy and asthma meds, my chronic gum infections due to smoking have entirely ceased since switching, and the…
  • YES! On this morning's jog I ran past FOUR groups of teenagers walking to school in groups of 3-4 across the sidewalk in one row, none of which would move the slightest for me to pass so I kept having to veer off the sidewalk (into the rocks which we have in AZ instead of grass). And since I discovered my headphones were…
  • Bump for the great links, routines & suggestions in this thread - thank you all! I do almost all my strength training at home with dumbells, I love the convenience!
  • Wait so smoking burns 400 calories a pack???? I should never have quit! LMAO
  • I noticed this same issue in my food diary, so I have tried to incorporate more high protein/low fat snacks in my diet. My go-tos are: edamame, nonfat greek yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, and beef jerky.
  • Good for you and I love your positive attitude, that is the #1 most important thing when quitting I think. Congrats!!
  • There's a lot more you can do than just twirl it around your waist, there is a whole movement of "hoopdancing" that has started involving dance, tricks, or circus-style acts. I've been doing it for a couple years and I can assure you that it can definitely be a great workout for the heart, muscles...and the mind! It can be…
  • I bought a dress 3 weeks ago in a size 12, then went back to the store this past weekend, bought another dress in the SAME store and SAME a size 6. Both fit perfectly. Sizing is so ridiculously inconsistent any more I don't even know what to pick up when I head to the dressing room. answer the OP's…
  • I leave 50-250 on weekdays (depending on how hungry I am) and gobble them up on Saturday and Sunday! :drinker:
  • I have some cute little tiny plates I use, measure or weigh a serving size in the kitchen, put away the snack packaging in the cupboard (somewhere high up preferably) and then bring my snack to the other room to eat it. I also eat it reallllly slowly, which took some time to teach myself to do LOL! Once I'm done I try to…
  • I'm on my last 10 lbs and eating 1600 + exercise calories, I'm 5'3". This puts me according to MFP at LESS than 0.5 lb a week but you know, that doesn't matter that much, it's just a number! The loss is slow but eating this much transitions me slowly to maintenance and I feel confident about being able to keep it off.…
  • Don't stress about it! My inlaws are so dysfunctional about food, they will harass you for eating breakfast and lunch that you will spoil your dinner, then serve a tiny dinner. Then after dinner they eat 2 big bowls of ice cream each and wake up several times in the night to eat cookies and candy, which I suspect is why…
  • OK I Just looked back through...I've been working on the last 10 since the middle of April, now on the last 4. So losing around 1.5lbs/month. I did plateau for about a month there and took one weekend off to splurge and eat quite a bit more to "shake things up"/on the dubious advice of my husband...I don't know if there is…
  • I lost about 30-35 lbs 10 years ago by counting calories and was able to maintain without counting calories, but my job situation changed around the time I finished losing the weight and my lifestyle was more active. I've had to lose more weight this time around from a combination of going back to a desk job and depression…
  • Knowledge is power! Sounds like you know what to address so you have a great starting point to begin with! I think what is needed is patience, obviously you have to find a balance between deprivation and going whole out. I'd say try to find ways to make it FUN and HAPPY to lose weight - only let yourself do workouts you…
  • Fresh kettle corn is not a bad call. :-) Last time I went it was on 1/2 price food day, so my hunny and I got a bunch of different small and sample sized things and snacked on them, I think it counted to about 800 calories for dinner including a beer so not bad at all! Have fun!
  • Ummm I switched my MFP account to maintenance the whole week of my birthday so I could have treats every day! :drinker: Happy Birthday!!
  • I just want to be able to dance for a good couple of hours without getting too tired to go on, and preferably look good in a bikini while doing so! :happy:
  • Yeah!! Good for you just stay busy and treat yourself well. When I quit (also with ecigs, they are great!) I spent a lot of time doing fun workouts, doing any hobby stuff I like where I can use my hands (art, crafts, cooking, etc) and doing fun things where I would have never have smoked anyway like movies, museums, etc.…
  • Oh god I miss Taco John's since I moved out west.... That said, Jimmy John's fits easily into my diet almost once a week, I just skip the mayo and do Dijon instead. I usually go for roast beast but that's just me...
  • Clearance, discount stores and second hand! I am 5lbs from my goal now, just bought a lovely new dress for work and it is already looser! I'm not complaining and it still fits quite nice but dang! I think I've only lost 1lb since I got it, so I'm a little hesitant to buy more because I don't know where this is all gonna…
  • I started with daily walking on my lunch, more for stress relief than weight loss really and it really helped me with both. Now that it's too hot for me to deal outside at noon, I bring in my hula hoop and dance with it in the mostly unused conference room we have here. Great way to keep my energy up during the day and…
  • YUM! I added my husband's polenta recipe to my foods so I can eat it and eat it. :) This serves 8, 161 calories per serving. We like to cook up a sausage with sliced peppers and onions to put over it for a full dinner. Yellow Plain Cornmeal, 1.5 cup Butter - Salted, 3 tbsp Oil - Olive, 1 tablespoon Onions - Raw, 1 medium…
  • Always steam them and chow into the whole thing, it's my favorite! I dip the leaves in garlic butter or mayo and it is soooo good.... but if anyone has any lower calorie dipping ideas I am all ears! They are so so delicious, and a great food for helping me lose weight - very filling, low in calories and high in fiber with…
  • YUM! We are making gazpacho tomorrow night for dinner, I can't wait! When I serve it, we put toppings on to fill out the meal a bit, usually croutons, cheese, and sliced avocado. YUM! Or you could make little finger sandwiches or quesadillas on the side.