Working out during lunch break?



  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I used to walk during my lunch breaks. That was when I worked on the quay which was an awesome place to wander about. Now I work on a massive industrial estate and I have zero interest in walking around there.

    But anyway, I basically just walked as far, and as fast as I could in 15 minutes, then turned around and came back. It was nice to get outside and break up the day!
  • lmataloni
    lmataloni Posts: 33 Member
    Lunch has turned out to be the best time for me as well. I am able to eat at my desk while I work so I do not count that as my lunch break. I have 1 hour - so my main tip is do not waste time showering after you work out! Maximize your time exercising! I guess it depends where you work of course - but people are way less fresh and "put together" after lunch in my office compared to the morning and that is because folks work out. I do a quick sink wash of my face and the "privates" and fresh undergarments- but the hair just is what it is. If I felt I looked good in short hair I would go for that and probably try to do a quick shower - but that just does not work for me. Also, as you know, not all exercises are equal - some are WAY MORE efficient at calorie burning than others. Try jumping rope - you will get a killer workout in a vary short period of time. Oh and I bought a nice little fan to finish cooling off at my desk - major helper! I will also add that exercising midday really keeps me alert in the afternoon!
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    when kids were little and I worked full time, I would go to gym on lunch break, run 2 miles as fast as I could (20 minutes) 4 times a week then do my weightlifting on the weekend..
  • mpappas21
    mpappas21 Posts: 1
    I also have a free gym in my office so I go for one hour usually between 11:45-12:45 and then I eat lunch at my desk. I only have a smoothie and a few almonds in the morning and then I eat a lunch under 300 calories after I work out. I usually do the cross ramp or treadmill for 25 minutes and then I do some arm and abs exercises for 10 minutes.

    My gym has a nice locker room, though so if I'm sweaty I just rinse off. It does take some preparation though - I bring my hair dryer, brush, make up bag, deodorant, and perfume everyday in addition to my workout clothes. It may not be the best option for everyone but I find it impossible to workout before or after work. I do this 4x week and then I usually walk outside or go to another gym near my condo on the weekends.
  • eliza46142
    eliza46142 Posts: 26 Member
    Before my gym started offering more flexible classes, I worked out at lunch several times a week. I brought a change of clothes, deoderant, and baby powder, since I did higher intensity workouts. I didn't have time to get to a gym, but there is a long hall in my buiding - I did animal crawls, pushup crawls, plank, burpees, lunge walking, squat hops, thrusts, etc.
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    I started with daily walking on my lunch, more for stress relief than weight loss really and it really helped me with both. Now that it's too hot for me to deal outside at noon, I bring in my hula hoop and dance with it in the mostly unused conference room we have here. Great way to keep my energy up during the day and have a fun break and definitely a time saver!

    I have just a 30 minute lunch so I usually eat at my desk, no one has minded yet and I've been at it a year now. :)
  • Fit_NYC_
    Fit_NYC_ Posts: 1,389 Member
    This is the only way for me to work out consistently, but I'm fortunate to have a gym in my building so it works out.
    But you can still get a lot done in an hour. The biggest concern, as some others have stated is the shower situation, but the importance of that factor will depend on the nature of your job, and whether you have to see clients or not.
  • samanthapmorrell
    I do this as well. I probably could find time at night after work BUT I also find a lot of excuses not to. Right now I go to the local bike path and walk or run 3-4 miles. I did this consistently for a while and that's when I lost the most and felt the best, just started back up. It's much better for to know it's done. I work close to a gym also and during the winter I would just go over there for my lunch break. I eat my lunch at my desk either before or after I work out. It's definitely been the best time for me to make sure I get chance to be active.
  • Witchdoctor58
    Witchdoctor58 Posts: 226 Member
    I keep an exercise mat, 1 lb weights, and resistance bands at work. I have several DVDs that I can do in 30 min or so, including cardio and yoga. Alternately, I go to a gym near work. I keep gym clothes here as well, plus baby wipes and deodorant. Sometimes I go into the office early, so I can work out before my shift (gives me time to wake up).

    It's a great way to rev up the metabolism and burn extra calories. The downside is that I have to eat lunch a lot more quickly than I want to.
  • Shy_Yogi
    Shy_Yogi Posts: 101 Member
    I teach yoga class (or attend someone elses class) during lunch at the gym on campus (I work at a college). When I'm not teaching or attending class, I close my office door and do a yoga routine. It's a great workout where I don't get too sweaty (not like when I run at least lol) and breaks up and relieves mid day stress.
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    yes, I work out during my lunch break. I am fortunate enough to work for a company that has a small gym area. There are 4 treadmills, 2 ellipticals, 2 bikes, and a pully weight machine with 4 different stations. I do not wear my work clothes for my work out and I keep a towel, baby wipes and plenty of deo in my bag. Lots of people here do the same. Also I take a late lunch so I don't have too much time to stink out the lady who shares my office.
  • amlyrod
    amlyrod Posts: 12 Member
    I have an hour for lunch. I do not have access to a gym, but I do live a few blocks away from where I work. Yesterday, I brought work out clothes to change into and walked around the block a few times. It was hot and I got really sweaty so I ran by home, took a quick shower and came back. Today, i went home and did a zumba dvd (it was raining). i didn't have time to eat, but i did shower. The only problem is I do have to see customers. I work at a bank, and share my work space and don't really have a spot to work out there. Today, I just had to pull my hair back in a pony tail for the afternoon, as I dont have time to fix it again after lunch.
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    I have 60 minutes and walk everyday. Luckily my office dresses a little casual that I don't have to worry about being real dressed up.
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    I'm pretty lucky - my company has a fully staffed gym, showers in most of their larger buildings, and even a pool in the building I'm now in. Also instructor-led fitness classes. I'm doing 1-2 of the fitness classes a week, am starting to mix in strength work a couple more times a week, but usually head out for a ~45-1:00 run around lunchtime pretty much every day.

    I really should start making use of that pool :)
  • jwcomputergirl
    jwcomputergirl Posts: 126 Member
    LOVE working out at lunch. Our gym here is free and I simply block out the time on my calendar. Mon-Wed-Fri I do Strong Lifts 5x5, Tues-Thurs I run 5k on the treadmill.
    I don't have time for full shower/hair/makeup afterwards, so I take a bird bath. I don't <think> I stink too much!
  • BeverlyHillsCop
    BeverlyHillsCop Posts: 94 Member
    I have my own private office so thankfully I can get out of my chair and do pushups and stretch throughout my day. Very nice to be able to do so without looking like an idiot.
  • happywithme12
    happywithme12 Posts: 477 Member
    me and a friend go 4 days a week, but we are lucky the gym is right across the street so it makes it easy but i feel so much better since I have been doing it
  • amlyrod
    amlyrod Posts: 12 Member
    That's why I try to allow enough time for a quick shower haha
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I used to workout after my kids go to bed every night but for about a year I've been going to the gym on my lunch break :smile:
    My husband and I work opposite schedules so both ways work out well for me.

    ETA it's a 10 minute walk to the gym, and 10 minutes back. I don't shower but I do freshen up a bit lol. My hair usually looks bad in the afternoon. :tongue: I'm able to eat lunch after that at my desk. :)