Pedestrian Etiquette Rant

PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
With the birth of our 2nd daughter, we recently purchased a double stroller, of which I have been making good use. However, I have noticed something that has become the very bane of my existence when out walking... Dumb *kitten* MoFo's not staying to the right when they are approaching oncoming "traffic". I wasn't sure if maybe *I* was the one being an ignorant jerk, so I did some research, and I was right- (in the US) proper pedestrian etiquette dictates staying to the right except to pass- be it a walking trail, bike path or sidewalk.

The amount of times I have encountered someone walking towards me (I always stay to the right side of the sidewalk, I do it without thinking) as I'm pushing this gigantic double stroller and *I'm* the one that ends up moving out of the way is becoming ridiculous, so NO MORE. Dumb F*cks beware!

/rant over


  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    LOL you could start a stroller rant.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Unless otherwise posted as in here's one MUP that has specific pedestrian lane and bake lane. Most of us ignore it anyway, just like the 15 mph speed limit.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    What about the moms that push their strollers out in front of a moving vehicle (cross walk or not), how impressive are they?
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    It drives me bonkers when people cross the crosswalks going sooooo slow. Speed walk! Knees to your chest!
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    What about the moms that push their strollers out in front of a moving vehicle (cross walk or not), how impressive are they?

    If they don't have the right of way, stupid as *kitten*; however, Pedestrians do have the right of way in a crosswalk when the street they're crossing has a red light and said crosswalk has the white "walk" sign. Which, incidentally, I DID have that experience yesterday- even though I had pushed the button, waited for the light to change AND I waited for the first couple cars to go (because they clearly weren't going to wait for me) when it seemed clear, I started to go, and this dumb b*tch accelerated to get around me. I wish I'd had something heavy to throw her way.

    And to the other poster about ppl walking the crosswalk slowly- I KNOW!!! Especially when they don't actually have the right of way! Just go damn it, and get out of my way! lol
  • meg516
    meg516 Posts: 67 Member
    What about those people who walk down the street holding hands and have no interntions on letting go or walking single file for even one second so you can pass? ugh.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    Unless otherwise posted as in here's one MUP that has specific pedestrian lane and bake lane. Most of us ignore it anyway, just like the 15 mph speed limit.

    Most of the streets in my city have a bike lane (though, that doesn't seem to stop a great number of cyclists from blatantly ignoring the rules of the road) so the sidewalks are just pedestrian. It just astounds me how many people don't know they should stay to the right.
  • tipadoo
    tipadoo Posts: 104 Member
    I SOOOOO agree. Unbelievable how dense some people are! I'm walking down the sidewalk and some woman is walking against the flow of pedestrians and everyone is forced to move out of her damned way so I stopped right in front of her and said "GET OVER - do you NOT drive"?!?!?! She quickly moved over - idiot.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    I always give way to strollers, wheelchairs and the elderly. It's basic manners. And quite frankly I don't trust drivers so I RUN across roads when the crosswalk gives me the go ahead light.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Wow I'm going to have to learn a lot if I ever go to the US otherwise I'm going to cheese off a lot of people. Crossings / footpaths are a free for all where I come from.

    I do get annoyed when people are walking in front of you at a good pace but then stop for no good reason though. They need brake lights.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    My pet hate is women pushing prams on a cycle path when there is a perfectly good pavement available.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    My pet hate is women pushing prams on a cycle path when there is a perfectly good pavement available.

    I can imagine how that would be really frustrating; plus, strollers/prams are much easier on pavement- why would someone *choose* off roading?????
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I SOOOOO agree. Unbelievable how dense some people are! I'm walking down the sidewalk and some woman is walking against the flow of pedestrians and everyone is forced to move out of her damned way so I stopped right in front of her and said "GET OVER - do you NOT drive"?!?!?! She quickly moved over - idiot.

    Nice! I should probably do something like that...
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member

    lol, but I'm a bit more graceful than that! My keystrokes are catlike.
  • dennik15
    dennik15 Posts: 97 Member
    I run at a local park that has a walking trail and a significantly wider road (no power vehicles allowed) for bikes, rollerblades, and the like. Most folks run on that and leave the walking trail to the people who are just out for a little stroll. The last week has seen the wider road shut down due to a bit of construction causing the walking trail to become congested. Surprisingly it's been OK and most people have been great about making room for runners and bikers to go around. Until last night...when an entire family (older gentleman in front with 6 teens behind) proceeded to stretch out across the entire path. Strolling, on their cell phones, not moving at all when someone was either trying to go around from behind or pass them from the other direction. All of us had to go off into the goose poop ridden grass to get around them. What the hell is that about? Ugh, people...
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    YES! On this morning's jog I ran past FOUR groups of teenagers walking to school in groups of 3-4 across the sidewalk in one row, none of which would move the slightest for me to pass so I kept having to veer off the sidewalk (into the rocks which we have in AZ instead of grass).

    And since I discovered my headphones were broken again due to cat chewing....very annoying run! Kids these days! LOL
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,129 Member
    I walk where I want to walk. You can't control me!

  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I walk where I want to walk. You can't control me!


    Haha- just don't be out walking the streets of Albany on the left, otherwise you'll be run over by my double stroller!!
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    YES! On this morning's jog I ran past FOUR groups of teenagers walking to school in groups of 3-4 across the sidewalk in one row, none of which would move the slightest for me to pass so I kept having to veer off the sidewalk (into the rocks which we have in AZ instead of grass).

    And since I discovered my headphones were broken again due to cat chewing....very annoying run! Kids these days! LOL

    Groups are just ridiculous- it's not hard to move out of the way for a moment... alas, courtesy is not so common anymore.