sleeping in vs. Getting up to workout

Ok,In the past I have gotten up once or twice and loved the way i felt all day when waking up to exercise.... But I do love my sleep!!!!! How do I win this battle?


  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    Ok,In the past I have gotten up once or twice and loved the way i felt all day when waking up to exercise.... But I do love my sleep!!!!! How do I win this battle?

    Go to sleep earlier. =)) Not only do you feel better for getting it in first thing, you will live a healthier life in the long-run.

    "Early to bed, early to rise leaves a man healthy, wealthy & wise."
  • IZackV13
    IZackV13 Posts: 157 Member
    I love my sleep too, but unless I'm sorely hungover I NEVER feel better sleeping longer than if I've gotten up to workout. Starts the day off right, and you've already accomplished something.
  • thenewmanda
    thenewmanda Posts: 189 Member
    I love my sleep too, but unless I'm sorely hungover I NEVER feel better sleeping longer than if I've gotten up to workout. Starts the day off right, and you've already accomplished something.

    ^^ This for sure!!
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    I'm so not a morning person. I work out in the evenings and that works for me. However, I don't have a family so I have the free time. I sleep in and enjoy it. I think there is something to getting a jump start on your day, but evenings just are more comfortable for me. If I didn't have a job, I'd probably work out earlier, late mornings.
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    This is my biggest battle, too.

    How about this: Why don't you make a commitment with someone else to get up? Check in with each other in the morning to make sure you're awake and off to the gym? Or maybe put your alarm clock on the other side of the room so you have to get up to get it? I sometimes put mine in the bathroom since that's my first stop upon getting outta bed anyway. :)
  • jennifercriley1
    jennifercriley1 Posts: 9 Member
    I have a strict "no snooze button" rule. The extra 20 minutes of sleep does not help as much as getting up and moving! As soon as my alarm goes off I hop up and head to the gym.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    I love my sleep too, but unless I'm sorely hungover I NEVER feel better sleeping longer than if I've gotten up to workout. Starts the day off right, and you've already accomplished something.

    This. I used to be a major night owl but over the last couple of weeks, I have been going to bed earlier so I can get up and get my run or CrossFit in. I feel SO much better during the day and I love the extra energy that I have. I don't miss anything by going to bed at 10:00 instead of 12:00. Just do it OP. Make it a habit and you won't miss the sleep.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    Go to bed earlier. Last week I was staying up until nearly one in the morning for no good reason and getting up at 5 to workout Friday I found myself sitting in my car in the parking lot after work wondering if I should take a nap before driving home. But last night I got 7 hours of sleep and I'm a happy camper.
  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    Just get up. I set the alarm for 5 am every day, no snooze option, no debate (the only time I don't get up to work out is if I had bad insomnia, which I am occasionally prone to). It totally sucks for the first 10 minutes and by then I'm wide awake and working out. And when I'm done I feel great and I'm finished for the day.
  • cocowata
    cocowata Posts: 1 Member
    no one ever regrets getting up to workout

    but i have regretted not getting up to workout
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    It depends, what do you want most, to get fit or to get sleep. Your choice.

    Your current actions indicate what your current priorities are.
  • curvygirl77
    curvygirl77 Posts: 769 Member
    I love my sleep too, but unless I'm sorely hungover I NEVER feel better sleeping longer than if I've gotten up to workout. Starts the day off right, and you've already accomplished something.

    ^^ This for sure!!

    ^^^^^Agree---this is the best feeling
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    no one ever regrets getting up to workout

    but i have regretted not getting up to workout

    Great first post!

    OP - If your serious enough you'll just get on with it.
  • Nishi2013
    Nishi2013 Posts: 210 Member
    My alarm goes off at 4:30 am every day. Unless I am sick or its a rest day, I am at the gym by 5:30. Sleep early and drink.plenty of water after you wake up. It helps really wake you up.
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Last spring I committed to a 6am boot camp class twice a week for 8 weeks. I went to every single class on time, but I hated it. I hated the night before, I hated the morning of, and I was just plain tired afterwards and couldn't focus at work. I just am not a morning person, and I never will be, but at least I gave it a good faith try.

    Now, I bring my gym bag with me, and workout after work Mon-Thurs, 10am Sat, and 4:30pm Sunday. I like it so much better, and it works for me. Plus, I get to wake up when it's sunny out instead of pitch black. :)

    The key to working out is to find what works for you. You can test yourself like I did and see how you deal with early mornings. You may find you love it, or you may find you hate it like me. But you won't know until you try!
  • BostonStrong617
    Look at it this way, if you work out first thing in the morning (or before work/before your kids get up/other obligations) then you're ready to take on the rest of the day with plenty of energy and without exercise "getting in the way" meaning that you will be able to stick to a more consistent schedule, I find at night or in the afternoon things get in the way too easily and you skip your work out. The only thing that gets in the way of a morning work out is wanting to sleep in! Once you're up, you're up, really you're probably only going to sleep until 7 at the very latest on a week day so what's an hour or two earlier? Once you get used to getting up it's actually easy! Plus you go to sleep earlier and fall asleep more quickly. I keep a 5 hour energy by my bed and drink half that when my first alarm goes off at 4:30, then I'm up and out of bed by the time my 5:00 AM alarm goes off across the room! I also pack all my things the night before and lay out my running clothes or sleep in them. It feels AWESOME to work out first thing and I've found I actually have more energy before work as opposed to after when I've been chasing around small children all day.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I work out in the evenings currently because that works better for me. I have never been a morning person and honestly probably never will be.

    To each their own :happy:
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    I love my sleep too, but unless I'm sorely hungover I NEVER feel better sleeping longer than if I've gotten up to workout. Starts the day off right, and you've already accomplished something.

    Unfortunately my body is so in the habit of 6 hours of sleep and off to the gym that even hung over I will still get at least a run in to start the day...doesn't matter if I toss cookies on the run :sick: I have made the commitment.:drinker:

    ETA: Like Boston I lay out my stuff the night before and my gym bag is packed before I head out for fun that night!
  • MsWallwoman
    Make it a habit! You can do it. Try going to bed earlier maybe. ;)
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    My alarm clock is across the room, sitting on top of the workout clothes I lay out before bed at night, this is tremendously helpful!

    I just try to get out of bed and into those clothes as fast as possible without thinking about it, but it did take some adjustment, I suggest trying to set your alarm 10 minutes earlier each week until you get in the swing of things, and anything you can do the night before to streamline your mornings, you will be thankful for!