SweetMe1 Member


  • I'm another who understands how you feel. Under my profile pictures, there is one taken a few years ago when I weighed 300+ pounds. I don't know how much more because I refused to get on a scale once I hit 300. I lost some weight and got down to 165, then got discouraged and ate my way back up to 206. I joined MFP last…
  • I do resistance training because there's an elderly woman at my church whose arms are so weak she cannot take a casserole out of the oven. I realized, at 60, that my arms were much weaker than they should be so I started going to a gym. I also do cardio. I don't have arthritis or any other condition which restricts me so I…
  • Height? 5'4" Starting weight? 300+ (five years ago); 206 when started MFP in September, 2012 Current weight? 185 Goal Weight? 140 Age? 62 How many calories you eat a day? 1200
  • I bought a canister of Dark Chocolate Almond Cherry Clusters at Costco and it's in a cupboard in my husband's shop so it's not easy for me to access. When I want a special treat I'll eat one. It's 90 calories and I'll make sure to save my calories so I can have it without going over my calorie goal total. I am more likely…
  • I'm 62 and in the two months I've been on MFP I've lost 20 pounds. I'm a third of the way to my ultimate weight loss goal. Six years ago I weighed over 300 pounds (see photo in my profile). Yes, it can be done. Yes, it's slow. And yes, it's hard. But don't let age stop you!
  • My plan is portion control, only eating the things I love best, and adding more walking to my exercise routine. I still plan on logging in on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve/Day and New Year's Eve/Day I'm not going to be happy if, by the end of December, I've undone all the work I've done over the past couple of months.
  • 10/1 197.2 (SW) 10/8 195.8 (-1.4) 10/15 194 (-1.8) (Total -3.2) 10/22 192.8 (-1.2) (Total -4.4) 10/31 GW: 191 FGW: 145 I'm in range of making my October Challenge goal! Yay!
  • I gave up diet soda when I joined MFP. Many are high in sodium, something I don't need.
  • I was diagnosed with hypothyrodism almost 30 years ago. I was exhausted and weighed well over 250 pounds. I was afraid to sit down or drive because as soon as I did I'd start to fall asleep. I was losing my hair, my skin was dry, but I refused to go to the doctor because I thought he'd laugh at me. After all I was obese…
  • I am a success-in-the-making. LOL. I'm 62 and five years ago I weighed over 300 pounds. I lost 140 pounds and then gained 40 of them back. Now I've joined MFP and am determined to get to my ideal weight. And I will! :-P
  • I had four children in less than five years and never had the chance to lose baby weight in between pregnancies. Can't use that as an excuse anymore. My youngest is 27 years old! LOL
  • 10/1 197.2 (SW) 10/8 195.8 10/15 194.0 Three pounds! I'm halfway there 10/31 GW: 191 FGW: 145
  • I have 4 hens--Freckles, Speckles, Roxie, and Henrietta and get 2-3 eggs per day and occasionally 4. I give them treats--kitchen scraps, snails I find in t,he garden, extra apples and pears from our orchard, and weeds. They also like cantaloupe, watermelon, zucchini, and pumpkins. They aren't noisy; I think of the sounds…
  • I don't eat things I don't like and have taught me sons the same thing. One son, when he was five, kept making faces as he ate asparagus and I told him he didn't have to eat it. "Yes, I do!" he told me. "They're good for me!" Life is too short to eat stuff you don't like. No one food is absolutely essential to health. For…
  • HW: 300+ CW: 194 GW: 145 Lightest: 115 Height is 5' 4"
  • I went to the gym last week and there, right next to the box of clipboards, box of pencils, and files of member's logs, there was one of those huge jars of red licorice. I love that stuff, but I ignored it when I got my log and ignored it again when I returned it. If this happens again (a couple of weeks ago is was a sheet…
  • I saw this on a sign and I think there's some truth in it. It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. Give it 12 weeks. Don't quit.
  • I gave up Diet Coke when I joined MFP. I now drink just water. I did it not just for health concerns, but because of the price. Also, my husband, who was the one who had to return all the cans, is happy no longer to have that chore.
  • I have diabetes and, after being miserable for a few months depriving myself of all the food I love, I realized I can eat ANYTHING if I plan for it and watch my portions. It works the same for weight loss.
  • Five months for first husband. I was widowed less than a year later. Three and a half-years for second husband and we've been married almost 33 years. Now one of my sons started dating his sweetheart in high school and took 10 years before proposing. They were married last summer.
  • I hoping that works for me, but I've had high blood pressure since I was in my 20s and I was at normal weight and exercised then. Both my parents had high blood pressure so I'm guessing it's a heriditary problem. My blood sugar levels are better however.
  • 10/1 197.2 (SW) 10/8 195.8 (-1.4) 10/31 GW: 191 FGW: 145
  • 30 minutes on stationary bike 60 minutes 3mph walk
  • Never, never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill
  • I'm now 62 and I've lost over 100 pounds since I was 56. Take a look at the photos in my profile. There's one where I was over 300 pounds. I don't know how much over, because I refused to be weighed after that point. I was 56 then. Best of luck to your friend!
  • I am over 60 and did get the vaccine. My MIL had shingles. It was very painful, she almost lost her sight, and the medicine the doctor gave her for it had serious and permanent side effects. The downside is that the site where I got the injection hurt for a week and it was expensive and not covered by our medical…
  • The gym I go to is for people over 50, so no strippers. However, there are some ladies who go who dress up, wear dangly earrings, look like they've just had their hair done and wear a lot of make up and too much perfume. I think they are widows looking for husbands as they spend most of their time socializing with the…
  • I remove the old one and add the new one in its place. :-) Oops! Didn't see the part about wanting to log in the times. I would make a note of it in the "exercise notes".
  • Okay, I'll admit to a shallow reason. My main reason is for my health, BUT I also want to see the look on my sister-in-law's face when she sees that I'm thinner than she is. :devil: And it has nothing to do with age. Both of us are 62. :bigsmile:
  • My knees can't take running. I use a recumbent stationary bike for 30 minutes a day and walk 30-90 minutes a day. Running is not necessary to lose weight!