How long does it take to notice a difference?



  • perpetuallyengaged
    perpetuallyengaged Posts: 13 Member
    i read somewhere, maybe even this site, that you have to think of it as a roll of paper towels. if you remove one everyday, after a week or two you don't see a change, but if you keep going in a month, there is a noticeable difference. that was not nearly as well stated as i read it, but this is a pre coffee check in for me!
  • fstephanie4
    fstephanie4 Posts: 196 Member
    Different people see differences at a range of times.
    I lost 3lbs in my first week but I've now slowed to +/-0.2lbs.
    You might not lose much in the first week but these things take time so don't be disheartened if you don't see a change!

    Also, a lot of people say (and I agree) that we reach our body goal before our weight goal. So...I still have a good stone to lose but I am almost at the point where I am happy with how I look :drinker:

    Hope that helps :happy:

    Good luck!!!
  • shanni30
    shanni30 Posts: 8 Member
    I noticed a difference in my pants after 1 week. They just don't feel super tight and I don't feel bloated in them.
    When I've lost significant weight before people noticed once I had lost 2 pant sizes and was wearing the new size. For me that was around 30 lbs.
  • warsenic
    I've lost 10+/- pounds since August, and I started MFP this October, and I don't really see a difference in the areas I would have liked, however I noticed my legs looking muscular in the mirror. I haven't gotten my stomach down, but that's normal.

    I guess it all depends on your body comp, and if you're looking in the right areas.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I noticed differences in my health in a month. I went from struggling to run one minute to running over a mile, and that was amazing to me.

    I started really feeling thinner after about three months. At that point, I was down about 15 pounds and my clothes were getting loose enough to notice.

    At first, I was only wearing my most forgiving clothes... the stretchy jeans, the baggy sweaters. After losing 5-10 pounds, I was wearing my normal clothes that I hadn't realized I was avoiding. By 15 pounds, the normal clothes were getting too big.
  • Sara45431
    Sara45431 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks to everyone for their wonderful advise. I have been very honest with my food diary and exercise log. I already cut regular soda and have been drinking Coke Zero since Tuesday. I know one thing I need to start doing is drinking water. My goal for today is to start drinking more water. I know I will not be able to cut the Coke Zero completely because I will get a horrible headache from lack of caffeine. I see from everyone's posting that it really varies on when each individual sees a difference so I know just to be patient and it will show when it's time. Thanks!
  • SweetMe1
    SweetMe1 Posts: 73 Member
    I saw this on a sign and I think there's some truth in it.

    It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. Give it 12 weeks. Don't quit.
  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    I have not lost great amounts of weight at a time but the inches have surely flown off. I lost 10 lbs on my own before joining MFP. So now I am nearly to 69 lbs lost. Who would have thought it? This is a great tool if you are honest about what you're eating, and drink water! I find that my weight drops a little better when I am drinking 10 to 12- 8 ounce glasses of water a day at least. I joined mid-February and I couldn't be happier with my success, so just hang in there...I promise you it will happen! Feel free to add me if you need some encouragement. My diary is open, not saying I am the cleanest eater, but I try. :smile:
  • Susanthecatwhisperer
    I started MFP in May. I didn't really do anything but log in my food. I ate less snacks because I didn't want to log it in later. A couple months ago, I started paying attention to the calories, and TRYING to follow them. I'd weigh in, and see the numbers go down, but never FELT different. I think it was last month, when I noticed my watch band on a smaller hole, my pants fell off if I didn't wear a belt. (I'm in scrub pants at work all week, it's hard to notice changes with a drawstring waistband). I'm realizing that I have lots of energy. I feel different. (Finally.)
    I'm now just about halfway to my goal weight. I bought a new pair of jeans at Goodwill. I wonder how long it will be before these need a belt to keep them on me? It's getting easier. :)
    Good luck!!
    Friend me if you want a bit more support. :)
  • 1verylovedmom
    1verylovedmom Posts: 2 Member
    Hang in there. It will come off. Be patient. I hope you don't mind me sharing my personal experience. I have a lot of weight to lose and I became fixated on the scale. I was working out and eating right and the scale barely budged. Then I caught 2 back to back colds which ended with a horrible sinus infection and I couldn't work out. I got so discouraged and I went into a pretty bad depression for about 3 months. For the me the scale and others not noticing the weight I lost just stressed me out and made me miserable. I figured I had so much to lose it would fall of and I would see "Biggest Loser Results" or something.

    I have dusted myself off and decided to give it a go again. I started working out again this week and in less the 5 days I can see a difference in endurance and what I am able to lift. It sounds silly but my skin feels and looks better. So for me personal I am going to TRY to focus on the positive differences that I notice and not depend so much on the scale etc to tell me how I am doing. If I am eating right and exercising it is going to come off and eventually I will notice and so will everyone else.
  • mhoward685
    mhoward685 Posts: 129 Member
    You will notice before other people do. They will notice at about 12 weeks depending on what you put into it and what you have to remove. As others said take pictures and measurements DO NOT RELY ON THE SCALE!
  • brenda4life
    brenda4life Posts: 65 Member
    Hang in there. It will come off. Be patient. I hope you don't mind me sharing my personal experience. I have a lot of weight to lose and I became fixated on the scale. I was working out and eating right and the scale barely budged. Then I caught 2 back to back colds which ended with a horrible sinus infection and I couldn't work out. I got so discouraged and I went into a pretty bad depression for about 3 months. For the me the scale and others not noticing the weight I lost just stressed me out and made me miserable. I figured I had so much to lose it would fall of and I would see "Biggest Loser Results" or something.

    I have dusted myself off and decided to give it a go again. I started working out again this week and in less the 5 days I can see a difference in endurance and what I am able to lift. It sounds silly but my skin feels and looks better. So for me personal I am going to TRY to focus on the positive differences that I notice and not depend so much on the scale etc to tell me how I am doing. If I am eating right and exercising it is going to come off and eventually I will notice and so will everyone else.

    What a positive attitude. And you are absolutely right. First comes the feeling better - the energy I have now is so much more than I used to have not to mention I am happier now. Then comes the skin and hair - now looking great because I am eating healthier. Finally, I didn't noticed much change for so long, then finally today I realized my new jeans are loose! Keep that attitude - it is a journey not a race.
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    I just started my exercise and diet journey 3 days ago and I was just wondering how long does it take to start loosing weight? I am afraid even with the changes I am making that I won't loose weight.

    4 weeks for you to see it
    8 weeks for your family to see it
    12 weeks for the world to see it
  • marie_25m
    marie_25m Posts: 64 Member
    After week...not a lot of change with weight loss but I see the difference in my body and how the clothes fitted
  • 18ishunter
    18ishunter Posts: 15 Member
    I have been using mfp for 2 weeks I lost 2 inches in waist 3 in arm flab, thigh and ankles 1 in hips and neck. I am definatly going to look awsome for my consert
  • 18ishunter
    18ishunter Posts: 15 Member
    I just started my exercise and diet journey 3 days ago and I was just wondering how long does it take to start loosing weight? I am afraid even with the changes I am making that I won't loose weight.

    4 weeks for you to see it
    8 weeks for your family to see it
    12 weeks for the world to see it

    1 week to feel it
  • beachinit_beers
    beachinit_beers Posts: 5 Member
    I have been working out 4x week, eating about 1300 calories a day. I have not lost a pound. I am getting very discouraged. Help!!!
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    It all depends on the body, of course, but longer than 3 days =)
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
  • maund5565
    takes about 2 weeks to start,reduce your calories to 1200 a day,and do some exercise.and you will loose weight,good luck