

  • My 30 Day Shred journey has come to a (triumphant) end. I lost 13 pounds, 4.5 inches from around my waist, and inch off each thigh. Plus, I'm stronger and I feel better. The best part for me though is that I started something and actually finished. I plan to still incorporate the Shred in my regular workout. I won't be…
  • Happy 100th! I'm sorry for your pain and I definitely sympathize. In the past it seemed like whenenver I was on a roll losing weight, I would get sick. (Knock on wood, so far so good this time). I know how frustrating it can be but I am SO PROUD OF YOU for taking the attitude that this obstacle will not be a setback. Hope…
  • Happy 100th! I'm sorry for your pain and I definitely sympathize. In the past it seemed like whenenver I was on a roll losing weight, I would get sick. (Knock on wood, so far so good this time). I know how frustrating it can be but I am SO PROUD
  • Ditto. I love the iMapMyRUN app.
    in GPS App Comment by ddboone August 2011
  • I think it depends on your fitness level. If you haven't worked out in a while, you may want to do one in the morning and one in the afternoon/evening so you don't cheat yourself on either workout. But if you work out regularly you should be fine.
    in 30ds Comment by ddboone August 2011
  • I'm in. My goal for the month is 100 miles.
  • My puppy's name is Calliope (4 mos) and she is a Cocker Spaniel/Labrador Retriever mix. I call her Callie, Cali Swag, Pia, Miss P, Fluffy, Fluffers, Fluffeupagus, Puppy Little, and Puppy Lovin. It's a wonder she knows what her name is!
  • Terrific job! I'm about to start the C25K program. I've walked/jogged a few before but it's my goal to run one non-stop.
  • I am on L3D5 of the 30DS and I usually walk for 30-45 minutes before just to get my muscles loose and warm (and walk the dog). I've also incorporated dance, yoga and pilates into my workouts.
  • Hi and welcome! I joined a while back too and just started using it regularly for the past month. It's been very helpful in keeping me on track - I hope it does the same for you.
    in New here Comment by ddboone August 2011
  • My advice would be to keep it out of the house, especially if you are addicted. Have it as a special treat once in a while, order the smallest size you can get - don't be afraid to ask for a kid's portion - and savor every mouthful. Remind yourself that there are plenty of treats you can have that are good for you and have…
  • I started on Monday and thought I wouldn't be able to walk after Day 2. I feel much better today though, just a little "I did something new" soreness so we'll see what happens with Day 3 tonight. I'm hoping this really jump starts my weight loss. Feel free to add me as a friend so we can inspire each other.