

  • This is such a relative question. I haven't lost any weight in almost 2 months but I've been doing a lot of strength training and toning up. I have had more comments on how I've slimmed down in the past 2 months then during the time it took me to lose almost 20lbs.
  • You may need to focus on more strength training. If you can build up more muscle, they'll be burning calories double time when you run and do belly-dancing!
  • eww. i mean i love avocado, but in what way does that substitute for pb&j?? need to have the yummy peanut butter mixed wiht fruity jelly for crissakes! :noway:
  • After reading your message, I was like really?! are you serious? but then i looked at your diary and I actually think you're doing just fine. I know its important to eat back your calories, but if you exercised off 1500 calories in a day, I don't think you need to be eating back all that unless you're Michael Phelps…
  • Yes you will. You need to eat more calories to fuel your exercise. i had trouble believing this too when I joined but everyone agreed you need to up your calorie intake to make up for calories burned during exercise so I listened to them and its working.
  • Sure, I completely agree. But that is just insulting our country and the progress we have made during all of our lifetimes as a whole.
  • who are these morons who say obama??? you must be living under a rock if you never "got" why people thought it was great he was president. even if you don't like the job he is now doing, you're freaking nuts to not realize or appreciate what it has meant to this country to have a black president.
  • god yes! what is the big deal?? i barely even sweat.
  • ewww and bananas!!! i have never liked them (though i do like banana nut bread). i cannot stand the texture. its like baby food in a peel. come on, fruit is supposed to be crisp and juicy!!
  • i agree, eww, it tastes like bile. oh and: tom hanks robin williams irish music football whiskey
  • I have gone out drinking a few times and don't let myself feel guilty by doing the following- figure out how many calories are going to be in the drinks you will have. a light beer is about 100 calories, so is about any type of straight up alcohol. just do a little research, work out earlier in the day and just keep…
  • yes. a pound a week is perfectly normal. but also if you're way under your calories, you should up them. not that you have to eat more, maybe something at a higher calorie count. always baffles me how people have trouble eating 1500ish calories, we all got overweight by eating much more than that. you can do it : )
  • yay! that's awesome. keep up the good work.
  • and actually its always better to go for the real deal vs. weird chemicals.
  • nope. a colorie is a calorie. if you're already counting it you're fine.
  • love when that happens :)
  • i have a big problem snacking non-stop from dinner to bedtime, my therapist (who also specializes in eating disorders) suggested to have a cup of tea after dinner (or obviously any meal) to kind of tell myself, i am now done eating and to walk away. i then nt alllowed to eat anything for 1-2 hours, then 1 snack. If you set…
  • Ugh, I feel for you. I had it bad for a couple years. I got a boot from my podiatrist that I was supposed to sleep with every night. It was really uncomfortable and annoying but it definitely helped. You have to work on stretching your calves. A couple other tricks to do: stand with your toes on a step and lift your heels…
  • Wow, you look great! Don't beat yourself up about a little bump...look at your waist!!!
  • just wait til you're at 1230 like me! its a joke. i have to go to the gym everyday just so i can earn enough calories back to eat dinner!
  • I have felt the same exact way! I watch that show Intervention a lot, about people struggling with different addictions and I have often felt that the way I think about food is the same way a crack head feels about crack! Even while I'd be eating, I'd just be thinking about what I was going to eat next and what time I…
  • are you also adding in the calories you've burned? could be muscle gained, but I'd think that for over a month you'd have lost more than gained. don't know.
    in Help! Comment by amycrims January 2011
  • you can also use them the next day
  • Thanks, all great points. The one thing I cannot wrap my head around is this idea of drinking half your body weight in water every day!? I thought it was 8 glasses or 64oz a day. I can barely get there without having to wear an adult diaper. Can you please show where this advice comes from? It just really seems a bit…
  • That's a hard one. I use the count on my machine. But I'm interested to see what other say. How do I do that bump thing?
  • oh and diet soda! i know its not the best for you and i never used to drink it- but it makes me feel full, so its my little trick and a treat :)
  • i think if you work on exercising more, you'll have more calories to eat. Also try filling yourself up on veggies and water. In my first week or 2 I felt like I was starving and I had hurt my back so I couldn't do much exercise. I ate green beans by the can-full to keep my hunger under control. though its true, the less…
  • some of that stuff is like speed. be careful. revs up your metabolism but then you can't sleep either. usually really horrendous side effects.
  • me too!!
  • Ah the best feeling! That happened to be too recently and then I went ahead and threw out my fat jeans- I never EVER want to wear them again.