How do you handle a night out (drinking)

I have my husbands birthday party coming up that I am hosting and I plan to have a few drinks. My question is when you are going out and are planning to have a few drinks say at a party or the bar, do you record every drink or do you just enjoy the night and start fresh the next day? I know I will be able to measure out my drinks but I dont want to spend the entire night on my phone recording every one. It will be the first time I've drank more then 4 drinks total in a night (that only happened once and I recorded all those). My husband says to just measure every drink but dont record it. What would you do?

P.S. I plan to make low calorie munchies also but what I eat I will record.


  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    I would probably log every one I had in the morning. lol I haven't drank since August though so I can't be of any real help! :)
  • skinnyb450
    I would record everything - there are heaps of calories in alcohol - it will still add to your daily intake - just exercise more (before and after) to counter act the extra calories - but most of all - Enjoy yourself - you have to live a little too :):drinker:
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    I would definitely count your drinks and plan to counteract them to the best of your ability - through exercise or eating/not eating the proper foods. Personally, I have decided that the next time I drink, I will consider the few drinks one of my "meals" and I may throw an extra workout in that day. I tailspin too easily when I goof, so I really have to strategize these things. :)
  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    Im about to face the same situation today........ Birthday BBQ at a mates place then a Football (Soccer) match tonight. Being an expat Brit in Australia,me and many 'associates' will converge on a pub and drink pint after pint of lager.

    I'm simply going to go into the day knowing I'll have to work hard this week. I'm not going to let the worry of it get on top of me.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    These days, when I have a few drinks, I work my tail off beforehand to earn some extra calories. Then, when I am out, I only drink bottled beer so I KNOW exactly how much I am getting. I don't know if you're a beer drinker or not, but that's what's worked for me.
  • Phoenyxtears
    I gave up after my first 6 drinks at a friends 21st birthday because every place is different and you'll be on your phone a looooooot. I just enjoyed it and started over.
  • amycrims
    I have gone out drinking a few times and don't let myself feel guilty by doing the following- figure out how many calories are going to be in the drinks you will have. a light beer is about 100 calories, so is about any type of straight up alcohol. just do a little research, work out earlier in the day and just keep yourself reminded how many calories you have left to spend. you can write it down in the morning or not at all- as long as you are aware of your calorie count.

    ps. since doing MFP and eating smaller meals i have found i definitely cannot drink like i used to! be careful and have fun : )
  • dancinblonde0099
    dancinblonde0099 Posts: 118 Member
    I normally exercise before I drink that way I have the extra calories. But don't sit on your phone and record them all, record them in the morning or when you get home! Good LUck!!
  • aschultz9
    Just go out and have a good time..start fresh the next day.
  • Montifa1
    I would just keep track of things and log it the best you can the next day. You are allowed a night out here and there! Another yummy low calorie drink idea is bacardi and diet coke with lime. Its around 100 calories. Also now they sell a cherry flavored bacardi, when you mix it with diet coke its like having a cherry coke! Have fun! :drinker:
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Well the last time I drank, beofre going out I had planned my whole day and night! I did 2 sessions of shred and one of turbo jam and only ate 550 calories before leaving the house. Most of the calories where from protein and beans (they keep me fuller longer and are slow digested). I knew what I was going to eat at the restaurant and put the calories in. I drank rum and diet coke instead of beer (I am, was I guess, a huge beer drinker...). But I ordered my drinks with more soda, I ordered them in the big cup instead so they would last longer. I also drank water between the drinks, The lasted longer. Oh and before ordering my first drink I drank one water. After everything was set and done I consummed 1700 calories what was awesome! I posted everything before. Make sure to drink a lot of water to filter the alcohol. Alcohol interferes with the body abilities to burn fat....
    Enjoy your party!!!
  • stealthycat
    I haven't had to handle it, but my plan is to just enjoy the night out and then start over. I think it's okay to splurge as long as it's only for an occasion and not your lifestyle. If you are on a good track of taking care of yourself, you can afford one night of not worrying and honestly your body is not going to gain a bunch of weight simply because of one night. Your body kind of settles into habits and routines. If you have some extra calories because of some drinks one night out of a few months, I think your body quite honestly flushes them out. No data to prove that, I just think that it's a lifestyle of it that packs the weight on BUT you have to be ever aware of that little voice that tries to creep in and tell you that you're not doing that. ;) LOL.
  • ahayter82
    Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I have been on MFP since Jan 5th and I have never gone over on calories (1200 +calories burned) so really I havent had a day over. I normally have a hard time even hitting 1200 calories a day. I plan to workout that day and the next just like I have everyday. I am going to try and not drink to much but I also dont want to not be able to enjoy the night because I'm so worried about how many calories I'm drinking. I drink eiter Admiral Nelson (69 cal) or Cherry Vodka (69 cal) and either reg or cherry coke zero. So each drink is only 69 calories. I think I'm going to just eat smaller meals throughout the day. Maybe workout an extra half an hour that day and the next (I'll be on lv3 of the shred and I walk 2 miles a day) and just try and keep count and record them the next day. That way I can still enjoy myself. Thankx again for the help.
  • angrabb
    I went out last night for my birthday and surprisingly found an ENTIRE LIST of 100 calorie drinks on the drink menu. Instead of juices as mixers they were using just fresh squeezed lemon... They were very tasty. Also, Rum and Diet Coke only has around 60-70 calories in it. Measure out, but you could always just get back on track the next day!
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    I was out Friday night for a mates party and although we did drink a lot i think the dancing made up for it. It's Sunday and my legs are still aching! ps. could also be the heels
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Sounds like you have some good drink choices planned. Have a great time and log everything in the morning : )
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    For me it depends on the occasion. If I am going to someones house or out somewhere and I know I'm having 2-3 drinks and can record them I will and try to eat well also.

    However if it's one of those times where I hope to drink as much as possible and If I remember the night before it's a bonus I just call start fresh the next day. LOL