calorie intake

Should my intake of calories be lowering already? Ive just started my 3rd week here and when i joined i was on 1620 a day now in on 1570,is this normal?:ohwell:


  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    8 lbs. would burn around 75 calories, so as you lose weight your calorie intake will continue to decrease. Good job on 8 pounds.
  • amycrims
    just wait til you're at 1230 like me! its a joke. i have to go to the gym everyday just so i can earn enough calories back to eat dinner!
  • 5913540
    5913540 Posts: 21 Member
    So i am pretty new at this --when i log my weight loss will he then automatically change the calories i can intake as needed?