kf4vkp Member


  • I'm under the impression from reading what she wrote that they had already moved their items, just showed up 2 days before the end of the lease to clean, and the painters had come and gone, meaning she wasn't there when they were.
  • Yep, and my Dentist office that is there is called Cumming Dental Associates... which makes going to the dentist funny instead of looming...
  • Ask her what she wants to do....we asked my stepdaughter if there were anything she had wanted to do but thought too expensive. She choose to have the family and some cousins all go to the GA Aquarium for the day.
  • This... And you madam are my hero.
  • I also like "I wanna know" by the Dereck Trucks Band and "Leave me Alone, I'm Lonely" by Pink
  • Or who spells detects "detex"
  • oooh... I wonder if I can remember my password..
    in Neopets Comment by kf4vkp July 2013
  • I'll hold you!
  • You can add me if you like.... I mean your deadline for 199 is my birthday, so it seems like we shoudl be friends....
  • I think people ask for the registery because they want to get you something but don't know what you need/want/would go with what you already have. If I were you, I'd do a dream kitchen list (with all the things in the kitchen that I lust after but can't always justify buying myself), a honey fund, and maybe a redecorating…
  • Will be watching tonight... can't wait. (Didn't read your post to avoid spoilers....but will comment later)
  • Darkness Falls. I hated that movie...
  • yep! You're kind of awesome!
  • I agree with jmoliveson about taking your Asperger's out of your profile. When you start talking to someone, tell them early on, and talk about some of the ways that it might affect your relationship should things move forward, but the profile is supposed to be your best foot forward. We know going in that everyone has…
  • Maybe I'm the creepy one.... I am there to change, shower, etc.... and that requires being naked at different points. Also, I tend to just wrap in a towel in the sauna and steam rooms....why expose my swimsuit to those temps...
  • The hair dryer thing.... drying your parts completely before putting clothes on can prevent jock itch, and other skin issues that people can get from going to the gym.
  • Does your gym not have a family changing room? Mine does, and usually used by familys with mixed gender children with them, but a girl in a woman's locker room is going to end up seeing women nude. Because people are there to shower, change, etc. Maybe she forgot a towel when she headed to the showers...maybe it fell and…
  • A friend had me cover for her. I insisted that the lie have some truth to it, so I wasn't stuck in a complete lie if asked, we would have coffee or something and catch up before she met this other person. It was also a safety thing for me for my friend, if the guy knew I knew she was leaving with him, I thought he would at…
    in Cheating... Comment by kf4vkp June 2013
  • Starbucks will remake any drink for free if it's not done right the first time. If you notice before you leave, definitely tell them. And if you call the manager and make it to just inform them and suggest orders being repeated back to you, they will likely offer a free one next time you're in anyway. I always taste and…
  • I have and would go with. Or if it's a guys night, tell him have fun, but not too much, just enough to take it out on me when he got home. And a budget if we're married, enough to have fun, not so much that it keeps us from havign any fun together until we get paid again. I think that some of the people who are…
  • When I was married, it was joint account that all money went into, bills, gas and groceries were accounted for and remainder was either split for fun money, or saved for something we both wanted... we discussed our money. If it was split and one of us wanted to save our fun money, we had separate accounts that could go…
  • Bumping so I can come back later... Also, my bad dates are all cataloged here.... www.datingisdangerous.com, I'll cross post some later.
  • bumping so I can shop when I get home.
  • Most of the time when I see these discussions, people assume that non-monogamy automatically means cheating. It doesn't. It might not be your choice to live that way but there are many happy polyamory couples who make non-monogamy work for them...
  • What are brothel creeper shoes?
  • I personally hated the Have a happy Period campaign. I'm not homicidal, but with cramps that can put me in bed for days (and I walked around in China on a broken leg with just motrin, so I've got a high pain tolerance) the "Have a happy period." slogan was irritating. I'm not *****y, but when not medicated for the cramps,…
  • Buy a baguette (yes, I know, bread is evil or something), then experience the joy of walking through the neighborhoods, eating it as you walk. I walked through all the little neighborhoods, and shopped at the local grocery or bakery when I got hungry.... so much better than tourist paris.
  • The only MFP'ers on my Facebook were on my Facebook before they were on my MFP.
    in Facebook Comment by kf4vkp June 2013
  • First text or email him. Tell him you aren't interested in reconciling. You aren't interested in being friends. You aren't interested in him. You acknowledge you still owe him X (what ever your balance is by your records) of dollars. Ask if he disputes the amount. If he does, ask him to name the amount he thinks you owe.…
  • Agreed! the app has a suggestion box, though I forget where, some where in settings I think. If enough of us put that, maybe they will add it.