pegesam Member


  • It's OK. Just move forward. I too have a hard time with chocolate-- I found Extra gum -- Chocolate chip mint. 5 calories a stick and the flavor lasts long enough for me to get the fix in... The other thing that has worked for me-- I've changed my love for chocolate to all things sour. My favorites are sour patch kids…
  • Oh wow... your note brings tears to my eyes. I lost my mom to morbid obesity 4 years ago. My mom, like yours was one of those 700 calories a day in junk food at nite when she couldn't sleep. My mom had "indigestion" for four days-- which was really a heart attack, but no one around her knew the signs of a heart attack in…
  • create a visual -- How much weight do you want to lose? How many 5 pound chubs of ground meat in the market is that? Do you want that on your gut, you butt, your chest, your back, the chicken wings (triceps), your neck jowls? 3500 calories is one pound. So how many calories will fix your need? And how will that look on…
  • To each his own opinion -- and your probably going to get a lot of different opinions on this topic. I'm not a fan of detox and or cleansing regimens. If you want to detox, then change your diet, push the fluids (preferably water) and you'll be detoxed probably by the end of day 1. Cravings (in my opinion) aren't a result…
  • Depends on the workout.... If its the Tues/Thurs 10 K Nite at the gym-- peanut butter and jelly on udi's flax bread. When I get to the house, its more carbs. If its Mon, Wed, Friday lifting weights, its protein shake --preferably whey protein or whey/soy proteind shake...
  • There's a lot of psychosis that go along with weight loss. What's going on? Are you stressed at work (I am, so I'm trolling my fitness pal), bored, tired, bummed out over breakfast? Deadlines (yep, one of those too, so again, here I am). Are you thirsty? In other words, look at everything that could trigger munchies and…
  • This is an absolute blast of a 5K run/challenge course.... There's been comments to go to the Warrior Dash site and see what they recommend, but a client and I did this in the weeks up to the Warrior Dash in Conroe. I'm a trainer at a gym, so I have access to machines. If not machines, go to a kid's play park Upper body is…
  • You are right. Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat-- but it takes less room to occupy space as someone has posted. What's happening to you could be what's known as "converting". Converting fat tissues to muscle tissues-- which is going to cause you to "shrink" but no necessarily loose any pounds on the scale. Since we have…
  • I use a lont of these same exercises while at the gym. The key to remember is that your abs need strengthening also as they help support the spine as well. Remember to warm up, stretch, exercise then stretch again.
  • It doesn't seem like you are getting enough protein. I don't know about you, but looking that you snack and eat the same things almost daily, you may be getting tired of the food /meal options. One of my faviorite cookbooks is published by Men's Fitness. Its a series-- " Cook this, not that!" and "Eat this, not that"-- you…
  • When my mom died from a massive coronary and her only risk factor was obesity. I realize it sounds harsh, but that was when I made the 12 inch move from my head to my heart. I realized at 42 that if always looked as this as "dieting" that I could always begin again on "Monday" then I too would be dead at 67 years of age. I…
  • Diet drinks have a host of issues while dieting, the biggest tho being the one part calcium that's needed to flush the carbonation. Not such a big deal if you are 17 18 years old, but as we age, the structure of our bones weakens. I am not a fan of water either, but drinking with sliced lemon, oranges, Crystal Light helped…
  • Change your diet a bit. I didn't go check it out, but, belly fat will go away with lotsa cardio (which you are getting obviously). So, really look at what you are eating. If you are a triathlete, then you may be eating carbs so you can get thru that century bike ride last Thursday. Also, with all the sweat your doing, look…
  • Make your own corn chips Slice them into 6ths with a pizza cutter. Spray with nonstick, spread on a cookie sheet. Bake in 350 til crispy. Eat with hot sauce or make nachos. sometimes, I'll sprinkle a bit of chili powder over before baking. Just depends on my mood
  • This one takes a bit more work, but its what I do on Sundays as I'm preparing dinner. Breakfast of a champion! poached egg whites (i used a non stick 4 egg poacher, immersed in a skillet of water to make it easy). I use cartoned whipping whites to make it even easier. Salt pepper to taste canadian bacon (you can cook…
  • It really just depends on what I'm doing and what my reasons are for doing that particular cardio exercise. I'm trying to lose weight, so its important for me to keep my heart rate at a lower rate (220-age @ 65%). When I'm doing this, I keep my heart rate right at 118-125. Having said that, I participate in endurance sport…