How do you spend your 2000 calories daily? I need examples.

I must be doing something wrong or I am just a hungry person. Please see my food diary.
Any filling low calorie meal ideas are welcome. Thanks for any help. I need it.


  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    You need more lean protein... it keeps you fuller, longer. Also, you're doing great on the fruits, but where are the veggies and whole grains?
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    You aren't getting NEARLY enough protein!! Increase your protein and eat more fiber, whole grains and stuff like that; that should help you feel fuller. As a rule, I shoot for 25-30% of my calories coming from protein. That's up around 100g of protein at least.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Take your 2000 calories and divide it by how many times you eat a day! I eat around 1200 calories and 6 times a day so each meal i eat about 200 calories. So if your eating 2000 and 5 times a day each meal would be about 400 calories! Hope this helps.... You can also make your meals a little higher in calories and your snacks lower... Also adding more protein will help you feel full longer! Try eating some more meats or nuts
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    You still have 600 calories left.... so... eat up!! Get a bowl of cereal, some peanut butter crackers, some bean salad. I eat every bit of my calories, and you should!
  • TeaRex268
    TeaRex268 Posts: 18 Member
    I think your main meals need more calories, you seem to be snacking alot.

    Eat more protein, as it's scientifically proved to keep you fuller for longer.

    Spread your meals out through the day, so that when you start to feel hungry you can put off eating until X o'clock, because something is planned for then, there is no need to eat the moment you feel hungry.

    Also, make sure you are drinking enough water. Sometimes thirst shows itself as hunger.

    Hope this helps.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I agree with the people who are saying you aren't getting enough protein, veggies, and whole grains.

    Protein will help you lose weight. So will the fiber in whole grains and veggies. These things are very important when you are on a weight loss program. These foods also keep you full, help with digestion, build muscle, keep your blood sugars balanced, etc.

    If you aren't looking to lose weight (i.e. if you are maintaining) then you could focus on foods that are more calorie dense. Peanut butter, meats, beans, bread, higher fat dairy, etc.

    Quinoa is one of my favorite new foods. It is a protein AND a grain and is amazingly versatile. I use it instead of rice frequently.
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 614 Member
    I agree with the protein thing I try my best to bet between 95-110 g a day. It's not easy but its 1 more thing we have to do. Also Greek Yogurt is a nice snack for me. Its 130 calories with 11 g of protein. Good luck
  • pegesam
    pegesam Posts: 16 Member
    It doesn't seem like you are getting enough protein. I don't know about you, but looking that you snack and eat the same things almost daily, you may be getting tired of the food /meal options.
    One of my faviorite cookbooks is published by Men's Fitness. Its a series-- " Cook this, not that!" and "Eat this, not that"-- you get the idea. There's 4 books in the series and most meals can be prepared in 30-45 minutes and even less. The recipes aren't complicated -- my 20 year old son pretty much fixed everything we eat from it.
    The other thing is the exercise. If you are lifting and lifting heavy every time, your gonna need that protein to repair those muscles that you've torn down by lifting. You can and should have another snack after working out.
    Find a lo carb, hi protein lo sugar recovery drink. There's tons out there from Muscle Milk, to EA to Gainer, etc. Just watch the sugar content.
    Complex carbs-- carbs that take a while for you to digest will be a good source. Brown rice, pumpernicel bread, rye, 7 grain breads are great for sandwhiches. Instead of one egg, have 2 and if you can add egg whites (either carton or the egg white themselves).
    Edamame is a great high protein snack. Buy the pods frozen, put in a nuke safe container. Cook, sprinkle with sea salt and lemon juice and munch away (but don't eat the pod part-- just the bean)
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    I think people are only looking at your diary for today, because after going over the last week you seem to be doing well with protein.

    Some things you might try to help with the hunger issue are:

    1. When having a carb as a snack, pair a protein with it. Ex: You seem to like bananas and apples so pair something like peanut butter or cheese cubes with it. This keeps the blood sugar more stable and will help keep hunger at bay a bit.

    2. Are you getting plenty of fluids? Hunger is often a symptom of dehydration so make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day.

    You also asked for meal ideas. Do you like fish? Try added fish as an evening meal during the week. Fatty fish such as wild caught salmon or tuna are GREAT as they are a great source of omega 3s (healthy fats). Low-sodium tuna is a great idea for lunch as well!

    If I come up with something else, I'll come back. But I think you're doing great! Your protein IS low for today though. :)
  • allegoriedesoie
    check this website out. I used it to get me a breakdown of what I needed to eat!
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    My favorite cookbook is Ellie Kreiger's (she's a registered dietitian with a show on Food Network called "Healthy Appetite") award-winning cookbook called, "The Food You Crave." She has some awesome meal ideas and her recipes are very healthy. She even gives nutritional tips!

    Best wishes to you on your journey! :)
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Eat More Vegetables.