Why isn't the fat leaving?

Ok, so as a standard man, I need about 2,500 calories to stay alive per day assuming I do no exercise (sedentary). So over the course of the last 6 days I needed roughly 15,000 calories to stay alive. I would assume if I consumed less than 2,500 calories a day, my body would make up for the calorie deficiency by burning fat??

However, I don't lead a sedentary lifestyle and over the past 6 days I have burned about 16,000 calories additional calories through exercising. That means my body has used about 15,000 + 16,000 = 31,000 calories over the past 6 days.

I promise you that I haven’t eaten 31,000 calories (but wouldn’t that be nice) over the past 6 days. I think eating 31,000 calories would take some diligent planning and commitment. Yesterday, my diary was accurate – 1,710 calories. That is about how many I eat every day. 10,000 - 17,500 calories through exercise is normal for me per week.

So, I have been at this now for a little over 3 months but I am not really losing weight nor is my belly fat going away. What’s wrong with my equation? What can I do differently?

Wed: 2,950 (49.19 Miles biking, http://connect.garmin.com/activity/62297452 )
Thur: 6,536 ( 112.26 Mile biking, http://connect.garmin.com/activity/62294761 )
Fri: 420 ( Pool Swimming )
Sat: 1,659 ( 26.86 Mile biking ,http://connect.garmin.com/activity/62526271 )
Sun: 500 Cal (Hiking)
Mon: 3,885 ( 61.20 Miles Biking, http://connect.garmin.com/activity/62933479 )

Total: 15,950


  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I don't see any weight training listed. Seems like you are doin enough cardio. I would add in some weight training to see if that helps.
  • Dtermined89
    weight training adds muscle which will increase your weight or in the lease result in no weight loss. the true determinant would be a body fat test. Also how accurate are your "calories burned numbers"...if they are over estimated as I've noticed happens sometimes on MFP, you may be eating too many calories thinking that you are making up for calories burned that really weren't. Other than that it may also be related to diet..are you eating somewhat healthy because i know sodium can cause belly bloat in excess...hope that helps

    edit: I just looked at the last part of your post...if those exercise numbers are correct then i retract what I said...you might not be eating enough! if your biking over 50 miles and only eating 1700 calories thats not nearly enough
  • cakenpaint
    are you taking in enough protein with those calories? protein helps keep you full, but also helps burn fat off your muscles.
    If you want I can do a wellness evaluation and give you the information. Just email me at cakenpaint@comcast.net:smile:
  • fannyanntut
    fannyanntut Posts: 39 Member
    I have a long way to go myself but I would monitor your Carb intake, and combine both daily Cardio and a few times a week some resistance/weight training. Almost all days I stay within my calorie range but on the days my calories are taken up with mainly Carbs I don't loose.
    Too many Carbs plus high BMI can leads to Insulin Resistance which affects the metabolism and absorbtion amongst other things. Plus lean Proteins keep us fuller for longer...double bonus I say!
    Stick with it hun, it'll happen
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I'd recommend you read this thread (and you can find more info by using search for "eating exercise cals")


    It sounds as though you may be going under on your cals too much.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Are you using this site correctly? Have you set up all your information the right way so it gives you a daily calorie goal that calculates a calorie deficit? Are you meeting that goal every day or are you significantly under it? Are you eating your exercise calories?

    If you aren't getting enough nutrition and energy for your body you won't burn fat. Your body will store it instead. You can't just cut a tremendous amount of calories from your diet and exercise on top of that. Your body won't be able to function properly.
  • pegesam
    pegesam Posts: 16 Member
    Change your diet a bit. I didn't go check it out, but, belly fat will go away with lotsa cardio (which you are getting obviously). So, really look at what you are eating. If you are a triathlete, then you may be eating carbs so you can get thru that century bike ride last Thursday. Also, with all the sweat your doing, look at sodium intakes as well. May take some juggling around, but see if there is a way you can increase lean proteins and good fats as well as making sure your carb intake is complex carbs. Look at sugars intake as well. I am shocked at how much hidden sugar I consume in a day. As sugar isn't needed at all for a metabolic process, its immediately stored for later use (sucrose, lactose, fructose isn't the same as glucose -- which is needed for metabolic processes).
    Last year, while riding in the MS 150 Houston to Austin, I gained (yes GAINED) 7 lbs. How in double hockey sticks does one GAIN while riding 167 miles on a freaking bicycle? don't know, but I did.
    And lastly, not saying you do this, but I do-- I have to watch my Bud Ultra consumption on Friday nites! Even tho each one is only 55 calories, its stopping right at my gut.
    Hang in there, don't get discouraged-- use the ability to print reports and evaluate food intake...
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Have you taken a break and eaten at mainenance at all? Try easing up on the restrictions and eat maintenance for a week or two, then drop your calories back down.

    Without knowing height, weight, activity level and age, I cannot advise you on your calorie intake, except on general terms.
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    I'm certainly not a physician or cerified nutritionist, but was a personal trainer at one time. I checked out your food diary and would have to agree with many of the previous posters. Your calories are way too low. With the insane amount of cardio you do and the lack of fuel, your body thinks it is starving and fights back by slowing down your metabolism even more. Try upping your intake with good, clean, whole food for a week and see what happens. I bet your performance will improve as well. C'mon, eating is FUN! www.active.com has a lot of good info on nutrition for triathletes. Scope it out.