EleMeleUkulele Member


  • Ohhh, sorry, I haven't checked MFP for a few days and missed your post. Yes, I play the ukulele a little, but I'm not very good at it, and haven't had the time to practice lately. ;)
  • I'm amazed by two things here - one, you look really pretty in both before and after pics, and you have such a radiant smile, it's addictive! Two, I like your music! If I lived anywhere near, I'd be sure to make it to one of your concerts. :smiley:
  • You amazing, beautiful girl! You look awesome!
  • Okay, first of all, be proud of how you handled the situation. It takes A LOT of gut to stay calm and polite on the outside, even though you hurt like hell on the inside. Maybe some people think he deserved to be lashed out at, but you found the strength to be the bigger person (I'm sorry, horrible pun not intended!) in…
  • Aw girl, I don't even know where to start. First off, as most of the people here told you, your relationship shows all the signs of an abusive one. You said "[it] didn't seem that bad to me (it just hurt my feelings)", but that's exactly what verbal abuse IS. Google "signs of an abusive relationship", and I'm willing to…
  • I'm one of those people who weigh themselves daily (or two, three times a day, actually). For me, this helps me stay in check, otherwise I might let myself go and not see this until the next weigh-in. That, and I'm desperate to see results real quick (don't be like me, lol). Daily weigh-ins help me and many people, so…
  • Hi! There are a few (myself included), we even have a group, although it's rather inactive: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/13555-polish-mfp-friends If you need friends on MFP, you can add me :)
  • Wow, you people, all your NSVs are pretty darn awesome, you should be extremely proud of yourselves!! Here are my NSVs for this week: 1. I fit in my mom's old jeans once again (I mean, I could zip them even at my highest weight, but I had this horrible muffin top, no thank you). She was thinner when she wore them than I am…
  • First of all, I'm 5'7 too and 60 is kind of my ultimate goal weight. Don't mean anything by that, just thought it a funny coincidence. I can (kind of) understand how that could be annoying, but I think the main reason for your family's nagging is, they're worried about you (although I don't know you or them, so can't tell…
  • I concur with the people who say it was a comment about herself, not you. Many believe that with the GBS the weight just comes off and it's extremely easy, while the reality is different (I've never had one, so I can't speak from experience, but my friend's boyfriend did). I think she was saying "I'm not feeling…
  • I can understand how this could have ruined your mood. Recently my grandma told me happily that my face is rounder and I must have put on some weight - it was supposed to be a compliment, I know, so I'm not really mad at her, but augh! ;) I don't know if your old friend wanted to insult you or not (probably she just put…
  • Wow, you do look fit and fabulous! Amazing job, girl! Secondly: the dress is awesome and you're totally rockin' it. :D You can add me! I don't have much to lose weight-wise, but will be here for a long time, maintaining and toning too. :)
  • I almost cried reading your story - how much bad luck can one woman have? And yet you strived through it all. You're amazing, and should be damn proud of yourself. Sorry about your Dad and Grandma, but congratulations on your accomplishment, it's something few would survive. I'd like to hug you so much, but the internet…
  • Hi girls! Wow, you both came such a long way, you should definitely be proud of yourselves! 50 pounds, wowie-wow-wow :) (By the way, Jennifer, I believe the links you posted are for pictures on your computer. If you want to upload pics to the internet, there is a topic on MFP that covers it:…
  • Cześć! :)
  • I'm certainly no expert, but I know that there is such a thing as eating too little and not losing weight as a consequence. I tried 1300 here on MFP and struggled to lose anything, then upped my cals to 1500-ish and the weight started coming off faster. You shouldn't go lower than 1200, definitely, but I'd up my calorie…
  • I haven't any new advice for ya (except maybe, exercise! Even by just walking, moving really helps), but I wanted to say that yes, you're beautiful. :) And you've come such a long way already. Don't give up! We're all in the same boat here and we'll be happy to motivate you.
  • "Town population reduced by 10%" - lol, so true. Right next to the fact that the PC's mom sleeps in the kitchen, because there doesn't seem to be any other place.
  • Yay for active sarcasm! I'm usually on MFP, so feel free to add me, if you want. :)
  • Awesome, girl! Keep it up, you're more than halfway through! (and looking mighty fine even now :))
  • Hi! I'll be glad to support you on your journey. I created an account a long time ago, but only recently felt I could use some interaction with other MFPs here. My replies will probably be a bit late due to time zone differences, but if it's not a problem, feel free to add me! :) (That goes for everybody here, not just the…
  • Hey girl, you can add me too (anyone can, if you want to ;)). I'm also looking for someone to talk to, and it sure would be nice to give and get support. :) I'm afraid texting me accross the ocean could be too expensive, but I'm usually on MFP a few times a day, so it's probable that I'll reply fast (unless I'm asleep) to…
  • Aw girl, don't be so hard on yourself. :) Have you measured yourself before and after? Sometimes the weight stays the same, but the muscle to fat ratio changes. Don't let it get you down! :)
  • Ohhh! Totally missed the roll call here. ^^' I finished the 30DS on Dec 7, and posted the results (measurements only, no pics) on my MFP blog: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/EleMeleUkulele/view/30-day-shred-results-454390 I know they're not spectacular, but still exceeded my expectations. :D
  • I feel stronger too! For one, I can now do a few real pushups, and before I wasn't even able to do one! Apart from that, I can see my body changing, in weight, inches and mirror. Other members of my family can see it too, so I know I'm not deceiving myself. ;)
  • Today was Day 8 of Level 2 - mmmmaybe it's getting slightly easier, but I'm still sweatin' like a pig. :p But I see an improvement in my body, and that keeps me going!
  • You look amazing. :) I'm soooo jealous of that hourglass you got, girl! :) I'm not an expert, but many people say that the spots genetically prone to being fat will come off last... I keep telling myself that when I look at my butt and belly. ;) You can do it! :*
  • Hi guys! :) I'm 26, and on day 2 of level 2 today. I first started the Shred, then joined the challenge. Already took my measurements after completing level 1, and am pleasantly surprised with the existing, albeit small, results. Hope to keep it up! ;)
  • Awesome NSV's, guys! :) Mine is, I did a full push-up. Even two. Real ones, not the girly version. Didn't think I could, but I did! :)