

  • Even if it is "in your head" - if it works, why not?
  • I put mine is as circuit training but you can also just put in calories burned. Sometimes it doesn't seem like the circuit training does crossfit justice in terms of the intensity, but at least you would be logging less calories burned and not overeating if you eat them back... I absolutely love crossfit and everything it…
  • You must do a workout as soon as possible - even if it means brisk walking. You've got to get that lactic acid out of those muscles! Taking a day off only draws it out longer - I promise!
  • I've been told to stay on the outside of grocery store - meaning, don't go down the food aisles as that's where all the processed crap is... Stay around the outside edges where all the fresh items are located like produce, meats, cheeses, and so on. Staples in our house are apples, nectarinces, cheese sticks, protein…
  • To get the right running shoes for you, go to a running store and get fitted by a professional. They will be able to tell you if you need neutral, stability, or motion control shoes - this depends on your stride and how much you pronate. After that, you can experiment with other shoes/brands in the same category and from…
  • I did not readjust my goals for carbs, protein, etc., but that sounds like a good idea. I've read that 0.7 g of protein per pound of lean mass is a good target - you have to know your body fat percentage to be able to figure that though. Hey - I noticed you have hypothyroid on your profile/signature and something about…
  • I think it depends on what you eat and when. You have to experiment a little and get to know YOUR body. Eating every 2.5 - 3 hours, about 250 calories each time works for me with my carbs coming from fruits and veggies. Also, variation helps too - don't do the exact same thing every week - both caloriewise and exercisewise…
  • If it's man-made, don't eat it! Stick to the outside edge of the grocery store (produce, meat, etc.) and don't go down the aisles... Also, I've found that eating smaller amounts but more often (like every 3 hours) works really well for boosting the metabolism. Also agree with the others that you need at least 1200 calories!
  • Hi there. I'm 5'4" and started out about 176! (last April) I'm down to 145 and loving it! (oh and I'm 38...) For my body and my metabolism, reducing carbs has been key to loosing weight. Bread is a treat only for me because I enjoy it, but my body really doesn't need it for any nutritive reason - same thing for pasta and…
  • Great job so far! I agree that it depends on what you want out of it, but also that it is best to change it up. Every training program I have ever seen has both elements in it. Extended runs at an even pace for endurance as well as interval training. Your body will adapt to anything you do over and over again, so variation…
  • Yes and I put in circuit training and double the time. CrossFit is much more intense...
  • I highly recommend finding a CrossFit gym in your area and checking it out. I started last May and have lost 27 pounds on the scale and over 12% body fat! People think I've lost much more weight than that because of all the sculpting and muscle I have now... CrossFit workout incorporate all of it and the trainers will work…
  • Totally agree with this too - they definitely don't think like we do...
  • During previous attempts to loose weight, I had a hard time because my husband would want to split a meal at a restaurant or go eat fast food or something like that. This time around, however, we are going to a gym that is owned by a couple who are very similar to us - the husband wants to maintain or gain weight while…
  • I use both iTreadmill and RunKeeper and like them both. I'm pretty sure they were both free.
  • I'm not in NC, but if you find a cross fit gym I bet you will make friends with the people there and then you'll go to the gym to see them as much as for the workout... And the workouts are addictive... Love my gym!
  • I weigh every morning...
  • You really have to have good running shoes that are appropriate for your degree of pronation. A running store is the best place to go to get fitted, especially the first time. Once you know if you are neutral, need a stability shoe, or need a motion control shoe, then you can venture out on your own finding better prices,…
  • I have 10 lbs to go for "normal" BMI range. I manage to eat clean during the week but have a tough time on the weekends. (eating out is a killer for me...) :wink: Working out is my passion these days... love crossfit!
  • How much water are you drinking? I have been stalled before and increasing water intake has helped. Another thing that helped was reducing or eliminating bread, rice, pasta, and all such carbs (carbs not from vegs or fruit...). Good luck!
  • My husband is trying to gain weight and uses the My Fitness Pal app on his iPhone.