Stalled: Ideas please...

ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
So I have lost 66# as of this month since last January....

Problem is I have stalled (for at least 3 to 4 wks)....the scale is just NOT moving. I must however still be losing some inches as my jeans seem looser. (Had not been measuring, but just took measurements last week.)

However, I still weigh 151 (I'm 5'4") and would like to lose 15 to 20 more pounds.....
I have zig zagged with my calories and changed around my exercise intensity some, but nothing seems to make the scale move downward again.
I don't want it to take another year to get the last few pounds off....any thoughts????

My sugar intake is over everyday, but it is from fruit....bananas, raisins, etc. Could this be an issue even though its coming from fruit?


  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
  • How much water are you drinking? I have been stalled before and increasing water intake has helped. Another thing that helped was reducing or eliminating bread, rice, pasta, and all such carbs (carbs not from vegs or fruit...). Good luck!
  • Aimee_PD
    Aimee_PD Posts: 177 Member
    this article really helped me. sometimes the scale isnt what you should pay attention to! and yes drink plenty water!! i drink over 100 oz on my good days and i see a difference!
  • How much water are you drinking? I have been stalled before and increasing water intake has helped. Another thing that helped was reducing or eliminating bread, rice, pasta, and all such carbs (carbs not from vegs or fruit...). Good luck!

    I agree - I was stalled and cutting out all non-produce carbs really got my weight loss moving again. Try for under 100 carbs a day and see if that helps. Also, try eating less fruit and more vegetables - if you're eating 5-6 servings of produce a day, try to only have 1 serving of fruit and the rest veg.
    Also, if you're not already, add in strength training. It may not help with weight loss (some people report small gains in the first week or two) but it will certainly help with inches.

    Good luck!
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    I just checked out your food diary and though I only went back about 4 days it looks like you could perhaps up the vegetable intake and cut out some of the processed food. Remember, just because it says it's light or it's low in calories, it may still be full of chemicals that encourage bloat, water retention, and make weight loss difficult.

    Another thing to consider is the type of carbs you are eating. Refined (white) carbs are a killer. Aim for complex carbs (whole grain and whole wheat.)

    For example, your spaghetti it whole wheat pasta? Also, why not throw some tomatoes, peppers, spinach, or broccoli in there? Fill yourself up with the green stuff and some whole grains, and you'll see your body change so fast your head will spin. It worked for me:-)

    Good luck!
  • I had the same problem and started researching the "diet stall" problem. I found an article written by a doctor who said that when people diet over the long term (and suspect that you have been on a good diet for a good number of days) he said the metabolism needs jolt. He advise to go off your diet for just one day -- each those calories and carbs -- pi out for just one day. Return to your diet and the stall will pass. I had the stall problem twice during my diet and followed his advice. it worked fr me. Just sharing some thoughts and my experience.
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    I just checked out your food diary and though I only went back about 4 days it looks like you could perhaps up the vegetable intake and cut out some of the processed food. Remember, just because it says it's light or it's low in calories, it may still be full of chemicals that encourage bloat, water retention, and make weight loss difficult.

    Another thing to consider is the type of carbs you are eating. Refined (white) carbs are a killer. Aim for complex carbs (whole grain and whole wheat.)

    For example, your spaghetti it whole wheat pasta? Also, why not throw some tomatoes, peppers, spinach, or broccoli in there? Fill yourself up with the green stuff and some whole grains, and you'll see your body change so fast your head will spin. It worked for me:-)

    Good luck!

    Yes, it is whole wheat pasta.
    I don't eat pasta very often and I eat 100%whole wheat bread (35 cal per slice)
    ....i do think i should up the veggies tho! I will cut down on the fruit and up the veggies and see if that helps! Thanks!
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    Now that you are so close to your goal weight and smaller, woo hoo, you may need to look at your deficit. I lost the 20lbs you are currently trying to lose and I had to eat a lot of food to do it. I know you say you've zig zagged your calories but you may need to simply lower your deficit and stick to it.

    I know all this sounds like bull, but there is a new post that explains it very well, thank goodness because I know I'm not explaining it well.

    It's talking about body fat % but I think the info can be applicable to the dreaded last 20lbs.

    I ate at t a 1/2lbs per week deficit, I ate back all or almost all my exercise calories and by doing so I was able to continue a consistent weight lose right up to the the last lbs. You really do have to eat more to lose those last 10lbs than you think.

    Good luck on your journey. I hope you find a system that works for you.
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    this article really helped me. sometimes the scale isnt what you should pay attention to! and yes drink plenty water!! i drink over 100 oz on my good days and i see a difference!
    i usually drink at least 75 oz of water per day....
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I had the same problem and started researching the "diet stall" problem. I found an article written by a doctor who said that when people diet over the long term (and suspect that you have been on a good diet for a good number of days) he said the metabolism needs jolt. He advise to go off your diet for just one day -- each those calories and carbs -- pi out for just one day. Return to your diet and the stall will pass. I had the stall problem twice during my diet and followed his advice. it worked fr me. Just sharing some thoughts and my experience.

    That is what I am doing today! I am eating pizza rolls (which I wouldn't usually eat) right now at a whopping 520 calories for 8. This is just breakfast lol. I am hoping this does the trick bc I have tried everything else. I started in October and lost 13 pounds. Then over a month ago I just stopped losing. I have tried upping and lowering my calories but never "pigged out" for a day so this is it.
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    I just checked out your food diary and though I only went back about 4 days it looks like you could perhaps up the vegetable intake and cut out some of the processed food. Remember, just because it says it's light or it's low in calories, it may still be full of chemicals that encourage bloat, water retention, and make weight loss difficult.

    Another thing to consider is the type of carbs you are eating. Refined (white) carbs are a killer. Aim for complex carbs (whole grain and whole wheat.)

    For example, your spaghetti it whole wheat pasta? Also, why not throw some tomatoes, peppers, spinach, or broccoli in there? Fill yourself up with the green stuff and some whole grains, and you'll see your body change so fast your head will spin. It worked for me:-)

    Good luck!

    Yes, it is whole wheat pasta.
    I don't eat pasta very often and I eat 100%whole wheat bread (35 cal per slice)
    ....i do think i should up the veggies tho! I will cut down on the fruit and up the veggies and see if that helps! Thanks!

    Sure, keep me posted!
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