sarahnc_ Member


  • Thank you for the awesome responses guys! Going to revamp my weekly routine now with all these great resources. to whoever suggested kettle bells- I would love to BUT i have no gym and no weights...had resistance bands but I broke the handles :tongue: such is the life when you're abroad for only a year, and you use all…
  • Good to hear! Any specific recommendations? I've been doing assisted pull-ups, chin-ups, push-ups, dips, inverted rows an bodyweight squats...are those difficult enough? I feel like with some (all but pullups /chin-ups) I can reach 10 rep too easily?
  • I *think* build muscle. I don't think I need to reduce body fat, but if I want muscle to show do I need o go through the whole "cut and bulk" process? My other problem is I'm gymless (not to mention fundless) and therefore have no dumbbells/heaving lifting equipment available 'till at least June... So it's all gotta be…
  • ME! well, I haven't been as of late, since I've been living abroad but missing it dearlyy :( I dabbled in a bit of h/j and eventing.
  • I checked with a BMI calculator, and I'm still in the normal range. However the TDEE calculator I used (Scooby) previously now says I'm underweight... I'm comfortable with where I am, but I would still like to muscle up. Are any of you at the end of your weightlos but still trying to tone up? how did that affect your…
  • Not sure about worst binge ever, but my last bad one since i started counting was like; - 2 slices of pizza - a bunch of pickles - a large bowl of special K chocolate cereal - 6 squares of jeff de bruges chocolate - half a milka bar - a large square of Lindt chocolate - half a sleeve of butter cookies - 3 HUGE spoonfuls of…
  • They lived in the US for several years previously, and the mom's recipe books are mostly american- they just don't have a lot of time for more complicated dished sometimes! Also not necessarily looking to go low carb- just less carb... and because I'm tired of pasta and rice, and I'm allowed to mix it up once a week!
  • Hey, another islander here, but from PEI! I'm not living at home right now though, and totally missing the maritimes! I'm adding you!
  • I have the same problem, tried allowing myself a little bit of whatever i was craving every day, but once I start, I really can't stop...So: keep BUSY. Instead of eating out of boredom, do something. That todo list? Do that instead of opening the snack cupboard. And stay mentally present. Before you reach for whatever…
  • PEI, Canada, now live in Paris, France
  • Feel free to add me! I'm a (kind of) runner, and only about 5lbs away from my goal :)
  • Thanks guys, I'm already feeling better about it- it's one binge and it's just some chocolate. Life goes on, I'll go on my usual run tomorrow and destress and forget about it. I figure, this time, in a way it was how I coped with a bad day. Next time, I will know what to expect and will find a better way to cope with the…
  • of course!!
  • Does it hurt to walk? Obviously it's not nearly as high impact, but try and walk more for the week- park farther away, get off the bus a stop earlier, walk to school/work, carry your groceries, take the get the idea.
  • I love love love love hot yoga- I practice moksha yoga when I'm living at home, and have a studio nearby. I've never practiced bikram, but from the people I've talked to who have done both, they almost always prefer moksha. I love it because it has everything I need- great for toning, flexibility, mental relaxation, and…
  • 5'7'' SW:142 CW: probably around 135/6 but have no access to a scale! GW: 130 (but generally just being more toned and feeling stronger- doesn't bother me much what the scale says) 19 years old Lost first 5 llbs with 30DS, hot yoga, and running I would do the 30 DS (25 mins), and then go straight to my yoga class (60-90…
  • Peanut/all nutt butters= nectar of the Gods
  • I've probably been drinking sliiiightly more coffee lately- black though. it's at the temples, like i've got a metal band around my head.
  • Hey! I'm living in France right now, and was living in Spain last year- I feel ya' on the carb heavy- Spain was a pasta/bread/rice nightmare. And France is all cheese and full fat milks and creams. Do you guys have Carrefour as a supermarket there? It often has a "bio" section- the closest thing you can get to a whole…
  • I usually just hit my lows during the day- had a killer workout yesterday for example and was tired during the day, but today i was zonked through the workout (skipped bonus round) and later on too. I'm averaging about 19/20% protein intake right now, vs 50% carbs, and the rest fat.
  • Hm, okay... I'm just confused- I just finished logging for today and i'm like stuuuufffed, but it says I still have another 300 or so cals left- if I were to eat back all of my exercise cals. I feel like I should be eating more based on a program like P90X and what MFP is telling me, but I feel stuffed....
  • Forgot to add that those left over calories are after exercise- i eat back usually about half of my exercise calories. Is that still to little? I've been trying to judge it too on how I feel- sometimes I feel stuffed but MFP is saying I should be eating more....
  • I'm currently set to 1 lb a week- trying to lose 10 lbs in two months (the time it took me to gain it...hah)