Maintenance cals? TDEE?

Looking for a second opinion on what my maintenance cals should be. I don't want to lose anymore weight but I would like to build some muscle and tone up. I would say I'm "skinny-fat" right now. Scooby's calculator gives me 2193...seems like a lot?

124 lbs

A sample of my exercise routine for a week:
M: 35 minute run, pushups x 20, dips x 20, plank 1 minute.
T: T25 ab routine
W: 30 minute run
TH: P90X3 yoga
F: 30 min run pushups till failure, reverse pullups x5, suspended leg raises x 10, oblique raises x10, dips x20

Would really appreciate someone weighing in on this...maintenance is new to me, and although I've been trying to educate myself I don't know much about muscle building!


  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    So, do wanna build muscle or reduce body fat to show muscles?
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    One I like is at it lets you put in ALL your daily activity and calculates from there. it's the 3rd one down, as you can see there are also 3 others on that page. you could take an average from all three of those. One way or the other all these calculators are still only a starting points, not a number to live and die by. I think finding your true TDEE is something that will probably take a little bit of time to discover.

    ( Disclaimer; I know nothing about the rest of that site but I like that calculator. I am not currently going off my TDEE. I'm just eating in a calorie range. I plan on eating in a range with that number from that calculator being my middle point when I lose these last 4lbs gained over the holidays. )
  • dancerbyday
    I am 5ft8, fluctuate between 116 and 120 lbs., with a goal of maintaining or slightly increasing weight while building muscle. I am a dancer, and pretty fit already, but I'm working on toning my body and replacing remaining fat with muscle so that I can really excel. It sounds like you are doing very well, but if your goal is to build muscle, then you might want to revise your workout a bit. You need to make sure that you are REALLY working your muscles, increasing intensity slowly, and doing a variety of exercises/cross-training that works ALL of your muscles. For instance, if you do an exercise for your biceps, do one for your triceps. If you do crunches, do something for you obliques, love-handles, and lower back. It's all about balance. And make sure you are stretching, too, so that you are not only strengthening, but lengthening your muscles for a really toned and healthy body.

    If your goal is to maintain, not gain, weight, then I think that calorie count might be a bit high for days that you're not doing an intense workout. But you'll know. Everyone's body works differently. Just make sure that you're eating good, fresh food, and getting the right healthy fats and proteins. What you put into your body shows on the outside, so be mindful. :)

    I, personally, don't count calories, and don't even really use this site anymore, except for occasional general reference so I can make sure I'm not burning more calories than I think and therefore accidentally losing weight. I do, however, come on here every once in a while to answer questions and see what's going on with other people, because I feel it's only fair to share what knowledge and experience I have so that other people can be successful. :)

    Good luck!
  • sarahnc_
    sarahnc_ Posts: 47 Member
    So, do wanna build muscle or reduce body fat to show muscles?

    I *think* build muscle. I don't think I need to reduce body fat, but if I want muscle to show do I need o go through the whole "cut and bulk" process?

    My other problem is I'm gymless (not to mention fundless) and therefore have no dumbbells/heaving lifting equipment available 'till at least June... So it's all gotta be body weight training. This week was a lazy week, but I'm hoping to add a leg day on Wednesdays, and more arm work on Mondays. I do have some resistance bands though, but they're not the best...
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    My TDEE is around 2,200, I'm 5ft, 6in and my maintenance range is 117.5lbs-120lbs. My work out routine is pretty low key-
    3 days/30 minutes home strength program (Mark Lauren, Body By You)
    3 days/ 20 minutes on rebounder (mini trampoline)

    Your TDEE calories sond pretry good to me :)

    Eta: Lauren's book was under $20, but my library also carries it :) The program uses body weight and you don't need any extra equipment. Love it! His other book, You Are Your Own Gym is also great, and is for people who are more advanced- which sounds like you probably are :)
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    So, do wanna build muscle or reduce body fat to show muscles?

    I *think* build muscle. I don't think I need to reduce body fat, but if I want muscle to show do I need o go through the whole "cut and bulk" process?

    If you wanna build muscle you need a calorie surplus and you need to work out HARD. You might wanna read this:

    I'll admit that I'm not an expert, but I find it hard to believe that you could build muscle without lifting heavy (you can, of course, get stronger by using just body weight but getting stronger ≠ building muscle). At least that has to be difficult.

    The reason why people do the whole bulk-cut thingy is because when you bulk aka gain weight you will gain some fat.