

  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    okay we all count calories!! keeping that in mind

    what is your height, weight and age

    what is the exercise you have done uptil now and what are you doing these days.?

    maybe this way we can motivate each other for trying out new exercises.

    Pls do mention ur age :)

    I am 5'10, 46 years old, Starting weight 265 lbs, current weight 167 lbs ( yay!)

    I run around 30-60 miles a week.

    I don't run for weight loss or to burn calories any more, I guess i run now as it is as much a part of my life as watching Tv, using the internet etc.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    The other is the plank with pull down, which is doing a plank while doing a pull down on a pulley. They are both really hard to do but that's why they are making me stronger. I can tell from week to week that I am stronger just from looking at those exercises alone.

    Thanks Andrea - I'm planning to add these to my pulling days, using resistance bands.

    @Bluefox9er - that's an awesome weightloss.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    5'8, 68kg, 41 yrs

    Used to do: HIIT, kettlebell circuits, strength training, tai chi, indoor climbing

    Now do: strength training, tai chi, gymnastics, tennis, indoor climbing

    I just do more of the stuff that's actually fun rather than abstract movements to burn fat. I mean, I can play tennis or climb for hours. I'll keep going to the point of pain (the bad pain!). And then keep going. Stupid, really, but you just don't notice the hours fly by.
  • spookygoldfish
    spookygoldfish Posts: 10 Member
    33 YO Male
    SW: 294 lbs
    CW: 188 lbs
    Height: 6' 1"

    I run 25-30 miles a week & cycle around 20-30 miles per week. Recently I have started being more consistent with lifting weights, I do them for half an hour 3x per week & I'm really seeing & feeling a difference in my upper body. :smile:
  • Trarbach
    I am 47,weigh 155 and am 5ft10. Began to make changes in 2005 and went from 260lbs down to 170 doing super slow body weight exercises ,cutting my calories, super hydration and other small techniques.
    Afterwards I kept weight around 180 to 190 for about 6 or 7 years .

    Decided to lose more stubborn belly fat with a activity I liked so canoeing was it,calorie deficit I did it four times a week average 2.5 hours each day and dropped to 165 in 3
    months. I got leaner but didn't like my muscularity.

    Began Stronglifts 5x5 in June and kept a minor deficit until the weights got harder and plateaus got more frequent did I increase calories to maintenance and lost weight down to 152 until I stopped standard 5x5 ,deciding 4 weeks.ago I needed to bulk up more muscle mass volume adapting Stronglifts movements for 8 reps minimum and only.three sets,so here I am here and now 155 on the road to 175 goal of twenty pounds of muscle as my first goal and many more to follow...
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    Female, 5'5". Current weight 222lb. Love me some walking. I try to do at least 3 miles a day. Am contemplating some exercises to strengthen my core (when I can find out what's going to be best) and tone my upper body, before starting C25K when it start to get nicer outside next year.
  • Rai007
    Rai007 Posts: 387 Member
    great responses !!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    i'm 5 ft 8 and obese.

    i run 4 days a week. recovering from an injury so i'm only running a half hour at the moment, but did a half marathon last year.

    i recently took up ballroom dancing, and practice a few hours a week.

    i lift using an adaptation of strong lifts, at least twice a week (i try for three, but life gets in the way sometimes).

    i like to cycle but that is occasional at the moment, and i occassionally swim.

    i walk every day - 2 x30 minutes.

    fitting it in can be challenging as i have a very demanding job that requires long hours, am a parent, and help my dad care for my very ill mother. but frankly, where there is a will, there is always a way.
  • sarahnc_
    sarahnc_ Posts: 47 Member
    CW: probably around 135/6 but have no access to a scale!
    GW: 130 (but generally just being more toned and feeling stronger- doesn't bother me much what the scale says)
    19 years old

    Lost first 5 llbs with 30DS, hot yoga, and running
    I would do the 30 DS (25 mins), and then go straight to my yoga class (60-90 mins)

    Currently doing P90X Lean, but modifying it a little.
    I often skip the yoga day (don't like P90X yoga so much) , and run for 30 mins instead. I usually try to add some HIIT into my runs- I use telephone poles sprint markers!
    I also don't have a pull up bar, so I'll do push ups with my feet elevated.
    I use bands instead of free weights for strength.

    I've been using for stretching after runs.

    Also: WALK EVERYWHERE YOU CAN. Even if I have to take the bus I get off a stop early and walk.
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I'm 28 female, currenty 148.5lbs. I have a set weekly routine at the moment as I find having a plan keeps me focused.

    Here is my routine

    Monday: BodySculpt gym class (weight training class) and Ripped in 30

    Tuesday: Legs, Bums & Tums gym class and Ripped in 30

    Wednesday: C25K and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism

    Thursday: Rest Day

    Friday: C25K and Ripped in 30

    Saturday: BanishFat, Boost Metabolsim and Ripped in 30

    Sunday: C25K and Ripped in 30

    I also walk my dog for an hour every morning, even on the rest day (my dog does't care if its a rest day :P) We usually do about 2.5miles in that hour.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    30 year old male currently at 5'11 and 173. I toggke my diet anywhere from 1300-1800 cals a day depending on the workload. Macros also change drastically depending on the workload of the day. Here is what my week looks like:

    A.M. Chest day
    P.M. Interval training (usually 45 minutes toggling between 1 minute walks to 2 minutes runs to 3 minute or as long as I can go sprints. Repeat for 45 minutes or as long as I can go)

    A.M. Back and shoulders day
    P.M. Mid distance runs (5-6 miles)

    Off day at gym and running but usually try to get some ab work in if I feel motivated.

    A.M. Leg day
    P.M. Short distance for time (3-4 miles) or hill repeats of I feel up to it.

    A.M. Arm and makeup day for lifts I didn't do earlier in week.

    A.M. Long run day. I got 17 miles yesterday and that's the longest I've ever done. I try to add an exta mile in every 2 weeks but I think I'm around my max distance now I can take my body....we'll see

    Off day but if I feel motivated then I will try to get some ab work in.

    And that's my week if everything goes perfectly although it seems like it never goes perfectly so I do what I can.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    i do not count calories - i make up ridiculous burns for my MFP exercises. Flying burns 10000 calories.

    Monday - DEADLIFT for weight /squat for endurance & a short run for speed, 90 minute walk
    Tuesday - OHP for weight /bench press for endurance, 90 minute walk
    Wednesday - bike ride, 90 minute walk
    THursday - SQUAT for weight / deadlift for endurance, short run, 90 minute walk
    Friday - BENCH PRESS for weight/ ohp for endurance, 90 minute walk
    Saturday - Long run
    Sunday - 6-10 mile walk active rest day

    I am 5/10 1/2"
    162.1 pounds
    SW 260+
    GW 170 lbs
    Bodyfat goal - below 20%
    34 years young
  • jdii013
    I'm 42, 5'8 and 165. My routine consists of cardio
    For 30-45 mins 5-6 days per week. Running 20-30
    Mins and stair master for 10-15 minutes.
    I usually work abs 15 mins every workout. Nothing
    Cutting edge old fashioned sit-ups, leg raises etc.
    Kind of boring but they hurt when I'm done so.
    I will include some strength training in each workout
    Generally between ab sets. Like pull ups, squats, decline
    Bench press, curls and front and back military
    Press. Not worried about mass anymore
    So I just do enough strength training to stay
    Toned. Hope this helps.
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    Age 48
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 126.5lbs

    I train 3x/week.

    Day one: Bench, squat, row
    Day two: Deadlift heavy, deadlift speed, straight leg DL, good mornings, pull ups, shrugs
    Day three: squat, bench, row

    Various assistance exercises are thrown in. How much I lift depends on where I am in a given cycle. I'm starting a new one this week so weights are lighter and reps are higher.

    Cardio and conditioning is pretty much non-existent other than walking my dog... for miles and miles.