okay we all count calories!! keeping that in mind

what is your height, weight and age

what is the exercise you have done uptil now and what are you doing these days.?

maybe this way we can motivate each other for trying out new exercises.

Pls do mention ur age :)


  • wheels6030
    wheels6030 Posts: 26 Member
    Will I'm 20 and I mostly just run...
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I'm age 62 and I swim a mile 3x a week and try to walk or ride bicycle on my other days. Having mental health issues so at present I'm not doing so well with food but the exercise is still intact.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    I'm 5'3, 29, and 160lbs (down from 172 since I started back on MfP in August).

    I have tried a little bit of everything in the past: various classes, cardio machines, weight machines, free weights, dance workouts, videos like 30 Day Shred. Now, I have just started running and am back to lifting free weights, but focusing mostly on large compound lifts rather than splits and isolation. I lift 3 days a week and run (more walk/jog at this point) 3 days a week.
  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    Hi ~

    SW 159
    CW 133
    Age 67
    Cycling - Usually 60-90 min a day at 16mph avg. 5-6 days a week
    Gardening (since joining MFP!) -for extra calorie burn in South Florida summer - weeding, clipping hedges
    Tennis - just getting back into it after injury - twice a week so far
  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    Whoops - forgot - height 5' 4.5"
  • rhileyschubbygranny
    5'2" , female, age 47, 164 lbs. Exercise DVD's 4 days a week or about 30-35 min each, jogging/walking on tread mill for 30 min 3x week, strength training at gym 3x week for 40-45 min
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    okay. sooo...

    38YO female
    SW 252
    CW 213
    I started with JM 30DS and walking
    I Now do Turbo Fire 6X/ week as per the schedule given, run 1 - 2 X/week, gardening as it needs it and Zumba 1X/week (Included in the TF is toning/core/strength "classes")
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Im 48 ... I do cardio 2x a week (60 min each time .. 30 min stationary bike and 30 min treadmill). Also I do a Group Power class 2x a week (like Les Mills Body Pump).

    Weight 190 lbs .. Height 5 ft 9 in
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    I'm 25, 172 cm (5'7''), started here at 95 kg (210 lbs) and now I am 72ish kg (160 lbs).

    I don't actually have a routine. I have multiple workout DVDs on my computer, ranging from Pillates, Tae Bo, Jillian Michaels, Biggest Looser series, dancing aerobics, strenght training (mostly Jari Love) etc. I tried various workouts and keep the ones that I didn't hate doing (and I'm not taliking on being hard; there are hard workouts I really love even if most times I can't finish them; I'm just talking of workouts I hate doing).
    I just try to work out 2-3 hours a week.
    I mostly do the workout in order, but I change them in function of my time and stamina. I mean... if I come home late and I had a bad day, I'm only gonna do 20 minutes of Pillates. If I have a free day, I make time for 45-60 minutes workouts.

    It's a little chaotic, but I'm doing it. If I would have a exercise routine all scheduled up and all... I just got bored and hate the exercises.
    For example I love 30Shred once in a while... but if I were to do it everyday a whole month... well... probably I wouldn't.

    I don't look for being all sportsy and athletic. I'm just trying to incorporate a little workout to tone a little and stretch my muscles.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    35, I do BodyPump (either a class or the dvd) twice a week, then walk every day at least one hour (sometimes 2). I started with easier programs though, but been roughly been working out/walking 30-60 minutes a day from month 2.

    I'm starting the ChaLean extreme program soon though, for a change.
  • mssgeni
    mssgeni Posts: 83 Member
    I'm 5'5", 150 pounds, 25 years old.

    I currently do 45 minutes to an hour on the treadmill and sometimes elliptical at the gym... at home I try to join in the 30 day shred, with one to two rest days. Trying to hike once in a while too.
  • crazie4lulu
    crazie4lulu Posts: 762 Member
    im 5 feet 11... i weigh 167 lbs.... i am 44 years old.
    i run 40 miles a week.... i lift 4 days a week..... i do HIIT once a week..... when i lift, i lift HEAVY!!!!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    30y/o, 5'1, 178lbs

    Here is my routine

    Monday: Leg Strength Work (Yoga optional)

    Tuesday: C25K and Pressing and Pulling Strength Work

    Wednesday: Yoga and Upper/Mid Calisthenics

    Thursday: C25K and Pressing and Pulling Work

    Friday: Yoga and Lower Calisthenics

    Saturday: Elliptical, Chin-Ups and Yoga (Optional)

    Sunday: Yoga and Elliptical (Optional)
  • jamienapolitano
    jamienapolitano Posts: 73 Member
    I'm 37 5'7" and 166.4 lbs. I bike 20-25 miles a day ( interval style ) and alternate my weight training bench press and lat pull downs one day and curls the next and I do sit ups and push ups daily
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    5'5.5, 25yo. 134 pounds
    Gym 3-4 times a week. 15 minutes cardio warm up, full body weight lifting, ogling hot guys in the squat rack, stretching.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    42 YO Male
    SW: 250 lbs
    CW: 173 lbs
    Height: 5' 11"

    I exercise 5 days a week. At least two days I do the following: Quick warm up (treadmill 5-10 minutes brisk walk) then full body workout (either a routine from my trainer that incorporates lifting and bodyweight exercises, or a nautilus circuit depending on how I feel), the about 30 minutes of cardio (rowing, elliptical, running, etc.). Sunday, I have a session with my trainer and get a full body workout, then do a little cardio. The other two workout days I sometimes do just 40-45 minutes of cardio (generally running as I am training for a 10k), and sometimes I do a full routine like the other weekdays, depending on how I feel.

    When I started getting fit, I mainly did home workouts using PS3 and Xbox 360 software that provided a mix of cardio and bodyweight exercises, plus some light weights. I eventually joined a gym and started the above routine.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Height 5'3", weight 62K, age 53.

    My exercise week goes like this:

    Mon - Home Yoga practise.
    Tue - Home Yoga practise. Pulling calisthenics.
    Wed - Yoga Class.
    Thu - Home Yoga practise. Swim 1 mile.
    Fri - Home Yoga practise. Cycle to work (16 miles total trip)
    Sat - Yoga Class. Pulling calisthenics.
    Sun - Home Yoga practise. Swim 1 mile or cycle club ride 20 miles.

    My legs, core and pushing muscles get plenty of resistance work through the yoga, but I do include pulling calisthenics twice a week to ensure I am balancing pulling and pushing muscle groups.

    My weekend swims often take me to the sea if it is calm enough or inland waters; safe rivers and lakes and quarries reclaimed for water leisure.

    I have tried weight training but it doesn't "float my boat" - more interested in how I can handle my own bodyweight in challenging ways.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I'm 5"1', 25 yrs old
    Sw: 7/9/13- 167
    Cw: 145lbs

    Now I do cardio 5X week (only 20mins on S.T. days), strength training 3X week & yoga 3X week.
    When I first started, it was mostly just cardio & no yoga.
  • andreagenther
    andreagenther Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 5'9", 185 lbs, and 35. I started weight lifting years ago with Bill Phillips "Body For Life" and fell in love. I kept with it for about a year, lost a bunch of weight, was stronger than ever before, and looked great at a muscular 160 lbs. I have also done yoga, lap swimming, Zumba, spinning, and group power. Zumba is great fun but I can't seem to commit to cardio for long term. I am not a cardio queen. I love weight lifting, yoga, and swimming but I am always looking for something new to try.

    I have done Lou Schouler's "New Rules of Lifting for Women" and would recommend it to anyone new or experienced.

    I am currently doing "The New Rules of Lifting for Abs" 2-3 days a week. This program focuses on core balance and balancing your muscle strength to avoid things like back pain. I love it so far and am really surprised how challenging some of the exercises are. One of them is the Swiss ball mountain climber, which is doing Mt. climber alternating legs with your hands on a big ball. The other is the plank with pull down, which is doing a plank while doing a pull down on a pulley. They are both really hard to do but that's why they are making me stronger. I can tell from week to week that I am stronger just from looking at those exercises alone.

    I do a lot of walking at least 5 miles a day. I often drag my kids along with me for a short evening walk. It's good family time and gets us out of the house for free.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Bump for later