sarahdmccallum Member


  • I just got a jawbone and am a bit confused about the workouts being logged. I, for example, just did a 20 minute workout on my elliptical, which I logged of MPF, but it also took into account the steps that my tracker counted... any suggestions on how to lot it more accuratly?
  • I could use some motivation too. I just started a biggest loser type competition at work. It lasts for 7 weeks and could win me some much needed Christmas cash. I'm hoping that it will be the start of good habits, but I need the extra push to get going and keep going! Feel free to add me and we can push each other?
  • A few tricks to try: Lots of small healthy snacks between small meals, figure out what you typically eat in 3 meals and split it into 6 smaller meals instead. Drink lots of water, often when you feel hungry you are actually thirsty, most people don't drink nearly enough water. If you get really bored of plain water either…
  • I gained a pound this week, but am not really surprised! Its been an awful, hectic week for me. It was the last full week of school/work. So I was incredibly busy with running exams and tutorials and marking for hours at a time! On top of that our condo flooded early this week, so I have been dealing with the headache…
  • No movement on the scale again... I was happy with that though since I've had a few days in a row of some very bad habits! This weekend should be good though I'm in a softball tournament and am going to a concert where I plan to dance up a storm :) just need to remember to go for lots of healthy snacks and lo-cal drinks!
  • You can track the time as "weight training" or "light aerobics"
  • how do i make the ticker automatically show up with my posts?
  • Just testing out this ticker thing! Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Im in the same boat, no movement on my scale at all. I only cycled to work once this week, usually I do 3 or 4 out of 5 days, so that may have something to do with it. I feel like I should have lost weight, but I am seeing some small changes in my body, so I must also be developing some muscle, which may (hopefully)…
  • "Just do it." -Nike
  • Went to try on a pair of pants that I had tried on around Christmas time, and needed a size smaller! Yippee :) Decided not to buy them yet, since I'm hoping to drop a few more sizes before I put money into some new clothes so I am going to go back and try them again in another month or so
  • You can do this Laurie! Remember is all about moderation. Have carbs, but stick to healthier carbs like whole grains. Try fruits and veggies that will fill you up and drink some water right before you eat anything to signal to your body that you are full more quickly. All this is much easier said than done, but you can do…
  • If you want to rev up your ab workout, try something like a plank series these are more challenging than situps but there is lots of variety and they target larger muscle groups if you can can your hands on it, Ab Ripper X from the P90X series is awesome. Its under…
  • Great work!!
  • The squat challenge sounds great! I am on day 7 of a 30 day squat challenge with some friends at work. We started with 50 and are working up to 250 (yikes). The best thing to remember when trying to build muscle is that you need to keep pushing yourself harder. Doing…
  • 144.5 today, hoping to be at 135 by the end of the challenge!
  • I started doing my belt up one notch tighter!
  • Have lots of water (or herbal teas to switch it up!) Every time you feel hungry drink a full glass of water/tea before you eat to help signal to your body that you are full more quickly. We all have off days, hang in there :)
  • Today I have nothing planned for the evening. So after my regular commute, cycling to and from work (10km or 6 miles) each way, I am going to hit the elliptical. The goal is about 45 minutes plus doing my regular workout challenge. I am on day 4 of a 30 day squat/pushup/crunches challenge with my coworkers. Today is 65…
  • Pushup challenge accepted! I will post later today after I have tried it out :)
  • Ug! I managed to consume an extra 1400 calories over the weekend, that's more than I'm supposed to have in a day right now! I did make some good choices though, instead of my normal rum and cokes I had vodka water with crystal light. That's 68 calories instead of 268! So 200 less per drink, since I had 6 drinks I saved…
  • We all have those frustrated days! If your foot is bothering you try to do some nice low impact stuff, try swimming if you have access to a pool?