Earthhorse Member


  • Your coffee and tea can be considered part of your water intake. Another handy idea is to drink a cup of water before a meal or with a meal to help fill yourself up.
  • Ok I didn't read everyones comments, but my first thought was "how much is she wanting to do this because mom does it?" That may be her main reason for wanting to join. I think if you monitor her on here and make sure she is still taking in the proper amount of calories there shouldn't be a problem. Also if she has a…
  • What are hemp hearts? I tried flax and noticed excess facial hair so I stopped using it (yes I know it should have the opposite affect but not for me lol)
  • Welcome. It isn't always about calorie intake :). It is also timing and what types of food you are eating. It sounds like your body is holding onto weight from being put into "starvation mode". Basically if your body knows it won't be fed at proper intervals it will hold onto excess fat. Always start your day with a…
  • btw Happyathome...did you start with the 5 pound or work your way up?
  • Welcome, you have come to a great place to get support and tips :)
  • Thank you everyone :) I am in the process of looking for a weighted hoop in town and if that is a no go, i'm gonna order one online.
  • Looking good and you are doing great :)
  • I've lost about 30 pounds and my husband has been very supportive. He tells me I am doing well and how good I look. Today he hugged me and said that I felt so small in his arms. It feels great, and yes there have been improvements. I ger depressed and lazy when I gain weight and much happier when I lose it.
  • If you are adding nuts, those are crazy in calories :( healthy but high in fat (good fat though ;)
  • I agree that breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day as you have the whole day to burn calories, but after supper at least 90% of us flop on the couch for a bit and then head off to bed. Saying that though I have trouble sticking to that as I don't like to get up early in the morning to make a huge breakfast, nor…
  • I say if you hate it, don't try to make yourself like it, because it just won't work. For your children, get them enrolled in swimming lessons and see if they enjoy it. Good Luck
    in Swimming Comment by Earthhorse May 2011
  • I can relate too. I get depressed quite easily when I am overweight. Now that I have started losing weight I have noticed the depression backing off again. I also find being active, getting out in the sun (or taking my Vitamin D) really help. It is also great to have people there to support you. The hard part is also…
  • I don't choose to use shakes myself because I don't find they fill me up enough. I'm also not sure what is in these shakes, and they alway taste aweful to me lol. I would suggest making your own with protein powder and fruits. You could use water to keep calories down or milk or orange juice to help boost your calories.…
  • Sometimes all you have to do is stick to it. Keep doing your workouts and watching what you eat and it will come. If that doesn't work try boosting up or changing your workout. Our bodies get used to the workouts we do and start to adjust. If that still doesn't work then maybe you have hit your bodies ideal weight. I had a…
  • Good for you and Good Luck. You've already accomplished so much :)
  • Totally agree with the first post!!
  • I agree, don't cut out foods you love all at once and you do need to treat yourself. I would say if you sit a lot you should really find time to add in a walk before or after work. My husband manages to get his work in at lunch lol Even a 20 minute walk each day will help you now. I don't even mean a power walk. I lost 30…
  • Welcome to mfp. :D
    in New Comment by Earthhorse March 2011
  • I agree with most people. I'm not going to give up anything. I will just enjoy in moderation and keep up the exercising. My vice is salt so every weekend I enjoy a bag of pretzels. :)
  • Any activity will help. You lose from where ever your body chooses to. Good luck and just get active.
  • I agree with everyone. If it is natural sugar I wouldn't worry. If it was in treats, teas or coffees then you could limit the amount you add in. Fruit sugar to me doesn't count ;)
    in Sugar Comment by Earthhorse January 2011
  • WOW!! :D
  • I was both invited and challenged, on facebook, to try it. So far I am liking everything and I have started to invite people as well