
fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
I hate it, absolutely hate it. I hate public pools, I hate the clammy yet freezing dressing rooms, I hate the stray hairs and congealed talc on the floor. I hate the feeling of gulping in water instead of air, I hate being splashed in the face as I'm going along. I hate the feeling of water on my face or in my hair, I hate my body in a swimsuit.

So how can I make swimming more enjoyable? At the moment I don't even take my children swimming as I just can't bear it, but I do think they probably should learn to swim. I used to scuba dive a lot and I loved that. It's different when you have air on demand, can see and have huge great fins making it easy. Oh and fish, turtles and coral to look at, or the occasional wreck. That's fun. Swimming in a swimming pool.....not so much.


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    So get your kids in swimming lessons and stop swimming. Don't do something you don't want to do!
  • clhiter
    clhiter Posts: 74
    If your pool is like that then yup don't go. Find a place that takes care of its areas, not a sparkling place but it is clean and acceptable. If it is dirtier than your house avoid it. the chemicals probably are not kept up either.

    beyond that, just go for it and have fun. find the quiet times so it is only you and your family swimming and playing.
    i mean gee whiz at least there are chemicals verus when you are in ocen there is all that fish and people poo and pee :bigsmile:
  • Earthhorse
    Earthhorse Posts: 28 Member
    I say if you hate it, don't try to make yourself like it, because it just won't work. For your children, get them enrolled in swimming lessons and see if they enjoy it. Good Luck
  • get_it_gone2012
    pools are gross places, no matter where you go (take it from a lifeguard haha!)
    but depending on the age of your children, a pool can be a very fun place. if they're still young enough, you can enjoy perhaps a shallow water pool, and you can let your children play and supervise their swimming while you sit and relax. at my pool we have a heated 'kiddie' pool which is shallow for adults yet pretty deep for children under the age of 6.
    also, swimming lessons are a great idea! unfortunately, from my experience, if a child sees their parent hating the water they have a good chance of not liking it either.
    but like i said, if your children are still young enough you may not even have to get in past your knees if you don't want to yet still enjoy and hour or two at the pool :smile:
    but yeah, hate to tell you, no matter what pool you go to, even if it is 'sparkling', it will still be gross. a sanitized grossness, but still nasty :tongue:
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    I hate tennis but kept going to tennis for my son's sake. He loves tennis. After 2 years, off and on, I think I am actually hooked!

    I hear you on the indoor swimming thing. Some pools are better than others but you hope the water is properly adjusted in chemicals. I really want to learn how to swim. Got an article from last year's Women's Health magazine about swimming and how to tone up for it. I think it will be excellent cross train for me. Its just getting my butt on the phone to make an appointment with a trainer. Maybe you and your kids can find a happy medium on the swim thing.
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    I hate tennis but kept going to tennis for my son's sake. He loves tennis. After 2 years, off and on, I think I am actually hooked!

    I hear you on the indoor swimming thing. Some pools are better than others but you hope the water is properly adjusted in chemicals. I really want to learn how to swim. Got an article from last year's Women's Health magazine about swimming and how to tone up for it. I think it will be excellent cross train for me. Its just getting my butt on the phone to make an appointment with a trainer. Maybe you and your kids can find a happy medium on the swim thing.