kolraw Member


  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/974889-in-place-of-a-road-map-short-n-sweet Read it, Live it and it will change you.
  • LOL nice response.
  • Easy one here... I am where there are a lot of Mormons.
  • http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2012/08/23/batman-bodyweight-workout/ =)
  • Set realistic goals. If you don't you will fail. You also need to be smart about how you do it. I recommend reading the following to begin with: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12
  • Looks fantastic since apple pie is one of my favorite things but it is probably around 400 calories or so.
  • I haven't made any progress yet myself but I just started StrongLifts 5x5 so hoping to see movement soon.
  • Welcome to MFP. Sent you a friend request.
  • I would highly recommend reading the instructions here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12
  • If you go hard during those 20 minutes of lifting weights then yes. Doing any amount of exercise is better than doing nothing. There is no secret sauce for becoming motivated. I personally can find every excuse in the world to not do something I know I should but I don't want to. "Once you are embarrassed enough, you will…
  • ^^That is what matters. 0.4 lbs is nothing, just weighing yourself at a different time of time could have given you no weight gain. Don't stress, especially while your body is in flux. Keep moving forward.
  • I did my first 10 minute trainer DVD last night and I think I sweat more during that than I have in a long time. The thing I like about them is it is 10 minutes of fast and furious which gets my heart rate up. If you have the extra time, you can do 2 or 3. Something a person told me once is "Ever seen a fat sprinter?" and…
  • yoovie is right. You just have to do it. I can say I am right there with you. When I go to the gym, I go and do a great workout but it is hella hard for me to get off my *kitten* to do it. Have to get find my stuff, get changed, drive there, find a machine, etc. I hate it. I have tried taking up different types of sports…
  • Doesn't talk to you but it will give you a message when you pick it up after having it sitting there for a while. Mine does one every morning. It also just randomly gives you messages. This is a feature you can turn off.
  • Started this yesterday and I am really hopeful with it. I stalled last time for almost 2 months so I gave in and gained 5 lbs back. This time around I have an actual plan. The main thing I have to work on and remember is to do the weightlifting also, just eating more won't cause me to lose weight as fast as I need.
  • Excess calories gained from working out are not to be used in my opinion. If you are at your goal for the day (without adding in workout calories) I would just leave it.
  • Good job. I would have just done the workout without shoes. :happy: but then again, I hate wearing shoes.
    in NSV Comment by kolraw August 2012
  • I'm Jim. I travel a lot for work so I eat out a lot so eating properly becomes hard for me. I have about 40 lbs to lose overall but 20 will get me started. Anyone can feel free to add me if they need the support.
  • I am stalled and just getting back on things. I am going to do a morning workout at least 3 times a week (maybe a couple of extra rounds of golf happy ) and manage my food intake better.
  • I am going to put my two cents in here. My wife is a fitness queen, teaches multiple classes, isn't happy unless she has worked out, etc. She has been trying to get me motivated to go to the gym/workout for years. Quite honestly, it bugs the heck out of me because I feel like she is criticizing me but I really know she…
  • Not to hijack the thread/control but I need the accountability also. I am stalled and just getting back on things. I am going to do a morning workout at least 3 times a week (maybe a couple of extra rounds of golf :happy: ) and manage my food intake better. What are you going to do differently over the next 60 days to…
  • I'm in. That is perfect for me. I want to be close to that before Christmas.
  • I have had mine for 6 months and I travel with it. I carry mine in a pocket so I don't use the clip that comes with it. I honestly haven't seen any issues. If you are sliding it on and off stuff all the time I can see it breaking (which is why they give you the clip holster).
  • Make sure you join the Fitbit group here to get some helpful advice. This is one thing I didn't realize when I first got it. "One thing that is really important to understand about this integration is that it was designed to easily allow you to use MyFitnessPal to log foods, exercises and water and to use your Fitbit…
  • I love mine. I forgot it one time when I went on a business trip and it drove me nuts not to have it. It has also been helpful in figuring out my actual TDEE.
  • I usually go for top floor rooms because I always get the noisy person above me but I might need to switch.
  • Agreed. Everything that has been said is better than I had before.
  • I do this a lot. Honestly one of my favorite things to do. I can always find cardio stuff to do but I am looking for something with more resistance training. Sounds like taking bands with me might be the way to go.
  • I actually just got these but have not tried them yet.
  • I don't do many videos but my wife swears by P90X. She has done P90X 1&2 and Insanity. She also teaches Ripped, muscle busters and Zumba. (You won't find Zumba branded videos on Youtube, look for latin dance or something similar).