Lack of motivation. Any tips?!



  • kolraw
    kolraw Posts: 42 Member
    yoovie is right. You just have to do it.

    I can say I am right there with you. When I go to the gym, I go and do a great workout but it is hella hard for me to get off my *kitten* to do it. Have to get find my stuff, get changed, drive there, find a machine, etc. I hate it.

    I have tried taking up different types of sports to try and get the passion which I see other people have. Soccer, cycling, golf, etc. I enjoy all of these but don't have the passion so many other do for it (except maybe golf :happy: )

    My wife is a fitness queen and has always told me I will get addicted to it. Never happens for me. Couldn't tell you why. I personally have found just doing something small is so much easier for me. I can't motivate myself to go do an hour+ of working out. I have started to do the 10 minute trainer because there is no way I can justify to myself I don't have 10 minutes a day. Maybe try something smaller to begin with.

    Just my thoughts on the subject.

    Thanks, good to know I'm not the only one who doesnt get addicted to it. Isnt 10 minutes of exercise a waste of time? I've read that you need to do 45 mins of cardio to get any benefits? (not that I can last 45 mins - I get bored after 20). Thats partly my problem, I hate wasting my time on things so if I exercise for no benefit, to me its a waste of time. I do love a bit of golf too, but I dont count that as exercise.

    I did my first 10 minute trainer DVD last night and I think I sweat more during that than I have in a long time. The thing I like about them is it is 10 minutes of fast and furious which gets my heart rate up. If you have the extra time, you can do 2 or 3. Something a person told me once is "Ever seen a fat sprinter?" and they only run for 10 seconds. (Yes, I know they train more but I doubt many do long distance running, it is mostly strength training.)

    Anything I do which causes me to use parts of my body outside of normal use or that which elevates my heart rate counts as exercise in my book. I might not burn the most calories doing it but being outside, working my body for 2+ hours is a whole lot better than nothing. Play 36 holes straight and then tell me it isn't exercise when you are sore the next day. :laugh:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    yoovie is right. You just have to do it.

    I can say I am right there with you. When I go to the gym, I go and do a great workout but it is hella hard for me to get off my *kitten* to do it. Have to get find my stuff, get changed, drive there, find a machine, etc. I hate it.

    I have tried taking up different types of sports to try and get the passion which I see other people have. Soccer, cycling, golf, etc. I enjoy all of these but don't have the passion so many other do for it (except maybe golf :happy: )

    My wife is a fitness queen and has always told me I will get addicted to it. Never happens for me. Couldn't tell you why. I personally have found just doing something small is so much easier for me. I can't motivate myself to go do an hour+ of working out. I have started to do the 10 minute trainer because there is no way I can justify to myself I don't have 10 minutes a day. Maybe try something smaller to begin with.

    Just my thoughts on the subject.

    Thanks, good to know I'm not the only one who doesnt get addicted to it. Isnt 10 minutes of exercise a waste of time? I've read that you need to do 45 mins of cardio to get any benefits? (not that I can last 45 mins - I get bored after 20). Thats partly my problem, I hate wasting my time on things so if I exercise for no benefit, to me its a waste of time. I do love a bit of golf too, but I dont count that as exercise.

    then dont do cardio lol youll get better burn lifting weights anywaze :D
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    That's exactly right. No-one else is going to motivate you. You must find it in yourself. You may get a bit closer to finding it if you cut through all of your cleverly disguised excuses (i.e. every reply you've made thus far on this thread). Good luck!

    Thats exactly my point. I'm looking for it (within myself or elsewhere) but I haven't found it yet and I dont know where else to look. My only excuse for not exercising more is that I'm not motivated enough to do so. Which brings me right back to where I do you find motivation?!

    LOL I just told you!!!!!!

    You cannot FIND motivation - you have to BECOME motivated - if youre not motivated - you can STILL workout by using determination and will power and proving your personal integrity.

    But if you dont want it, you just cant fake wanting it, babe.
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    yoovie is right. You just have to do it.

    I can say I am right there with you. When I go to the gym, I go and do a great workout but it is hella hard for me to get off my *kitten* to do it. Have to get find my stuff, get changed, drive there, find a machine, etc. I hate it.

    I have tried taking up different types of sports to try and get the passion which I see other people have. Soccer, cycling, golf, etc. I enjoy all of these but don't have the passion so many other do for it (except maybe golf :happy: )

    My wife is a fitness queen and has always told me I will get addicted to it. Never happens for me. Couldn't tell you why. I personally have found just doing something small is so much easier for me. I can't motivate myself to go do an hour+ of working out. I have started to do the 10 minute trainer because there is no way I can justify to myself I don't have 10 minutes a day. Maybe try something smaller to begin with.

    Just my thoughts on the subject.

    Thanks, good to know I'm not the only one who doesnt get addicted to it. Isnt 10 minutes of exercise a waste of time? I've read that you need to do 45 mins of cardio to get any benefits? (not that I can last 45 mins - I get bored after 20). Thats partly my problem, I hate wasting my time on things so if I exercise for no benefit, to me its a waste of time. I do love a bit of golf too, but I dont count that as exercise.

    I did my first 10 minute trainer DVD last night and I think I sweat more during that than I have in a long time. The thing I like about them is it is 10 minutes of fast and furious which gets my heart rate up. If you have the extra time, you can do 2 or 3. Something a person told me once is "Ever seen a fat sprinter?" and they only run for 10 seconds. (Yes, I know they train more but I doubt many do long distance running, it is mostly strength training.)

    Anything I do which causes me to use parts of my body outside of normal use or that which elevates my heart rate counts as exercise in my book. I might not burn the most calories doing it but being outside, working my body for 2+ hours is a whole lot better than nothing. Play 36 holes straight and then tell me it isn't exercise when you are sore the next day. :laugh:

    Blimey. Cant do 36 holes in a day. 18 is enough for me. Thats usually 5 hours of walking & swearing. Yes its exercise, but not what I'd consider a 'workout' or something thats going to give any visible results
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    yoovie is right. You just have to do it.

    I can say I am right there with you. When I go to the gym, I go and do a great workout but it is hella hard for me to get off my *kitten* to do it. Have to get find my stuff, get changed, drive there, find a machine, etc. I hate it.

    I have tried taking up different types of sports to try and get the passion which I see other people have. Soccer, cycling, golf, etc. I enjoy all of these but don't have the passion so many other do for it (except maybe golf :happy: )

    My wife is a fitness queen and has always told me I will get addicted to it. Never happens for me. Couldn't tell you why. I personally have found just doing something small is so much easier for me. I can't motivate myself to go do an hour+ of working out. I have started to do the 10 minute trainer because there is no way I can justify to myself I don't have 10 minutes a day. Maybe try something smaller to begin with.

    Just my thoughts on the subject.

    Thanks, good to know I'm not the only one who doesnt get addicted to it. Isnt 10 minutes of exercise a waste of time? I've read that you need to do 45 mins of cardio to get any benefits? (not that I can last 45 mins - I get bored after 20). Thats partly my problem, I hate wasting my time on things so if I exercise for no benefit, to me its a waste of time. I do love a bit of golf too, but I dont count that as exercise.

    then dont do cardio lol youll get better burn lifting weights anywaze :D

    So is it even worth doing 20 minutes of weights twice a week? I seem to have high standards & I thibk a workout is only worth doing if its a proper workout!
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member

    That's exactly right. No-one else is going to motivate you. You must find it in yourself. You may get a bit closer to finding it if you cut through all of your cleverly disguised excuses (i.e. every reply you've made thus far on this thread). Good luck!

    Thats exactly my point. I'm looking for it (within myself or elsewhere) but I haven't found it yet and I dont know where else to look. My only excuse for not exercising more is that I'm not motivated enough to do so. Which brings me right back to where I do you find motivation?!

    LOL I just told you!!!!!!

    You cannot FIND motivation - you have to BECOME motivated - if youre not motivated - you can STILL workout by using determination and will power and proving your personal integrity.

    But if you dont want it, you just cant fake wanting it, babe.

    Ok then, I reword my issue : I cannot become motivated. I do want it.....I wouldn't be here if I didnt, but I could use some help getting there.

    Maybe if we define 'motivation'it might help. To me, motivation is the will/desire to do something. Motivation is not setting and/or reaching goals.
  • kolraw
    kolraw Posts: 42 Member
    If you go hard during those 20 minutes of lifting weights then yes. Doing any amount of exercise is better than doing nothing.

    There is no secret sauce for becoming motivated. I personally can find every excuse in the world to not do something I know I should but I don't want to.

    "Once you are embarrassed enough, you will do it."
  • Yes, I have a tip! Watch this:
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    Yes, I have a tip! Watch this:

    Just watched it. What does it mean to you? Does it inspire/motivate you?
  • I am not the one with the problem.

    Try watching this one: (then tell us what u think)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    yoovie is right. You just have to do it.

    I can say I am right there with you. When I go to the gym, I go and do a great workout but it is hella hard for me to get off my *kitten* to do it. Have to get find my stuff, get changed, drive there, find a machine, etc. I hate it.

    I have tried taking up different types of sports to try and get the passion which I see other people have. Soccer, cycling, golf, etc. I enjoy all of these but don't have the passion so many other do for it (except maybe golf :happy: )

    My wife is a fitness queen and has always told me I will get addicted to it. Never happens for me. Couldn't tell you why. I personally have found just doing something small is so much easier for me. I can't motivate myself to go do an hour+ of working out. I have started to do the 10 minute trainer because there is no way I can justify to myself I don't have 10 minutes a day. Maybe try something smaller to begin with.

    Just my thoughts on the subject.

    Thanks, good to know I'm not the only one who doesnt get addicted to it. Isnt 10 minutes of exercise a waste of time? I've read that you need to do 45 mins of cardio to get any benefits? (not that I can last 45 mins - I get bored after 20). Thats partly my problem, I hate wasting my time on things so if I exercise for no benefit, to me its a waste of time. I do love a bit of golf too, but I dont count that as exercise.

    then dont do cardio lol youll get better burn lifting weights anywaze :D

    So is it even worth doing 20 minutes of weights twice a week? I seem to have high standards & I thibk a workout is only worth doing if its a proper workout!

    OMG nooooo If you are lifting heavy - like really heavy and you do 2 intense 20 minute sessions per week and maybe warm up with like 10 minutes of cardio- or do a 20 minute session of high intensity cardio once a week (for a total of an hour a week)


    true story I swear on my life!!!!!
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    I am not the one with the problem.

    Try watching this one: (then tell us what u think)

    I was just wondering what you thought of it, thats all. Whether it inspired you & why you thought it was an inspirational quote montage. Anyway, I'll watch this one & tell you what I think.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    That's exactly right. No-one else is going to motivate you. You must find it in yourself. You may get a bit closer to finding it if you cut through all of your cleverly disguised excuses (i.e. every reply you've made thus far on this thread). Good luck!

    Thats exactly my point. I'm looking for it (within myself or elsewhere) but I haven't found it yet and I dont know where else to look. My only excuse for not exercising more is that I'm not motivated enough to do so. Which brings me right back to where I do you find motivation?!

    LOL I just told you!!!!!!

    You cannot FIND motivation - you have to BECOME motivated - if youre not motivated - you can STILL workout by using determination and will power and proving your personal integrity.

    But if you dont want it, you just cant fake wanting it, babe.

    Ok then, I reword my issue : I cannot become motivated. I do want it.....I wouldn't be here if I didnt, but I could use some help getting there.

    Maybe if we define 'motivation'it might help. To me, motivation is the will/desire to do something. Motivation is not setting and/or reaching goals.

    motivation is a quick little flare of light in our brain that is like a supplement to your willpower. It makes it just slightly easier. The rest of the time, its just our determination that gets us there.

    I dont wanna do it- but I know that 12 minutes into my workout- I wont want to stop.

    I would rather sleep late, but I know that if I wake up and do a 20 minute bodyweight circuit, I will have a great day and no one can mess up my mood.

    Motivation is just something that helps. It doesnt do it for you or move your body for you - its just like... the spoon full of sugar that helps the medicine go down.

    its not the sugar that gets you better, its the medicine.

    Take your medicine, darlin, with or without the sugar ok?

    If you dont want your teeth to fall out, you must brush them
    If you dont want the plague, wash your body daily
    If you dont want to be overweight, eat right and exercise.

    Its not about being motivated, its about doing what must be done in order to get what you want or get away from what you dont want.

    If you dont want it enough to exercise, try finding something you would love to do.

    Wanna try boxing? how about just getting great at like 3 kinds of lifts, maybe deadlift, overhead press and squats or something- just work on raising how much weight you can do with those. Or if cardio is your thing- run a 5K in a half hour. Its only 3 miles. its no big deal and a half hour isnt TOO bad right?

    You'll never find motivation if you hunt for it longer than you workout. true story!

    I really hope you succeed. I kinda wanna run into you again and see you kicking some *kitten*.
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    I am not the one with the problem.

    Try watching this one: (then tell us what u think)

    Sorry, but equating letters to numbers is meaningless & not exactly scientific! The message: change your attitude - yes, I agree, I'm sure that will work. But still points back to the original issue - how to change an attitude - how to get motivated to change. That clip did not inspire me to run to the gym & do a hard workout
  • The motivation must come within you. Not from us. You may need someone else to inspire you...and that may motivate you.

    I think you need to change your attitude. To me, it is negative...and that is why you are not motivated. You mentioned u may be depressed...that is a perhaps you should talk to someone...just saying.

    Depression happens to all of help if you need it.
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member

    That's exactly right. No-one else is going to motivate you. You must find it in yourself. You may get a bit closer to finding it if you cut through all of your cleverly disguised excuses (i.e. every reply you've made thus far on this thread). Good luck!

    Thats exactly my point. I'm looking for it (within myself or elsewhere) but I haven't found it yet and I dont know where else to look. My only excuse for not exercising more is that I'm not motivated enough to do so. Which brings me right back to where I do you find motivation?!

    LOL I just told you!!!!!!

    You cannot FIND motivation - you have to BECOME motivated - if youre not motivated - you can STILL workout by using determination and will power and proving your personal integrity.

    But if you dont want it, you just cant fake wanting it, babe.

    Ok then, I reword my issue : I cannot become motivated. I do want it.....I wouldn't be here if I didnt, but I could use some help getting there.

    Maybe if we define 'motivation'it might help. To me, motivation is the will/desire to do something. Motivation is not setting and/or reaching goals.

    motivation is a quick little flare of light in our brain that is like a supplement to your willpower. It makes it just slightly easier. The rest of the time, its just our determination that gets us there.

    I dont wanna do it- but I know that 12 minutes into my workout- I wont want to stop.

    I would rather sleep late, but I know that if I wake up and do a 20 minute bodyweight circuit, I will have a great day and no one can mess up my mood.

    Motivation is just something that helps. It doesnt do it for you or move your body for you - its just like... the spoon full of sugar that helps the medicine go down.

    its not the sugar that gets you better, its the medicine.

    Take your medicine, darlin, with or without the sugar ok?

    If you dont want your teeth to fall out, you must brush them
    If you dont want the plague, wash your body daily
    If you dont want to be overweight, eat right and exercise.

    Its not about being motivated, its about doing what must be done in order to get what you want or get away from what you dont want.

    If you dont want it enough to exercise, try finding something you would love to do.

    Wanna try boxing? how about just getting great at like 3 kinds of lifts, maybe deadlift, overhead press and squats or something- just work on raising how much weight you can do with those. Or if cardio is your thing- run a 5K in a half hour. Its only 3 miles. its no big deal and a half hour isnt TOO bad right?

    You'll never find motivation if you hunt for it longer than you workout. true story!

    I really hope you succeed. I kinda wanna run into you again and see you kicking some *kitten*.

    Thankyou. Thats all makes good sense & is encouraging me already! I do 5km in 27 mins, by the way! Well, the one time I could stay focussed for that long.

    Ok, so if I start small & do 20 mins on my gym visits, I reckon eventually I'll stay in there for longer.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    That's exactly right. No-one else is going to motivate you. You must find it in yourself. You may get a bit closer to finding it if you cut through all of your cleverly disguised excuses (i.e. every reply you've made thus far on this thread). Good luck!

    Thats exactly my point. I'm looking for it (within myself or elsewhere) but I haven't found it yet and I dont know where else to look. My only excuse for not exercising more is that I'm not motivated enough to do so. Which brings me right back to where I do you find motivation?!

    LOL I just told you!!!!!!

    You cannot FIND motivation - you have to BECOME motivated - if youre not motivated - you can STILL workout by using determination and will power and proving your personal integrity.

    But if you dont want it, you just cant fake wanting it, babe.

    Ok then, I reword my issue : I cannot become motivated. I do want it.....I wouldn't be here if I didnt, but I could use some help getting there.

    Maybe if we define 'motivation'it might help. To me, motivation is the will/desire to do something. Motivation is not setting and/or reaching goals.

    motivation is a quick little flare of light in our brain that is like a supplement to your willpower. It makes it just slightly easier. The rest of the time, its just our determination that gets us there.

    I dont wanna do it- but I know that 12 minutes into my workout- I wont want to stop.

    I would rather sleep late, but I know that if I wake up and do a 20 minute bodyweight circuit, I will have a great day and no one can mess up my mood.

    Motivation is just something that helps. It doesnt do it for you or move your body for you - its just like... the spoon full of sugar that helps the medicine go down.

    its not the sugar that gets you better, its the medicine.

    Take your medicine, darlin, with or without the sugar ok?

    If you dont want your teeth to fall out, you must brush them
    If you dont want the plague, wash your body daily
    If you dont want to be overweight, eat right and exercise.

    Its not about being motivated, its about doing what must be done in order to get what you want or get away from what you dont want.

    If you dont want it enough to exercise, try finding something you would love to do.

    Wanna try boxing? how about just getting great at like 3 kinds of lifts, maybe deadlift, overhead press and squats or something- just work on raising how much weight you can do with those. Or if cardio is your thing- run a 5K in a half hour. Its only 3 miles. its no big deal and a half hour isnt TOO bad right?

    You'll never find motivation if you hunt for it longer than you workout. true story!

    I really hope you succeed. I kinda wanna run into you again and see you kicking some *kitten*.

    Thankyou. Thats all makes good sense & is encouraging me already! I do 5km in 27 mins, by the way! Well, the one time I could stay focussed for that long.

    Ok, so if I start small & do 20 mins on my gym visits, I reckon eventually I'll stay in there for longer.

    100% and I totally do NOT think you have a bad attitude- I think you want to want it and to me that is beautiful.
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    The motivation must come within you. Not from us. You may need someone else to inspire you...and that may motivate you.

    I think you need to change your attitude. To me, it is negative...and that is why you are not motivated. You mentioned u may be depressed...that is a perhaps you should talk to someone...just saying.

    Depression happens to all of help if you need it.

    Thanks - I'm trying all avenues to find a solution to my lack of motivation. Depression is another avenue that I've already explored. My doctor was not that helpful and despite having anti depressants (last year) & CBT this year, I dont feel much different. Even the doctor said exercise more, you'll feel better! Tried that, and it didn't make a huge difference. So I was just wondering if I was missing something else.

    So thanks everyone, I think the rest is up to me. Sounds like nothing more to be said that can help.
  • rayne78
    rayne78 Posts: 88 Member

    I commend you on your weight loss. Truely fantastic.

    My issue is this: i know & can see the benefits of regular workouts & I'd love to have the motivation to go to the gym every day. I'd love to see some change in my body & inner happiness. I'd love to be fitter for general day to day health. may be right....I obviously dont want those things badly enough to use them as motivation to get them. So thank you for your words, you have at least made that aspect clearer for me. Now my next challenge is working out what can make me want those things badly enough to get them!

    You're welcome.
    According to to motivate is "to give incentive to". So, maybe what you need to get your butt moving is an incentive plan. Is there something you'd like to save up for, or things you'd like to treat yourself to? (not food related). So for example, start with 20 min a week, or whatever you can handle, and then plan a reward for yourself for getting to 30 min a week or 40 min a week. It might be a way to get you interested in getting the work done. Or for each workout put $5 in a pot or assign a dollar value to a length of time spent working out. Save the money for something you want, ie clothes, a trip, an ipod, etc...but you have to work for it, and it shouldn't be food rewards
  • The motivation must come within you. Not from us. You may need someone else to inspire you...and that may motivate you.

    I think you need to change your attitude. To me, it is negative...and that is why you are not motivated. You mentioned u may be depressed...that is a perhaps you should talk to someone...just saying.

    Depression happens to all of help if you need it.

    Thanks - I'm trying all avenues to find a solution to my lack of motivation. Depression is another avenue that I've already explored. My doctor was not that helpful and despite having anti depressants (last year) & CBT this year, I dont feel much different. Even the doctor said exercise more, you'll feel better! Tried that, and it didn't make a huge difference. So I was just wondering if I was missing something else.

    So thanks everyone, I think the rest is up to me. Sounds like nothing more to be said that can help.

    The best to you...let us know how you are doing. It is a struggle sometimes for all of us. I mentioned depression, cuz I was suffering from it and did not know was so bad...and did not seek help in time. Almost lost my life because of it. What helped (the doctors DID NOT HELP me...nor the dopey meds)...was eating right (cutting out processed foods...white stuff mostly) and exercise. A winning combination.