Need tips on exercise methods

Hello all:
I am a fairly new member to MFP. I am seeking some ways to work out without needing weights or a gym membership of some sort. I have considered trying the P90X or Insanity, but I don't want to do that until I'm a little more fit. So if anyone has any tips of how I can increase my exercise routine it'd be greatly appreciated.



  • valeriejean1407
    P90X can actually be a good starting point. You can do it the privacy of your own home and you will definitely see progress by how the workouts progress as you get more fit. If you think you want to do it somewhere down the road, it's worth starting now.
  • HockeyFan1987
    Only problem is: I don't have the money for it....
  • sabinavaughan
    sabinavaughan Posts: 109 Member
    My lastest one that I like is the UFC trainer for Wii (Although I think you can get it on PS3 as well).

    You could use a DVD to start you off as well..easy enough to find those at Walmart or something like that. I've heard P90X is good as well although I haven't tried it (yet), however I remember reading a post that Insanity is something you want to do when you are fitter...(me not nearly close enough to try lol)

    Good luck!
  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
    youtube fitness routine videos. There are some p90x ones on there as well as turbo fire and other beachbody routines. Just use those until you get the real deal.
  • Msjoyce88
    Msjoyce88 Posts: 4 Member
    If you are not ready to start P90x then you should maybe begin by simply walking everyday. Its good to get out and walk but a treadmill is also a great option. You can also log onto YouTube and find different workout videos for beginners.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    body rock is online for free. also you can do body weight exercises.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Walking for 30 minutes, couch to 5k program -several are online, On Demand has free workouts and YouTube has several free workouts.
  • HockeyFan1987
    Thanks all :)
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    That's pretty tough since everyone needs weight training, either with weights at home or at a gym.

    Well, body weight workouts. I think there are some good ones, one is called shape shifter I think.

    It is super important to get some sort of resistance training. I'm 51.5 years old and I recently got a DXA scan to check my bone density. Not only did it show I'm under 12% body fat, but I have the bone density of a super fit 30 year old. I've been lifting weights for over 30 years (I'm a runner too). Now if that DXA scan is not scientific proof that lifting keeps you young I don't know what is. :)
  • CantonMan1234
    CantonMan1234 Posts: 142 Member
    Walking is a great non-expensive way to begin. Walk your neighborhood and on the seventh day, time yourself. Then the next week try to beat your time. It doesn't have to be intense to be exercise, but push yourself a little more every day. The journey is it's own destination.
  • HockeyFan1987
    Walking is a great non-expensive way to begin. Walk your neighborhood and on the seventh day, time yourself. Then the next week try to beat your time. It doesn't have to be intense to be exercise, but push yourself a little more every day. The journey is it's own destination.
    Very well said CantonMan...:)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I would suggest trying a full body workout 3 times a week. You can do lots of exercises at home and with minimal equipment. A workout could include:

    - push ups: you can vary the width of your hands to made it more tricep or more bicep focused. You can also do one legged ones or raised leg (on a low table for example) to make them harder

    - squats: you can do pne legged ones to make it harder (look up pistol squats)

    - lunges

    - if you can get a pull up bar, do chin ups and pull ups. If you cannot do a full one, do negatives which is where you start from the top and lower yourself as slowly as possible. You can also do hanging leg raises on these, especially if they have the arms straps.

    If you can, invest in some dumbells as that will allow more variability in your routine.

    There are also a bunch of workout routines on youtube.

    ETA: I agree with the above post that walking is an excellent way to get some low impact exercise in.
  • marvelmo
    marvelmo Posts: 119 Member
    check local library for workout videos you can try without buying or check Ebay may find an inexpensive PX90
    You could use your body as resistance push ups sit ups squats etc
  • nicodavis
    I have found Fit Deck cards to be great for body weight resistance and they can be adjusted for your skill level until you move on. Thanks for the thread because I will be looking for youtube videos. I am also excited to have learned that OnDemand has fitness videos. My 7 hours of walking is not cutting it right now and I need to increase my strength.
  • HockeyFan1987
    Walking is a great non-expensive way to begin. Walk your neighborhood and on the seventh day, time yourself. Then the next week try to beat your time. It doesn't have to be intense to be exercise, but push yourself a little more every day. The journey is it's own destination.

    nicodavis: have you tried doing something similar to this? - Someone else recommended it earlier... set yourself a weekly challenge to beat a time for the same distance walked
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    There are loads of body weight strength programmes too if you google them. Look at and exercises you can limit to bodyweight.
    30 Day Shred is a great start off too as up's your cardio and strength (push ups, jumping jacks etc), you can use a can of food instead of dumbbells at first too.

    I did C25k even when I was at my heaviest, there are podcasts you can download online for your phone or mp3 player/iPod etc.

    Nerdfitness is a great site too, and motivational at making you have a giggle along the way.

    Commitment is key, and knowing that that hour is a 'real' work out, no half hearted efforts get your gym clothes on and turn the phone / internet off while you workout. You'll soon see results then.
  • vanillarama
    vanillarama Posts: 101 Member
    I sent you that link on bodyweight exercises you can do.

    Really, the trick is not to think about it too much, and just make sure you're moving.

    I liked someone's suggestion of checking out dvds at your local library- the internet is also a great resource too- YouTube has TONS of videos of workouts- some up to an hour in length! Pretty much anything you could choose from. I work out a lot at home myself and sometimes I just search for something new to keep it fresh.

    Again, though, make sure you're not sitting on the computer for 3 hours looking for the 'perfect' video for you. Find something, do it, then look for other things for the next time.

    P90x and all that stuff is great, but that is really something for you to work up to. The last thing you want is to become burnt out- or worse, injured, at the beginning of your journey towards wellness.

    Think about it- for every 5 minutes you spend on here, you could be doing knee lifts, or trying some wall-pushups.

    I know it is hard- I know it is SO hard. It isn't just physical either, I know from personal experience. Getting to know my body was a weird but wonderful (not always, though!) process.

    I have every faith in you. There is so much out there for you!!! Good luck!
  • vtachycardia
    A great resource for absolute beginners who lack confidence or feel they are not fit enough to get fit (I was this, irrational thinking at its finest) then try really great, simple, no equipment needed, fat blasting, cardio working, strength improving workouts. Truly helped me when getting started - especially quality not quantity attitude.

    You can do it.
  • cahilfoley
    I used to be in the same boat, except it was in relation to the gym. I didn't want to join the gym and work out around other people until I had lost my initial weight. I started a body weight circuit in my back yard that consisted of push ups, sit ups, squats, running on the spot, star jumps and burpees.

    Did this for 4 weeks and had some great results which inspired me to join the gym!