Plateau.... for 3 years?

Hey All,
I need some suggestions for jumpstarting my weight loss again.

Quick background:
9 years ago after college, started exercising/cardio 6 days a week, lost 50 lbs. Gained back 20 lbs over the last 4 years, but still working out 5 days a week. I guess my diet has slipped a little?? Last year I lost 5 lbs by switching some cardio to body pump for 6 mos. then heavy weights on machines for 6 mos... but I just regained a solid 4 of them on vacation. :*(

5'4", currently 144 lbs. goal weight is 130-135.

What else can I try? I know you can't see my food diary because I actually use a different program (I just love the MFP community!), but I usually eat around 1500-1800 cals per day and burn an average of 350 cals on workout days. I've tried low carb but I have trouble meeting my calories that way.


  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    Your weight loss goals are exactly the same as mine! I'm 5'4" 147, and trying to get to the 130-135 range as well :)

    For me, I've noticed that my losses significantly slowed down when I hit the 140's range. Your food diary isn't open, so it is hard to see what you're eating, but most of my successes have been with meals heavy with vegetables and protein, and low on the carbs and dairy.

    What kinds of exercise are you doing?
  • firesoul19
    firesoul19 Posts: 37 Member
    Yeah... I actually don't keep my diary on here. I use Lose It!, but I discovered MFP like 6 mos. after I started on that one. I do several different types of workouts. Zumba 1-2x per week, step aerobics while holding hand weights, body pump, heavy weights on the gym machines. Recently I've dusted off my Jillian Kettlebell dvd. Sometimes I throw some Tae Bo or Turbo Jam in there. Cardio around 5x per week. Weights about 2x per week.
  • firesoul19
    firesoul19 Posts: 37 Member
    Yes, I've seen posts on this before. guess I should break down and actually follow it, huh? Guess we'll see what happens. Thanks!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    One doesn't "plateau" for 3 years if they are consistent. Chalk it up to inconsistency and possibly staying on an exercise routine too long.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Doesn't seem to me that you plateau'ed, but that you fell off the wagon a few times.

    Just log your food correctly and stick to it.
  • slowlow1
    slowlow1 Posts: 31 Member
    My plateau has not been quite 3 years but it has been very long. I lost close to 40 lbs 2 years ago and I was stuck at 158.8 (159) for over a year. I mean really stuck no movement at all. Then I thought well if I get my weight to go up then I can work it back down. It took me about six months and it seems like all once I gain 7 lbs and now I am stuck again. Now it is more of a swing between 163 and 166. I have been doing this for just under a year now and I don't know what to do about it. I am considering trying a personal trainer again to help get me on track. The last trainer I had didn't do anything for me. In fact I was working with her when I gained the 7 pounds. She did not give me any advise at all so this time if I decide to use a trainer I will be more selective.

    I said all of that to say that I understand where you are coming from. Maybe you should look into a a good trainer or nutritionist. They might be able to help you figure something out.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    One doesn't "plateau" for 3 years if they are consistent. Chalk it up to inconsistency and possibly staying on an exercise routine too long.

    This. I've been on a plateau for about a year, but I know I haven't been totally consistent.
    I really have to be consistently exercising or even on a deficit I won't lose.