BuckeyeLuvvvva Member


  • Hi All. First time posting. I've been doing quasi-keto for about a month but finally decided to buckle down and do the real deal Atkins induction. Basically cutting out all "frankenfoods" that may be preventing me from reaching my goals. I'm 5'2", 130 and trying to lose about 15-20lbs total. I know it's not that much but…
  • Wow! Thank you guys so much for all the responses! It got me so excited to go! I'm in love with the book "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" so I've already reserved tickets to see the Mercer house. We're also planning on going to Lady & Sons (I'm on vacay! Yum yum!) But my boyfriend loves ghost/haunted stuff, etc.…
  • Egg beaters! I also love cottage cheese with some fruit and maybe splenda, but I think it has a little more in the way of sodium.
  • I just recently starting making protein shakes with powder myself! I have two kinds of powder: vanilla and chocolate. With the chocolate I will sometimes add one of the following: 1 tbsp powdered peanut butter (PB2), half a fresh banana, instant coffee. With the vanilla I'll had half a cup of strawberries (my favorite of…
  • Venti Nonfat Caffe Misto (occasionally with a shot of sugar-free hazelnut or caramel) - 90 cals and a yummmmy start to the morning
  • What do you get when you mix an elephant and a rhinoceros? ELEPHINO!!
  • I'm graduating in a week with my doctorate! Fortunately in this last year or 2 i was able to get rid of most of what i gained freshman, sophomore... and junior year haha. But I'm always looking for friends around my age! Feel free to add me!
  • Bump to read the rest of the thread when I have time. 5'2" - 112 Started at 140 about a year and a half ago, trying to get to 105, feel free to add me!
  • Yay I'm glad you like it! I eat my PB2 all the time, yummmm!
  • At first I refused to watch it because I'm Italian and didn't want to watch them make Italians look like complete idiots... but after some persuasion from my boyfriend I caved!! It's too freaking funny/ridiculous. I love Pauly D, he's hilarious, and JWOWW's bod... WOWW give me your flat stomach please!!! ...CABS ARE HERE!
  • Agreed. I know that caffeine is a diuretic so really anything with caffeine in it will have that effect. I don't know the specifics on decaf though?
  • Wow! A lot of Big Ten girls here! I go to Ohio Northern but I was born and raised in Columbus! Go Buckeyes!!!
  • YES! It's killing my pocket book..... but my drink (drug?!) of choice at the moment is a Grande Nonfat Caffe Misto with sugar-free hazelnut... so worth the 70 calories!!
  • I'm finishing up a 6 year doctorate program so I guess I'm not a college girl anymore : ( BUT I did lose 20 lbs while at school and have lost nearly 10 more since so maybe I can offer different insight? If nothing else, encouragement!
  • I use Healthy Life 35 cal wheat bread and one wedge of Laughing Cow Light Swiss. I toast the bread before hand (if I don't the cheese has tendency to tear the bread) then spread the cheese wedge on the two slices. Slap them together, some spray butter on the outside pieces of bread, toss it in the skillet for a couple…
  • South of Akron... north of Portsmouth... Columbus here!
  • Yummmm, I'm going to try this tomorrow morning! I have some chocolate PB2 so we will see! Thanks for the tip!
  • All of these are great! When I hit my initial goal weight of 120, I had a great deal of anxiety about gaining it all back overnight. But here I am, one year later, and about 8 pounds lighter, and with a fraction of the anxiety I had before. These are the best pieces of advice I can provide: 1. Drink water and lots of it 2.…
  • Last time I was there i got the Grilled Dijon Chicken & Portobello's (sans Portobello's because I think mushrooms are gross). It was very good! And 450 calories so a little more than I'm used to eating in one sitting... but I planned for it and it worked out just fine. Good luck!!
  • First off: any/all fruits and veggies - my healthy eating lifestyle would be unbearable without them! 1) PB2 - Yum yum yum yum 2) 35 cal bread 3) I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray 4) Whole wheat/healthy harvest pastas 5) VitaBrownies Honorable mentions: Almond milk (UVAB), Arctic Zero (Pumpkin Spice!), cinnamon,…
  • I looooove PB2! I just had a snack of a Coco whole wheat rice cake (they have them at whole foods, just 20 calories) with chocolate pb2 and it was so so so good! I'm not particularly picky about my foods tasting kind of "diet"-y so I have no problem with it at all, but everyone is different. Good luck!
  • Finishing up pharmacy school! Finally done in May, looking to do a residency/clinical work at hospital, hopefully in pediatrics.
  • Ohhh man, I am guilty of quite a few of these... including "I know, right?" and "it is what it is," only with the latter I don't think of it as a pessimistic statement, I'm just sort of letting whatever roll off my shoulders, having the wisdom to know the difference between the things I can and cannot control if you will,…
  • I feel like a child but... I take the gummies haha. They're 10 calories for 2 of them but that's no problem, plus I can take them on an empty stomach without feeling nauseous, definite bonus. I also have some One A Day Energy ones that have caffeine in them so those are nice if i need a serious boost.
  • Well... I don't know about you guys but... I rang in the New Year like any ol' 23 year old would.... and I think it felt good to get a night of celebrating out of my system. I feel refreshed and motivated and so ready to make 2011 an even better year than 2010. I have many resolutions but for the first time in as long as I…
  • cutmd, thanks for the input, I think I will definitely consider it! For a long time I've been thinking "I would really like to try yoga and/or pilates but..." and then I come up with an excuse about how i'm inexperienced or self-conscious, etc. What with the new year being upon us and all, I thought what better time to try…
  • Hey girls! I'm 5'2" hovering right around 113, but I'd like to lose maybe another 5 or so pounds? I started at 140 and my initial goal was 120... then 115, now 110... has anyone ever experienced this issue of constantly re-setting your goals lower? I need a cut off! My frame is medium and I've always been pretty muscular,…
  • Hey Girls! I'd love to be a part of the thread, but I don't need to be added to the chart or anything. Over the past year I've lost about 25lbs (I'm 5'2", 115), so for the holidays I just want to maintain! Anyway, I'm in my final year of pharmacy school in Ohio and thought it would be nice to be a part of a support group…