

  • Anything that is full of fiber (to keep you feeling full) and takes a while to eat.. the longer it takes me to eat the food the better chance I have ot my mouth-tummy communication working better haha. I like sliced bananas tossed in chia seeds, low fat yoghurt tubs, rice cakes or cruskits with a topping of your choice…
  • Make sure you're getting enough fiber in your diet, fiber helps with feeling full. This means loading your plate full of veggies.. You can add extra fiber in with supplements from the vitamin section if you need to. As your metabolism increases and you get fitter, it is normal to be hungry/want to eat more often... but of…
  • Get a Heart Rate Monitor so you can get a better grip on how many calories you're ACTUALLY burning, as the others said, that's an awful lot to burn every day if you're not doing anything too insane.... You had a bad day, dust yourself off and carry on. One bad meal won't make you fat just like one good meal won't make you…
  • I'm 5"3 and my boyfriend is like an inch taller than me!! Go shawty. It's yo birthday.
  • I absolutely crave something sweet after both lunch and dinner.. Don't ask me why...possibly because it took me until the age of 23 to learn how to eat vegetables other than potatoes and my diet was very... err... it sucked. You probably won't have heard of these things (I'm in Australia) but I take Optiburn in the morning…
  • order from a restaurant via interperative dance
  • I've never heard that phrase before. I just know carbs = energy and I will need more energy for race day than on a regular day at my office job that's for sure!
  • Thank you for a helpful response!
  • I'm 26 and temporariily staying with my parents (again, ha ha) while we sort out my own place. Definitely couldn't live with my parents again permenantly after living out of home since I was 18 unless they needed care or whatever. But they're only 50 & 52 so that's a long way off!
  • I let my fitbit sync acitivity such as walking/running etc, but I enter data from other workouts to digifit. both digifit & fitbit sync to MFP :smile:
  • I just purchased the vanilla one to try, I am so confused.. it's okay.. the taste isn't great, the texture isn't great.... I could handle the texture if it tasted like milk chocolate hahaha
    in Chia Pods? Comment by k_sinc March 2014
  • You're not just 200, you're UNDER 200... woohoooooooooo!:smile:
  • Give it a good stir with a spoon and drink it all :) The separation in some juices freaks me out too haha. Orrrrr I pour it into a shaker cup with a few cubes of ice and just give it a shake up before each mouthful :)
  • Carrying a few extra kilos but leads a realtively healthy lifestyle - Yes Morbidly obese and sits on the sofa eating fast food - No, Because that would not work with my lifestyle My boyfriend and I are both probably a couple of kgs heavier than we would like to be but we eat well, we spend our weekends exploring and…
  • Organise your workout clothes and shoes before bed and go for a snappy walk/run before you have to shower and get ready for work.. or perhaps a quick workout DVD if you're into that sort of thing :) I recently moved closer to work so I have a spare 45 mins in the mornings.... I've kept my alarm set at the same time and am…
  • 17... Wow! I am all for natural therapies and the least amount of chemcials in my body as possible........ I am on birth control and even that upsets my body lol. I do have other medications I can take in the event of an anxiety attack, or to knock me out to sleep.. but they're not long term and can be addictive so my…
  • My personal experience - When I am starting out, I go nuts on the cardio for a few weeks straight. It sheds kilos/pounds and wakes up your metabolism. then once I am happy with that I will get into the weights.Weights are super important. Everybody will tell you that. And you know it. And with practice you'll eventually…
  • Thanks for your replies so far! It is Mirtazepine. It is to help with anxiety and sleep problems. It's a long term thing so I am very reluctant to keep taking it if it affects me this much... Anxiety is a mental thing and I know that it is better when I am healthy and active, and the sleep problems well they are caused by…
  • If you gotta negotiate, something's not right. Unless it's a part of some weird kinky thing you're into.
  • Don't let it get you down, we all have those days :-) Acknowledge that maybe it was a bit too much, learn from it, and carry on :-)
  • My 'base' juice is an orange, an apple, two carrots & two celery sticks.. and depending on what I've got in the fridge I might throw something else in there like cucumber or strawberries etc. I like sweeter juices. You can freeze left over juice into ice cubes and put it in a blender with a little fresh juice and make a…
  • Sooooooooooo I thought I would give one of these wraps a go becase the only info I can find is reps selling the stuff, and from people asking if they work.... I wanted to see if it would help tighten up my stomach area. I exercise 6 days a week and am fairly strict on only eating things that are beneficial for my body so…
  • I have a Polar FT4, and Fitbit Aria Scales.
  • My first bunny as a little girl was Peter Rabbit... I then had Thumper for 9 years... now I have a Hopsy & a Flopsy (sisters) :)
  • Also I agree with the above - Walking is best, Running will do damage. If you're in the services you need to get them to diagnose you because chances are it's caused by the job & they should be taking care of your medical business and also it will affect you come retirement.
  • My partner has Compartment Syndrome... He's been in the defence force 8 years and it's probably a combination of him being overweight, and the boots they wear day and night... He couldn't run, he could only walk, and only for a certain period of time before he was in pain. He was told he'd require surgery and was taking…
  • the Scosche Rhythm looks good, I almost got one of those but went with one with a chest strap instead for more accuracy I suppose.