I ate 3,002 calories today.



  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    Good heavens, what are you doing for exercise? I've gone road biking for 6+ hours before, and haven't burned nearly as many calories as you do every day.

    Without knowing more about you, it's hard to answer your question in a helpful way. If you're really burning 2000+ calories every day with exercise, then even eating 3000 calories is incredibly low compared to what you probably need to get healthy.

    I'm not sure if I'm really burning that much calories. I workout on the arc cybex for 2 hours. Then I walk 6 miles. I don't know if the calorie numbers are accurate. What would be a more accurate way of calculating the calories?

    The most accurate way to get exercise calories correct is with a heart rate monitor. I think MFP overestimates by a good deal on cardio.

    I have a heart rate app on my phone. How do I calculate the calories once I know my heart rate?
  • shreddedtrooper
    shreddedtrooper Posts: 107 Member
    rev'd query.
    rev'd dairy.

    approx 4 hours of activity were logged which netted you more calories, agree w/most above, you have exercised enough that your influx of calories will not "hypothetically" do damage. These number do seem rather high but if thats what it says and your effort matches the numbers accounting for height/weigth/intensity, then they could be right or spot on. Someone else may have better insight as I do not log exercise.

    You also have approx 900 calories that were quick entry. There is no carb/fat/protein breakup for this. Another poster previously mentioned lower protein during the week, there is a higher inclusion of carbs for today. Rev'd a few more days, you appear to never go beyond 60 grams protein, fats remain relatively lower 40-50 and carbs are up/down.

    Agree w/prior poster, you may notice a slight increase from your recent 3000 calories but likely water retention fromt the influx of carbs. Agreed with recommendations set aside a cheat/day or follow Macros and alot a small cheats here and there for better adherence. But you are tracking and logging so great job, keep at it and dont lose focus on one small hiccup here and there.


    Alfred Pennyworth: Took quite a fall, didn't we, Master Bruce? Thomas Wayne: And why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    No one else curious about 980 Quick Added calories? No? Just me? *shrugs*

    Dat's cool.

    Me and my friend shared cookie dough.
  • ja20102004
    ja20102004 Posts: 349 Member
    I have slip ups every now and then. Indulging every now and then is ok.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    You've made numerous threads over the past few days and it looks like your not counting calories correctly (as you didn't have a good scale 2 days ago). Your not calculating exercise calories correctly according to another thread. You really need to just get the basics in place because from your threads it really doesn't sound like you know what you're doing (no offense meant)

    Have a look at the sexy pants thread someone gave you the link for in another thread. Start with the basics get those correct and everything else will fall into place

    Good luck
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    You've made numerous threads over the past few days and it looks like your not counting calories correctly (as you didn't have a good scale 2 days ago). Your not calculating exercise calories correctly according to another thread. You really need to just get the basics in place because from your threads it really doesn't sound like you know what you're doing (no offense meant)

    Have a look at the sexy pants thread someone gave you the link for in another thread. Start with the basics get those correct and everything else will fall into place

    Good luck

    seconded :blushing:
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I suggest you see a health care professional regarding your feelings on food, exercise and weight.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    How much did I mess myself up? Am I going to gain weight? Feel free to look at my food and exercise diary to get a better assessment.

    I ate 5700 yesterday. You'll be fine. I was barely hungry today. I had a great workout and didnt eat that much. I wasnt hungry at all. Ill get hungry again and when I do ill eat until a meal thats good for my macros and daily cals....otherwise then no biggie, business as usual. :flowerforyou:
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    So 13,000 calories burned a week from exercise is insane. And you did a lot today almost 4 hours I would cut back why do you need 4 hours of exercise a day?

    I'm trying to lose a lot of weight quickly. I know that might not be recommended but that's my goal.

    Our bodies are smart. If we starve them, they will rebel and we will feel like we just have to eat.

    Perhaps, revisit your decision to lose weight quickly and keep in mind that you've gained and lost several times before (like many of us have who have gone on VLCDs). The slower you lose and the more sustainable habits you develop, the more likely that this time you will keep the pounds off. If you feel you can eat 1000 or fewer calories a day and exercise for 4 hours for the rest of your life than this is a good plan. Otherwise, you may want to be patient with yourself and your weight loss.
  • dedflwrs
    dedflwrs Posts: 251 Member
    After eating under 1000 calories most every day you were probably very, very hungry. Maybe it would make more sense to eat more sensibly on a daily basis rather than starving yourself for days on end and then binging.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    So 13,000 calories burned a week from exercise is insane. And you did a lot today almost 4 hours I would cut back why do you need 4 hours of exercise a day?

    I'm trying to lose a lot of weight quickly. I know that might not be recommended but that's my goal.

    You've been a member of MFP for almost three years and you still think this is a good idea/an idea that will be well-received in the forums? Really?

    If I was exercising 4 hours each day, I'd be eating 5000 calories...Every. Single. Day...and likely would still be losing weight.

    TL;DR - You need to change 1) your perspective, and 2) your approach.
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    So 13,000 calories burned a week from exercise is insane. And you did a lot today almost 4 hours I would cut back why do you need 4 hours of exercise a day?

    I'm trying to lose a lot of weight quickly. I know that might not be recommended but that's my goal.

    You've been a member of MFP for almost three years and you still think this is a good idea/an idea that will be well-received in the forums? Really?

    If I was exercising 4 hours each day, I'd be eating 5000 calories...Every. Single. Day...and likely would still be losing weight.

    TL;DR - You need to change 1) your perspective, and 2) your approach.


    Even though I have been a member for three years I have never really posted questions or been involved with the forums. Now I see why.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    So 13,000 calories burned a week from exercise is insane. And you did a lot today almost 4 hours I would cut back why do you need 4 hours of exercise a day?

    I'm trying to lose a lot of weight quickly. I know that might not be recommended but that's my goal.

    You've been a member of MFP for almost three years and you still think this is a good idea/an idea that will be well-received in the forums? Really?

    If I was exercising 4 hours each day, I'd be eating 5000 calories...Every. Single. Day...and likely would still be losing weight.

    TL;DR - You need to change 1) your perspective, and 2) your approach.


    Even though I have been a member for three years I have never really posted questions or been involved with the forums. Now I see why.

    Because you received a resounding consensus in the response to your situation? Perhaps...and I'm just going out on a limb here, but *perhaps*...even though you may not like the phrasing of some of the responses, but *PERHAPS* the fact that most responses have a lot in common mean that they're worth considering as potentially useful in what you can do to start making meaningful progress towards your goals? Maybe?

    To more specifically answer your question: No. Given your overall extreme deficit and consistently too much exercise, eating 3k calories today will not make you gain any *meaningful* (ie, fat) gain. In fact, it's probably the healthiest thing you could have done for your body.

    this \/
    You've made numerous threads over the past few days and it looks like your not counting calories correctly (as you didn't have a good scale 2 days ago). Your not calculating exercise calories correctly according to another thread. You really need to just get the basics in place because from your threads it really doesn't sound like you know what you're doing (no offense meant)

    Have a look at the sexy pants thread someone gave you the link for in another thread. Start with the basics get those correct and everything else will fall into place

    Good luck
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    You've made numerous threads over the past few days and it looks like your not counting calories correctly (as you didn't have a good scale 2 days ago). Your not calculating exercise calories correctly according to another thread. You really need to just get the basics in place because from your threads it really doesn't sound like you know what you're doing (no offense meant)

    Have a look at the sexy pants thread someone gave you the link for in another thread. Start with the basics get those correct and everything else will fall into place

    Good luck

    Oh. I wasnt aware. I can't even keep track of my own posts. Sometimes I remember OPs but this changes the entire context of how people might respond.

    So my changed response to the OP is.....Stop doing this!!
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    You've made numerous threads over the past few days and it looks like your not counting calories correctly (as you didn't have a good scale 2 days ago). Your not calculating exercise calories correctly according to another thread. You really need to just get the basics in place because from your threads it really doesn't sound like you know what you're doing (no offense meant)

    Have a look at the sexy pants thread someone gave you the link for in another thread. Start with the basics get those correct and everything else will fall into place

    Good luck

    Oh. I wasnt aware. I can't even keep track of my own posts. Sometimes I remember OPs but this changes the entire context of how people might respond.

    So my changed response to the OP is.....Stop doing this!!

    People keep track of my posts better than I keep track of my own.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    You've made numerous threads over the past few days and it looks like your not counting calories correctly (as you didn't have a good scale 2 days ago). Your not calculating exercise calories correctly according to another thread. You really need to just get the basics in place because from your threads it really doesn't sound like you know what you're doing (no offense meant)

    Have a look at the sexy pants thread someone gave you the link for in another thread. Start with the basics get those correct and everything else will fall into place

    Good luck

    Oh. I wasnt aware. I can't even keep track of my own posts. Sometimes I remember OPs but this changes the entire context of how people might respond.

    So my changed response to the OP is.....Stop doing this!!

    People keep track of my posts better than I keep track of my own.

    When you make a bunch of whacky posts you kind of start to stick out in people's minds.
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    You've made numerous threads over the past few days and it looks like your not counting calories correctly (as you didn't have a good scale 2 days ago). Your not calculating exercise calories correctly according to another thread. You really need to just get the basics in place because from your threads it really doesn't sound like you know what you're doing (no offense meant)

    Have a look at the sexy pants thread someone gave you the link for in another thread. Start with the basics get those correct and everything else will fall into place

    Good luck

    Oh. I wasnt aware. I can't even keep track of my own posts. Sometimes I remember OPs but this changes the entire context of how people might respond.

    So my changed response to the OP is.....Stop doing this!!

    People keep track of my posts better than I keep track of my own.

    When you make a bunch of whacky posts you kind of start to stick out in people's minds.

    There's nothing wacky about asking questions.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    You've made numerous threads over the past few days and it looks like your not counting calories correctly (as you didn't have a good scale 2 days ago). Your not calculating exercise calories correctly according to another thread. You really need to just get the basics in place because from your threads it really doesn't sound like you know what you're doing (no offense meant)

    Have a look at the sexy pants thread someone gave you the link for in another thread. Start with the basics get those correct and everything else will fall into place

    Good luck

    Oh. I wasnt aware. I can't even keep track of my own posts. Sometimes I remember OPs but this changes the entire context of how people might respond.

    So my changed response to the OP is.....Stop doing this!!

    People keep track of my posts better than I keep track of my own.

    When you make a bunch of whacky posts you kind of start to stick out in people's minds.

    There's nothing wacky about asking questions.

    There is about your entire approach

    Honestly, start over - read the sexypants thread
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    You've made numerous threads over the past few days and it looks like your not counting calories correctly (as you didn't have a good scale 2 days ago). Your not calculating exercise calories correctly according to another thread. You really need to just get the basics in place because from your threads it really doesn't sound like you know what you're doing (no offense meant)

    Have a look at the sexy pants thread someone gave you the link for in another thread. Start with the basics get those correct and everything else will fall into place

    Good luck

    Oh. I wasnt aware. I can't even keep track of my own posts. Sometimes I remember OPs but this changes the entire context of how people might respond.

    So my changed response to the OP is.....Stop doing this!!

    People keep track of my posts better than I keep track of my own.

    When you make a bunch of whacky posts you kind of start to stick out in people's minds.

    There's nothing wacky about asking questions.

    There is about your entire approach

    Honestly, start over - read the sexypants thread

    There is what about my entire approach?

    Thanks for the advice everyone.
  • k_sinc
    k_sinc Posts: 39
    Get a Heart Rate Monitor so you can get a better grip on how many calories you're ACTUALLY burning, as the others said, that's an awful lot to burn every day if you're not doing anything too insane....

    You had a bad day, dust yourself off and carry on. One bad meal won't make you fat just like one good meal won't make you healthy. Bask in the gloriousness of whatever you ate and get back on the healthy bandwagon today!