Any Adults Living At Home ?

23 living with my now widowed mother. I took care of my parents because they were sick and without a car, they were helpless. I did the walking around town for errands, and depended on friends and neighbors for trips out of town. Also we depended on FISH for doctor appointments and out of town errands when our friends and neighbors couldn't do it. Now that my mom has a car (okay, second, since she smashed the first, because of bad weather) We're more independent. I plan on getting my license yes. But I still have car anxiety from a car crash in 2009, and my mom hasn't driven in about 12 years ! I'm not in college, and I do volunteer work at the food bank. I plan on going back to the fire department after I lose some weight. Getting back into my gear is one of my main motivations !

I'm told time, time, and time again, how LUCKY my parents are that I'm living at home helping out.

Any other adults living at home because of aging parents / economy / etc ?


  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    my hubby and i gave up our apt and my mom gave up hers to move to the house we live in now, to save us all money. her bills went down by about 150/mo, ours went down by over 500 once the lease was up on hubbys car. she's retired since then. she would not have been able to if she was on her own, and i wouldnt have had my little boy, nor would i be a sahm. it's been a struggle, but overall a good thing. mom is still young at 67, and mostly healthy, i dont have to take care of her yet or anything, so for now it works.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Yep, I am. I'm 21, a full time nursing student and part time worker. As my study is full on, living out of home would require me to work more and I would potentially fail my courses. Plus I moved back home due to money worries and my mum had a stroke and needed care. I pay my way still, but not as much as I would have to by myself. Very appreciative of their help, and hopefully by the end of next year after I pass I will move out with my fiance (who is at his home still too).
  • airdiva1
    airdiva1 Posts: 198 Member
    I live with my parents. I'm 45 years old currently looking for a job and attempting to return back to school.
    I never thought that at this stage of my life I would be at my parents home.
    Don't get me wrong, I feel bless having somewhere to live,but much rather have my own.
    It gets me down at times,but I'm so low right now, only up is the way to go.
  • ywalchle
    ywalchle Posts: 101 Member
    I moved home after my divorce. I had a lot of debt I needed to pay off, and I'm staying here cause it's cheap rent and board and I can help my parents out. They are both still mostly physically fit, but mom's knee's aren't the best and dad well, he's dad LOL. The house is over 100 years old, we've lived in it for the last 25 years and it needs a lot of repairs here and there that my parents honestly can't do. So I do a lot of the handy stuff's around the house. It works.

    There are definatly times I miss having my own place. But at least now I have financial freedom to do a bit more :)
  • k_sinc
    k_sinc Posts: 39
    I'm 26 and temporariily staying with my parents (again, ha ha) while we sort out my own place. Definitely couldn't live with my parents again permenantly after living out of home since I was 18 unless they needed care or whatever. But they're only 50 & 52 so that's a long way off!
  • cakebatter07
    cakebatter07 Posts: 814 Member
    I'm 19, turning 20 soon, and I live at home. I go to community college and it makes more sense to just stay at home and save money instead of renting an apartment. Plus my parents are always traveling for their jobs, so I usually have the house to myself, which is nice. :)
  • aribugg
    aribugg Posts: 164 Member
    i'll be 20 in may. since i have developed a seizure disorder, living alone may never be an option for me (major dream crushed, i love having my own space) even finding roommates is hard because i have to trust them to help me. and then theres not being able to drive, makes it really hard to get a job. so, here i am, trying to get healthy and hopefully get my life back :]
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    My son (20 years old) lives at home...I suspect he will be here for another year or two...

    eh..not a big deal except he's a "kid" who leaves crap all over the house and doesn't clean the shower....
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    Me, my partner and our 20 month old daughter are living with my mum. I moved back home about 5 weeks before our baby was due because up until then I was living 6 hours away and didnt want to be so far from family.

    Tbh we were hoping to have moved out into our own place way before now but money is tight. We are saving up for a deposit at the moment so hopefully we will be out at some point this year. I think nanna and baby are going to miss each other though!