luvinna Member


  • There's your inspiration. You did it before, you can do it again. Back in 2009 I lost nearly 40 pounds. But then my work situation changed in 2010 (went back to working a desk job) and I put most of it back on over the next two years. I'd known that my weight was going back up even though I wasn't weighing myself anymore…
  • This week is my 12th week using MFP. I think it was about 6 weeks before my size 8 jeans were no longer too tight, even fresh out of the dryer. Last weekend, I put on my size 6 jeans, though they're still a little tight and not as comfortable as my size 8. Yeah, it just takes time. As annoying as that is.
  • If you check your BMI here at MFP (Apps tab -> BMI) it shows you where you are and gives you a scale that shows you what weight range is considered "healthy" for you. But as said above, take it with a grain of salt.
  • I think that you're going to see a different weight from scale to scale regardless if it's digital or dial. Also, your weight can fluctuate from day to day as well. I wouldn't worry too much about it. :smile:
  • I'm not in Conifer, but I am in Colorado: Loveland (the city, not the ski resort).
  • Welcome, Tony! I've got the 10 Minute Trainer DVDs that I use once in a blue moon and I like them when I do use them. On those they show modified versions of some of the moves in case you can't do the full version. I don't know how the other Beach Body DVDs compare to 10 Minute Trainer though. There's gotta be someone here…
  • 1 Corinthians 3:16-17. I should add that as one of the reasons I want to get healthy. :smile:
  • It sometimes bugs me, too, but then I remind myself that I'm quite short (5'1) and maybe that person is 5 or 6 inches taller than me (and most people are). In that case, my CW is perfectly fine for their GW.
  • If you go to your Food tab and under that click My Foods, you can do it there. Just click the Create Food button. :smile: Not sure if there's a way to do it on the app.
  • Have you tried any of the low calorie chocolate snacks made by Special K, or Slim Fast or (looks at the ad to the left...) Fiber One? One of those might satisfy your chocolatey/crunchy craving without adding a ton of calories. Or you could try buying a bag of mini size chocolate bars (pick your favorite), throw one in your…
    in 3:30 PM Comment by luvinna January 2013
  • ^ This! One day at a time... Baby steps... Just keep swimming... However you want to think about it. :smile: I lost my cat of 14 years a couple years ago, so I feel your pain. I also had a few bad days this past weekend. I was feeling down and alone after spending Christmas with my family. Also gained a pound while I was…
  • That's a great pic with great advice! Thanks for sharing!
  • I've set a goal for myself this year that I want to be able to do 25 push-ups by my birthday in April. Tuesday, I could do 1. Yesterday, I managed 5 spread out into 5 sets a minute apart (1 each set). It's a little discouraging, but I just keep reminding myself that I will get better if I keep working at it. I'll keep…
  • I'm right with you, too. The first time I got serious about losing weight 4 years ago, the thing I always heard from people is "you don't need to lose weight!" So annoying because I weighed 163 and I'm only 5'-1. I lost 37 pounds in 2009-10, but then put 30 back on when I started working a desk job again in 2011. I was…
  • I know what you mean. During the holidays the company I work for receives tons of cookies and candies and chocolates from our vendors and suppliers. It's hard to stay away when there's so much good junk food out on the break room table. What I do, is I tell myself that if there's anything left when I go to eat lunch, I'll…
  • I'm 61" :wink: and was 120 through most of high school and college. I also have a larger bone structure and I don't think I looked too skinny or sickly when I was that weight. But I agree with everyone else. If you get to 130 or 135 and want to stop, stop. Don't let the BMI calculator dictate how much you should weigh. And…
    in Scared Comment by luvinna December 2012
  • I probably shouldn't ask this, but what kind of challenges are we talking about? Food challenges? Exercise challenges? I'm rather limited in my time, money and exercise resources, so if they're not going to be things I can do at home, after work and without increasing my food budget, than I probably won't be interested.…
  • I'm 5'1" and my goal weight is 120. That's right in the middle of my BMI range, so I figure it's good. It's also what I was in high school and college. At my heaviest I was 163 (though no one believed me) and that was about 4 years ago. I lost 35 lbs after getting laid-off from my desk job, but now that I'm back at another…
  • I've been using the Runtastic pedometer (free version). Once I got my step length set right it seems pretty accurate. It also syncs to MFP, but your speed is rounded down (I usually walk at 3.5 mph, and it posts that I did 3 mph). I've heard rumors that you can only use it five times before you have to buy the "pro"…
  • I have an old Betty Crocker rice cooker that has only one switch that toggles between cook and warm. I use regular rice in it. How much liquid did you use? If you don't use enough, the rice won't be cooked when the rice cooker turns off. Every cooker is probably different in that respect so you may just need to experiment…