pojinx Member


  • I'm no expert, but I think it would be beneficial for you to cut back on the heavy lifting and do your standard triathlon training. However, I'd try to do a few sessions a week of body weight strength training and/or weight training at a slightly lower level than before. It's up to you to always continue to evaluate how…
  • Have you been hungry at all? I think your diary looks great. You're not eating too many diet foods and you're eating pretty nutrient dense food. My only thought is that I would be hungry eating what you eat. But if it's working for you and you're not feeling deprived or hungry, then keep up the good work :smile:
  • I workout from 5:45 to 6:45 every morning fasted. However, because I run and then weight lift, sometimes being really hungry makes me feel weak or dizzy. On days when I wake up and feel like this may happen I eat one or two handfuls of Special K Protein cereal before leaving for the gym. I don't like to eat before working…
  • No, ignore this. I understand both sides of the argument with "calories in vs calories out" and putting more weight on diet composition. Either way you see it, it is about balance. I doubt you are on a mission to lose weight just to lose it. It is about being healthy and eat nutrient dense food is how you accomplish that.…
  • Any lower calorie intake and you will be doing your body a disservice. Trust your doctor.
  • Don't go lower than 1200 calories. Definitely try mixing up the workouts- cycling is great cardio so keep that in the regimen but add strength training. BodyBuilding.com has a great plan for women, that's what I follow. You will see the difference in the mirror, not the scale. But keep going with the healthy diet and a mix…
  • I can't speak for everyone, but I'm guessing not too many people will have results to share with you since the key to weight loss and achieving your goals is a mix of many things and few of us find success in one fad diet/video or celebrity endorsement. I own a Jillian Michael video and it is my backup exercise in case…
  • Just continue doing what you're doing! Continuing to eat at a deficit will help you lose unwanted fat- also throw in a good amount of cardio. Try high intensity interval training (HIIT) where you switch off sprinting (or increasing your speed on any cardio machine) and rest periods. There are many sites that will break…
  • My HRM was $80 and it works really well. You mentioned you can't afford that and I completely understand, I just wanted to throw that out there in case you were under the impression that they are higher priced than that. Anyway, I used my HRM for a Hot Yoga class once and it said that I burned 248 calories in an hour long…
  • i really like eating these energy bites. they're easy to make and the ingredients all last you through quite a few batches. http://www.gimmesomeoven.com/no-bake-energy-bites/
    in Breakfast Comment by pojinx March 2014
  • It's just chicken, lots of salsa, and a packet of taco seasoning, cooked for 6 hours in the crockpot. We've omitted the seasoning before and it was still good!
  • It definitely is different for someone that grew up with a more active lifestyle and knows what having healthier habits feels like. I am somewhere in between. I was never obese and never un-athletic, but I was certainly clueless of how to exercise and eat right. So yes, I think he is right that for some it is a reinvention…
  • Don't listen to the "lots of restrictions" comments, they have just as many themselves. I am fairly similar to you in that I rather eat less of something good than a giant bowl of veggies/salads. Chicken will get you really far at lunch time. I make crockpot salsa chicken on Sundays and it lasts all week. I can eat it…
  • Many of my relatives were in similar positions and had success with walking. Find a good time in your schedule each day to put on your gym shoes and coat and just walk out the door. Walk for as long as you can and try to beat that time each day. Your mobility will get much better and you will feel better! If I remember…
  • One thing I figured out losing weight is that it is not just your clothes sizes that go down. My shoes went down an entire size and my ring size went from a 4.5 to a 3 -i know, weirdly small to begin with. But I agree, I also noticed parts of my body more. I still get confused/shocked when i touch my rib area and it is not…
  • Yea I am going to assume that you mean weight watchers points. My calories were more strict than my weight watchers points in the beginning then they switched as I started to lose weight. My advice would be to go with whichever is more strict on your diet, neither is going to leave you in starvation mode.
  • When i went off the pill (a low dose one as well) for about 6 months, I did not lose any weight but did not gain any either. However, I never had bad acne before or the terrrible periods and cramps that I got from taking a break from BC. It affects everyone differently, but be prepared for some major backlash from messing…
  • I started running about a year ago and have stayed pretty small distance. I do at least a mile 6 times a week and try to do 2 or 3 twice a week. I ran one 5k in June in 30 min. Fitness Level- intermediate
  • I loved hot yoga and did it religiously for a couple of months! I never really believed how many calories MFP says I burned though- it usually said 350 or so. But I would sit right next to the space heater to get the ultimate sweat. My new gym just doesnt offer it.
  • Happens to me too! Yesterday was soo bad when I was doing leg press. Could be an oxygen thing- I assumed I was truly getting tired bc I working out while (probably too) hungry.
    in yawning Comment by pojinx September 2012
  • Warning: Different things work for different people of course... Does your gym have fitness classes? If so, my advice would be to take as many as possible for the next 6 weeks. They are high intensity and the group dynamic pushes you hardest- IMO. Make sure you add cardio as well. 12 minutes a day minimum. Good luck!
  • I worried about that for awhile. But if you work hard on your diet, add a good amount of fitness into your routine, and achieve your goals, you will get to a place where you can cheat from time to time and not only not gain any weight but not feel guilty about it either. Trust me, it's possible. But for now you just have…
  • I have nearly perfected my morning workout routine but it may not be for everybody. I pack my gym bag at night : gym shorts, sports bra, socks, shoes, extra underwear, shirt, towel, body wash, head band, straightener, make up. I shower at night and wash my hair. The headband and a pony tail keep my hair from getting…
  • I drink Jillian Michael's chocolate whey because it is only 100 calories for a scoop. I drink it with water because I have a hard time with lactose as well. It was $10 I think on Amazon
  • What is the couch?
  • Good luck girl! Remember to indulge a little every now and then :) I am 22 also and it is easy to put off dieting for tomorrow! Go us!
  • My only exercise currently is about 15 minutes with my exercise ball three times a week. I should probably up that and then I can eat more right
  • Also are there any groups I can join for support? I work better like that :)