jello1369 Member


  • Cost of housing depends on where you live here in the US. Here in the Los Angeles area you might be able to find a small townhouse for $380k. Prices have gone down over the last 5 years, but $380k will still only buy you a cardboard shack in Malibu.
  • Sadly, most American creamer is not cream or milk at all, it's just oil with flavor added. However, there has been a small turn around in the market for actual cream in coffee creamer. Most Americans like a heavier cream than typical milk in our coffee. String cheese as described above is fantastic fun for kids and adults…
  • Ahh...Venice. I would move to Venice in a heart beat if I had the money!
  • I have almost 50 things on my's a few, learn to scuba dive, go to the galapagos, see the northern lights, take a hot air balloon ride (completed), write a book, take my daughter to a dude ranch, get my degree (in progress) and many many more.
  • Nutragena (spelling?) grapefruit facewash! And wash as soon as possible after working out and follow up with a good moisturizer.
  • I like taking the family out for frozen yogurt. It helps calm my sweet tooth cravings for ice cream. Though they have gotten pretty used to my portion controll skinny cow ice cream sandwiches as well--good thing too because teenage boys could eat a gallon of ice cream a day! My trick is to count. Not too fast, not too…
  • Man oh man have I been slacking with the JD4 group. Looking forward to dancing it up tomorrow night...can't tonight. Tonight is 30DS and date night out.
  • Just finished Day 1 of Week 1. Wasn't too bad, but then again I didn't use any weights. Wanted to see how Day 1 was going to be before I pushed myself too far (since some posts made it sound like a real killer). I think I'll treat myself to some light weights tomorrow since all we have at the house are 10+ lb manly…
  • SW: (Starting weight) 147 CW: (Current weight) 137 GW: (Goal weight for the month) 133
  • On work days I start work at 6 am but most days, even days off, I typically eat... Morning Coffee no later than 7-7:30am Breakfast around 7:30-8:30 Work Out Day Snack 10:30 (usually an apple) <Work Out 11:00-11:45> Lunch 11:00ish or 12:00ish if it's a work out day Snack around 2:00-2:30 Snack (if I'm hungry or I know it's…
  • Great job! I tried to beat my scores and kept getting worst. Go figure. You won this week, so go ahead and start a "week 4" post and list your songs when you get the chance. Winner of week 4 will be announced when Casey announces it. LOL But it appears to be ending on Fridays.
  • My best scores so far this week...still highest score despite the kids best effort to bet them. =) 1)We Speak No Americano ..................Hit the Electro Beat..................8741 2)Oh No.................................................Marino and the Diamonds........9067 3)I Like…
  • I know. That Oh No song is horrible to me. But I had no idea when I picked it. I just saw these three and knew I hadn't dance to them before. I didn't even check to see if they were tolerable. All the more reason for you to win this week can pick better music.
  • Casey, I'm ready and waiting for your son's song choices for week 3. Perhaps we need to post them on a new board in this forum. Yet it looks like Jules may have out run him on a song or two. =)
  • This is the first time I danced to Rock N Roll. Took me three tries to get this score (up from 7660). And for some reason I can't dance with an Indian influence. Who picked these songs anyway! (Casey!) lol =) Rock N Roll: 8666 Somebody to Love: 9528 Beware of the Boys: 7582
  • Sounds good to me. Post by Thursday, winner posts new songs on Friday.
  • Left my totals at home (8500-9000 something on each song). So, I can say that I lost this week but I'm ready for week 2 challenge songs. Nonetheless, I had fun dancing/bonding with my boyfriend's 15 yr old son.
  • Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookies and Hostess Orange Cupcakes (or are they gone with the Twinkies?)
  • Holy Crap. I better get to dancing! 11000+!!! You're crazy! You definitely have one right and one left foot...perhaps two right feet.
  • I use cheap Sony wrap around your ear earphones. I'm not interested in taking calls when I'm working out and I just keep my ipod in a thing on my arm. Not to mention, I have two pairs exactly the same since I am more comfortable having my daughter use the wrap around the ear headphones than earbuds since I can better…
  • Personally I know I can't give up sweets 100%. So I exchange the "bad" sweets in the house and at the office for "good" (ok, better) sweets. I always track their calories in the food diary. If I want something sweet, then I better get a work out in or eat lots of veggies to save the calories. Exchange your baked goods for…
  • There is no substitute for chocolate....ever!
  • In addition to hitting the gym during lunch breaks, I am trying to fit in time to play Just Dance on the Wii with my daughter several times a week. Not only is it a heck of a work out if you actually do the moves like the little weird people do, but it also ensures I get time with my daughter doing something she really…
  • My biggest way of blocking out fast food is to simply not allow my car to drive there. Granted on some occasions in the past, my car diverted when I didn't expect it. I still allow myself some fast food, like panda express chinese food. In the past, I downloaded the nutritional info for the fast food places I was going to…
  • According to the online converter, I'm just under 10 and a 1/2 stone. I have two teenage boys in the house half time and my daughter (7) full time. Best of luck....and throw out the Christmas goodies. It'll help a lot!
  • Honey, I don't know how old you are nor how long you've been with this guy, but I can tell your writing from the heart. It's easy for just about all of us to recognize that your relationship is one where if you a family member, you would look at it and say "He's bad for her" and want to tell her to get out...NOW. Emotions…
  • Going over in the suggested amount of protein may not be a problem if you're doing heavy weight lifting. Your muscles need the protein to rebuild themselves. If you're not doing heavy weight lifting, try switching out proteins for more lean fruits and vegetables in order to keep both the calories and the proteins down. You…
  • I just downloaded and printed out a copy of the program. I only know about what I read about the app, which has a person tell you when to walk and when to run while you listen to your music. Since I only have an older ipod nano, I can't utilize such a nice app, but since I'm running on a treadmill, I figured I could keep…