SmashleeWpg Member


  • Apparently in his bodybuilding days, Arnold would have been "obese" given his BMI ... and we all know that's not true so... take it with a grain of salt :)
  • Eat Clean Cookbook is really good too, for recipe ideas, especially when starting out! :)
  • I would echo this; I love hitting the weights, and lift on a regular basis year round. But I also like to complete at least 1 half marathon/year. When I'm in my three months of training for my half, the lifting takes a back seat. I still try to get in at least two full body sessions a week, because it's important to…
  • Read this post here, it may be very helpful: And then surf to this link and see if your numbers match up: Hope this helps! :)
  • This was a great read. Love it!!
  • Thanks Dan! :) Big fan over here.
  • Read this post: Then give this a whirl: Definitely don't say screw it - forge ahead! :)
  • Winnipeg. GOOOOOO JETS!
  • I've not had a baby yet, so I can't help you there - but I did find this good article with exercises to do and not do after prolapse/hysterectomies ... and this video demo: :)
  • I'm prone to shin splints and run on a regular basis so I try my best to stretch daily - like the above poster noted, those stretches you mention are quad stretches ... Try these ones here, too: Ditto for pigeon pose…
  • I make mine on the stove in a pot, and I use the tablespoon of olive oil as one of my servings of healthy fats. 2 tablespoons of uncooked kernels equals approximately 4.5 cups popped, and I top it with 2 tsp of light becel. So my total for about 5 cups of popped is: 274 calories, 15g fat, 23g carbs, 4 fibre YUM!
  • RUN! :) Squats and lunges. There you go, girl :) Yoga is great, too.
  • Working until 7 am and wishing I was out with friends! The highlight of my night will be hitting the gym at 1:30 am for my 45 minute lunch break!
  • Rooibos tea is awesome hot OR cold, comes in a TON of flavors, is calorie and caffeine free, naturally sweeter so you don't need to add any type of sweetener and it's loaded with iron! Yum :) To maximize the benefits you get from tea, go for loose leaf over tea bags.
  • If I crave something, I allow myself a little bit. This whole journey is a lifestyle change, and it's about moderation. Depriving myself, and getting upset with myself for indulging a little is how I got to where I am right now! I've learned that it's all about taking it one day at a time and maximizing my possibilities on…
  • You tricep press 100 pounds for 3 sets of 10???? That's amazing.
  • I'm a freshly minted 28 year old, would LOOOOVE to have more friends my age that are ready to kick some *kitten*! :)
  • I JUST revamped my running playlist :) It's quite the variety, so here's a sampling and maybe there will be a few songs that pique your interest! The Artist in the Ambulance - Thrice Beat It - Fall Out Boy Brings Me Down - Collective Soul Bullet With Butterfly Wings - Smashing Pumpkins Feel It - Three 6 Mafia Ghettto Love…
  • Apparently for every ten pounds you lose, you gain 20 seconds (approximately) per mile! This means that I'll hopefully be able to run an 8 minute mile by the time I'm where I want to be, yahhooooooooooo!
  • I was just looking at it as a sheer visual motivator, regardless of if muscle takes up less space/weighs more/the same/etc... kind of like when I was doing bench press with 20lb dumbbells in each hand last night, and realized that I was holding the 40 pounds I want to lose... and it was damn heavy! Can't imagine (well…
  • Haha. Wow. I guess every woman with a child over 6 months should probably let their man do the heavy lifting from now on then, huh? :) I know for a fact my purse/handbag weighs at least 10 pounds, so I guess I need to lighten my load!
  • Try having her give this thread a read :)
  • The cleaner I eat, the less stomach problems I have. I work rotating shift work and I found that staying up from 9 pm til 7 am and eating crap food was wrecking havoc on my insides. For the past month and a half, I've committing to really stripping things down, staying away from processed as much as possible, filling up on…
  • GREAT read, thanks so much for posting!! :)
  • a) absolutely get fitted; there are so many different styles out there and you want to ensure you have the best shoe for your foot/gait/etc. Sneaky idea? Get fitted, and then look online for the same shoe; you'll save on average at least $50! As far as the knee goes, rest & ice like others have said, maybe massage or light…
  • Another idea is to try and buy bulk and then freeze for meals down the road. Sometimes it's cheaper to buy a big bag of carrots and chop them and skin then yourself as opposed to pre-cut baby carrots. Same goes with anything really, as others have mentioned re: the whole roast chicken. If you have a Costco, shopping there…
  • I would say since you already have RI30, just go for it. Start at Level 1 and see how you fare. I've done both of them, repeatedly, and I don't think that Level 1 of RI30 is any harder than 30DS. Besides ... you bought it for the challenge, right? ;)
  • Also, two great things you can add to your breakfast cereals or porridges to give them more calories and even more nutrients/benefits: Chia seeds: 2 tbsp = about 100 calories Wheat germ: 3 tbsp = about 80 calories
  • I do these both for breakfast, they're "higher" in calories, and you can tweak them to your preferences to add even more calories. Enjoy! :) Protein Pancakes: Mix the following ingredients in a bowl until it makes pancake batter-like consistency: 1/4 cup oatmeal 1 whole egg 3-4 egg whites 1 scoop Vanilla protein powder…
  • Stiry fry, bake em in the oven, grill them on the BBQ ... batter them in panko breadcrumbs or a bit of nutritional yeast and fry them... so many great options! My favs to do this with? Broccoli, mushrooms, asparagus, zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, eggplant. And can't forget the squash. Oh, and the sweet potatoes. Yum!…