Attention Runners!!

hey guys! so i decided i would start running last week and completely jumped into it and ran 2 miles every day. I expected to be sore so when i started aching i just pushed through and kept at it. Now, im sitting home with a sore knee and limping all over the place (ha ha ha) and i realized the shoes Ive been wearing are completely wrong (they are really thin and have no cushion) and i have a habit of "heel striking" (geez, who knew there was so much more to running around :P ) Ive been paying more attention to the way i run and its been a lot easier on my ankles but i think my knee is done for a few days.

so questions:

a) Looking for a good, reasonable priced running shoe...need suggestions!!!
b) how long does a sore knee usually take to heal? (im really itching to get back out there)
c) is there anything i can do hurry the healing process?


  • Mizzou91
    Mizzou91 Posts: 249
    (a) Go get fit at a running store. A shoe that is right for one person may not be right for you. Plus, the way your foot is built, the way you stride and whether you supinate or pronate will all make a difference. It is VERY important to have the right pair of shoes. Also, buy them half a size too big as your feet will swell when you run, especially at longer distances.

    (b) Depends what you did to it.

    (c) Ice, rest or - possibly - a doctor if the pain lasts long enough.

    Good luck and have fun!!
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    a) Get fitted at a running store if you're going to stick with it for longer distances.
    b) What kind of knee pain is it? I developed patellar tendonitis over a year ago and I didn't rest it in the beginning. Now I'm stuck with it unless I stope working out completely (which is not an option). So there are good days, and some bad days I can't even bend it. Be very aware of the type of pain you have and if it gets worse.
    c) Ice, heat, anti-inflammatories if you can take them.

    Best of luck!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    a) absolutely get fitted; there are so many different styles out there and you want to ensure you have the best shoe for your foot/gait/etc. Sneaky idea? Get fitted, and then look online for the same shoe; you'll save on average at least $50!

    As far as the knee goes, rest & ice like others have said, maybe massage or light stretching, and then doc if it gets worse or doesn't start to get better. Certainly don't want to play around with your knees or feet!

    Good luck and welcome to the wonderful world of running!
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I agree! Absolutely get fitted. I use these cross country shoes because they have no arch support and are very flat. I have flat feet. I seriously am obsessed. But get fitted!

    I have no idea about injuries. Never hurt myself.

    GOOD LUCK! I love running!
  • DreamiJeani
    im a minimalist runner so cushion is not an issue for me. BUT if you arent comfortable (or willing to start SLOW ;) lol ) like other posters said go get fitted at an actual shoe store.

    rest rest rest your knee, then start a little easier. at least you acknowledge that you came shooting out of the gate though!
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
  • skowalska
    skowalska Posts: 130 Member
    thanks guys! much appreciated!! <3

    i don't think there is any serious damage to the knee (i think its just strained), but if its still bugging me in a few days ill def get it checked out.
  • Meegz84
    Meegz84 Posts: 74
    Also check out the book Run Fat ***** Run, awesome read for those getting into running or are already doing it...
    Get fitted, they are the experts, don't look at price, a more expensive pair doesn't mean that they willbe right for you!
    Best of luck :-)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Once you start running again, do it a little more slowly. You shouldn't be adding more than 10% to your mileage every week. If you haven't yet, you might check out the Couch to 5K program, as well. It's actually a really good idea to start slowly so your body gets used to this new activity, especially since it's high impact and tough on your knees, feet and ankles. Don't run more often than every other day until you've been doing it for a very long time.
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    reebok zigs
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    Once you start running again, do it a little more slowly. You shouldn't be adding more than 10% to your mileage every week. If you haven't yet, you might check out the Couch to 5K program, as well. It's actually a really good idea to start slowly so your body gets used to this new activity, especially since it's high impact and tough on your knees, feet and ankles. Don't run more often than every other day until you've been doing it for a very long time.

    This. Yes, proper footwear is important, but I'd blame your running routine before your shoes. Unless you already have great base fitness and a previous history of running, going from 0 to a string of daily 2 milers would be a recipe for injury for just about anyone, regardless of what's on their feet.
  • skowalska
    skowalska Posts: 130 Member
    hey guys! knee is feeling 10x's better this morning, still sore but able to move so im thankful its nothing serious. Ive decided to cut down my run from 7 days to 3-4 until i get used to it. thanks everyone!!