

  • pink all the way!!
  • i'm working now i sleep during day and eat a lot of protien at night. since it's hard for me to exercise when i work 3 nights in a row, i'll walk steps down and up 8 flights 3-4 times a night i'll do some chair situps and i also keep my resistant bands in my bookbag to do some arm work so i'll get it in!! keep me posted
  • Wow! Safest and healthiest thing to do is eat at least 5-6 small meals throughout the day not to high in carbs so that your blood sugar dont go up and down it stays pretty leveled, and you will lose weight because your metabolism is being fed...
  • They should everyone likes free!!!!
  • Omg!! yes I have that problem as well. Do you take anything for you joint? Do you drink milk? Are you more than 20lbs over wgt? Just throwing out some possible problems. I do take medication for my joints ( I do have a touch of arthritis in that knee, which was adiagnosis from my mri of that knee). It do really bother me…
  • Wow sis that was an awesome idea!!!! Keep up the good work""
  • Ifnyou have a heart rate monitor that is the best way to find out. I need a battery for mine I'm gonna get pen tomorrow and I'll keep you updated
  • That is so true! They need to let people know that those extra calories earned are for people who want to maintain their weight!!
  • Let's start by saying welcome. If you've been down this road before, your body might be acting a little stubborn. Keep tricking your body by doing different things( workouts), increase your protein intake, but most importantly don't give up!!! Keep me posted.
  • Well insanity does not require any equipment (just water, towel, and GOOD tennis shoes) I tried insanity and I got 2 sprains in one knee because of improper shoes, and not knowing when to modify the moves. Good luck in which ever you decide to do Keep the family updated with your progress once you decide!!
  • I'ts funny i should read this post because i did yoga this morning for the first time (verizon ch 290 @ 9am) and it felt so good to. It's like i could feel the extra oxygen flowing threw my body when i was done. In responce to your question, (from experience) yes morning is best!
    in Yoga Comment by yepratt April 2011
  • wow what an amazing story!! keep up the good work.
  • Hello! Let's start by asking this question, are you wearing the proper tennis shoes? It sounds like you are doing one of those extreme workouts that require you to do alot of jumping, quick movements and squats? My suggestion ( from experience) is to modify your movements, and try a few days of Motrin 3 times a day(take…
  • be careful! the headaches may be your body telling you that you are not taking in enough calories!!
    in Headaches? Comment by yepratt March 2011
  • Wow that's a lot of protien, Do you really need that much protein? Are you trying to bulk up? Try using your protein after you workout for recovery. All that protein will raise your cholesterol>
  • Eating fruits for 5 days will help you lose weight but all those carbs may but your body into a diabetic mode!! Do a natural diet, cut portions, and cut down your carbs, and exercise.
  • I enjoy trying to master the routine to get a high score. If you place it on continuous shuffle before you know it you would have been dancing for an hour, and would have burned over 400 calories.
  • Just to let you know, if you are losing 2lbs a week the healthy way means that you are working out really hard, and eating really healthly? 2lbs a week means you are burning 6400 cal a week. My concern is this is a life style change and will you really be able to keep up this like style change because once you stop the…
  • yes!! thats my cardio portion of my workout.
  • please don't resort to pills, harsh on the kidney, drink more water........
  • you probably need to se a doctor for some antifungal powder like nystatin. the chaffing comes from the constant moisture in that certain area. always remember to pat dry not rub and keep it dry as much as you can. good luck!!
  • it's probably because you are losing weight. the more you weigh the more calories you will burn. say last month you were 200lbs and you ran 15min on the treadmill, you will burn 200cal and now you are 150lbs, you would burn 160cals. remember calories is a non scientific name for energy and it takes more energy to move…
  • yes! you can be retaining water. also be aware of what you eat because you may have eaten something high in sodium and where there is sodium there will be water, and that's how we retain water weight. the solution is a) watch out for high sodium meals, and b) if you know you are eating a high sodium meal drink lots of…
    in Annoyed. Comment by yepratt January 2011
  • girlfriend! please don't beat yourself for indulging one day. it's called being human. hay as a reward plan one day a month to just do you. you might find because you can eat what ever you want, you may not want to ( or maybe you will) but the point is you deserve it. but the next few days afterwards, just add 15 extra…
  • you have to workout for a living to bulk up, woman is not built for bulk, try using resistant bands for strength training.
  • go to gnc and get something to make your own recovery shakes for after you work out, it's high in protien and if you use the right liquid it can be low in carbs and cals