Exercise calorie changes

namcintosh Posts: 4
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I've noticed that the amount of calories I get from yoga keeps changing. First it was 198, then 193, now its 188. All for the same amount of time. Does anybody know why?


  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    You're losing weight. The calorie calculator uses your weight as part of the calculation, and the less you weigh, the less calories you burn for the same activity.
  • Is your weight also going down? If so, it's most likely from that. You weigh less, so your body burns fewer cals
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    As stated with the previous posts: weight loss = less mass = less energy to sustain itself = less calories burned.

    This is why as you lose weight, your body also doesn't need many calories as it did when it was bigger.
  • it's probably because you are losing weight. the more you weigh the more calories you will burn. say last month you were 200lbs and you ran 15min on the treadmill, you will burn 200cal and now you are 150lbs, you would burn 160cals. remember calories is a non scientific name for energy and it takes more energy to move something that weighs more. good luck on your weight loss because it sounds like you are doing your thing!!
  • Okay...that's kind of encouraging and not. On the one hand, yay! losing weight. On the other hand, I have to work harder the more I lose. But yay!...
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