Fruit Diet

Has anyone tried a Fruit Diet? If so how did it go for you? I am thinking of doing 4-5 days of fruit only and maybe some Protein Shakes as well. It is sort of a Detox to get the toxins out of your body as well as a good jump start to weight loss... What is your input??


  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Too much sugar, not enough balance in the diet for me. Yes, fruit sugar is "better" in that it's packaged with vitamins, but it's still sugar.

    Your body can detox itself just fine - no special cleanses/detoxes needed. If you eat a balanced diet with enough fiber (both soluble and insoluble) and enough water, then your body will take care of itself.
  • kngarber
    kngarber Posts: 227
    I have tried to do different things like that in the past and I have never been able to do well with them...
  • 1FITmamaofTWINS
    To much sugar and protein is best consumed from lean meat.
    I would suggest your "detox" be free of processed foods.
  • sjd2010
    sjd2010 Posts: 106
    I personally don't believe in this type of diet. They do not teach you to eat healthy every day and that is why we are obese. As far as removing toxins in the body, that is why you have a liver and other organs. According to Dr. Oz, they are all you need to remove toxins. Drinking a lot of water helps these organs remove these toxins. The body needs and craves fruits, vegies, proteins, carbs, etc., and we should strive to meet all of these needs. The government's guidelines is a nice way to go. Just my opinion. Good luck to whatever you decide. :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    I'm not sure that would be a good thing to do for a couple days straight. A few days ago I did a 18 hour fast after 2 weeks of wining and dining while my boyfriend was visiting. I had a 6 hour eating period, where I ate fruit, veggies, yogurt, and some whole grain bread/cereals. I also drank plenty of water and didn't work out that day. My weight went down a little, but I wouldn't suggest doing something like that, or the fruit diet, for more than a day! (but I'm not a professional, so I don't know!)
  • calvarado
    My gut instinct is to not trust much of anything that excludes so many nutrients.
  • yepratt
    Eating fruits for 5 days will help you lose weight but all those carbs may but your body into a diabetic mode!! Do a natural diet, cut portions, and cut down your carbs, and exercise.
  • christinslough
    christinslough Posts: 15 Member

    I've been successful at them in the past. I lost 25 lbs last year and part of that was due to fruit fasts. I find that they are most effective for me when I have been cheating or eating poorly to clear my body. Honestly, whether or not they are medically sound or perfect your body... I haven't a clue. But, I like them, my digestion improves, my mood improves and it really kick starts weight loss for me.

    I have done it several times, starting out with 2 days, then 3 days, and finally once I made it four days on fruit alone. I drink tons of water and take a multivitamin and flax oil supplement. I like them, and am actually on day one of a fruit flush now.

    If you decide to do it, here are some tricks that worked for me:
    (1) Get a wide variety of fruit. If you try to just eat a couple things the boredom makes it way harder.
    (2) When you are feeling your hungriest, eat something crunchy like an apple. It makes me feel more satisfied mentally.

    Good luck with whatever you decide!
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member

    I have done it several times, starting out with 2 days, then 3 days, and finally once I made it four days on fruit alone. I drink tons of water and take a multivitamin and flax oil supplement. I like them, and am actually on day one of a fruit flush now.

    she makes a good point-- if you are going to do this, I would start with a day or 2 then work up to the 4 or 5 days you are talking about
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    A) you have a Liver. That's what "detoxes" your body.
    B) Fruit is fantastic for you, but it's essentially "quick" energy carbohydrates. They don't keep you full long, so you'll never really feel that satisfied with what you're eating.
    C) There is a reason why Carbs, Fat, and Protein are called the "Three Essential Macronutrients"--- because they are essential!! You are cutting out two of these, and your body will function improperly without them.
    D) Whatever weight you lose, you'll gain it right back as soon as you get off the "diet"

    Just eat an unprocessed diet of lean protein, LOTS of vegetables, some fruit, and complex carbs and you will be MUCH better off.
  • sauza
    sauza Posts: 159 Member
    have a look at the Gracie family, famous for Brazilian jiujitsu, champions of mixed martial arts for decades, I think they have a website listed under Gracie Academy. These people KNOW about fruit consumption. There is no arguing with their principals concerning nutrition as they, for generations, as a whole, have not suffered from the hundreds of ailments from which most of us suffer. And oh my goodness their physical prowess! Anyway, interesting read. I only wish I ate like the Gracies. I try.
  • healthynthin
    I don't know much about the fruit diet but i have recently added fruit to my diet and have been eating cliff protein bars which keep me full for a loong time but the fruit doesn't keep me full for very long but it is much better as a snack or mini meal for me. I also make a dip out of fat free cream cheese and splenda for my fruit...sorry if this doesn't help