The balance of Cardio and Strength training

moonkat1982 Posts: 14
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi I'm new here as well as a bit new to the workout art. I'm doing this alone and without the aid of a gym. I've mostly been using workout videos. Tae Bo and some Crunch workouts. I've been sticking to cardio but now I'd like to branch off into lite/mod weights. I don't want to add lots of bulk but have heard muscle burns more fat. Any ideas Mfp's? Esp the ladies what have you tried that worked? any good videos/websites to give me a direction? Help!:happy: Thanks


  • Circuit training is a good way to combine cardio and strength training. My gym has a Sprint Circuit set up with weight machines, but I'm sure you could easily adapt it to home by doing 45 second intervals of cardio (step aerobics, plyometrics, running on the spot, etc.) and strength (pushups, lifting weights, squats, etc.) exercises. Work a different muscle group during each strength interval. The constant switching will keep you engaged and focused. Worth a try, anyway?
  • Muscle absolutely helps you burn fat! And don't worry about getting bulky - women don't naturally "bulk up" without making the effort to. Building muscle will just give you that lean, toned look. You should try to do 3 days of weight lifting and 3 days of cardio a week. You want to lift so that by the 12th rep, your muscles are BURNING. If you don't feel the burn, you're not lifting heavy enough ;)
  • yepratt
    yepratt Posts: 26
    you have to workout for a living to bulk up, woman is not built for bulk, try using resistant bands for strength training.
  • Well I found it a site to help me thier workout generator Is a great foundation source for weights and band workouts. Plus, There suggestion on how many reps to do and video to show good form. New fave.:heart:
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    I like Jackie Warner DVD's for strength training. I actually can see my bicep muscle for the first time in my life now. Not bulky at all, just looks more defined.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I've started using Jillian Michaels' workouts. I think they're fabulous! Right now I'm doing the 30-Day shred video. All she requires is 5lbs weights. There are three different levels so you can pick your expertise and improve from there. The workouts are only 20 min, but they are a challenge. She fuses cardio and strength training, but not so much that you bulk up. I like her no nonsense workouts. She doesn't talk to you like a child or try to be inspirational. She tells you to do it and no excuses.
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