
I apologize if this is TMI, but I am desperate for some help here. Been trying to exercise consecutive days - cardio using the Wii Walk It Out game. At my current weight, 364, keeping the beat with the music has me nearly jogging. I did this routine for 25 minutes Monday & Tuesday. However, ever since, my inner/back upper thighs - nearly where my groin and everything meet - has felt raw. I have treated the area with powder (medicated Gold Bond) and also with creamy baby oil lotion. However, it just continues to burn. I presume this is some sort of chaffing from skin on skin contact. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to avoid this. As a short person, I have a very short inseam and all the pants/shorts/sweats I own droop in the crotch allowing my legs to rub together at the top. Obviously with the exercise, they are rubbing several hundred additional times in a relatively short period. Anyone have this or other chaffing issues due to skin rubbing skin? How do you treat it? My only thought now is to take the day off from exercise (at least the walking part) to see if it clears up. The problem is that my overall condition will not improve without continued exercise, so I hate to not walk again today. Sorry to ramble. As I said, I am desperate to eliminate the pain and still exercise. Thanks in advance!


  • quara
    quara Posts: 255 Member
    I've had to deal with a bit of chafing lately from a new pair of jeans that rub on my inner thighs when it's really cold out - I've fixed it (so far) by wearing long johns underneath. Maybe you could find a pair of spandex or something tight that fits? Good luck! It is such a pain to deal with.
  • kalebsmama07
  • coachgaines
    I'm a runner and when I run I wear Under Armour spandex under my much more comfortable! I have also heard of people using a powder called Monkey Butt to prevent chaffing.
  • mlaugh
    mlaugh Posts: 30
    Sport Shield Silicone Liquid Roll-On
  • stephaniekendrick
    stephaniekendrick Posts: 87 Member
    There is a product out there made by Monistat (I know, just get over the maker! lol) that is called "Chafing relief powder gel" and it's the best thing ever invented. I was always told to use baby powder, but let's face it...that's messy and leaves white residue! This stuff is so great that my husband uses it when he runs and loves it as well. It's in local drug stores so go grab yourself some and keep it in your gym bag!

    It rubs on without the mess and dries to a smooth powdery finish...Good luck!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I agree, look into a pair of fitted shorts that you can wear underneath your pants, or try to find pants that won't cause that problem.

    Another tip I used when my legs would rub together (after you lose weight it doesn't do it anymore! Its so exciting!), is that I put deodorant in those areas before I workout. It really helps with the chaffing!
  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    I wear cycling shorts under my tracksuit bottoms.
  • missyj1977
    Try putting some vaseline on the areas that rub prior to exercising, it works! :)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'd say you should lay off until it heals or you are just going to make it worse (you don't want it to get worse!). Once it's A-OK, I'd wear some biker shorts or something that fits pretty close to the body and then you should be good to go. They also make some anti-chafing lotions/balms/creams that I've found online at places that cater to runners but I would imagine that something similar could be found at Target/Walmart maybe.

    Good luck to you!!!
  • Samana06
    Samana06 Posts: 107
    try finding fitted work out pants. Even if they show every little imperfection, you're at home right?

    as for the treating of it ... you do need to take a break from it, the more you rub the more you'll chaff ... I found that soaking in a tub with baking soda always helped me ... if you don't like taking a bath, just kinda make it into a paste. Also baby powder in that area will help prevent some chaffing.

    Hope this helps!
  • FluffyMamaNeeds2Lose
    Hello there... I am now 356 lbs but started at 410... I do the walk it out game too and had the same problem.. I am wearing a pair of shorts one size smaller so that they are snug against my thighs and keep the skin to skin contact to a minimum.. I have however still had issues with under by belly. The best thing that works for me is Baby Desitin diaper rash cream.. it usually feels better immediately even if it takes a couple of applications to make the rash go completely away. The powder just made the problem worse for me! I would suggest trying a nice hot shower, drying the area really well and putting on Desitin on it. Hopefully this helps you.. and no matter what keep up the good work! You are chosing to make a difference in your life and these little obstacles will only make you stronger!
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    My girls and I call that "Chub Rub"! Under garments are amazing for this problem,We like the body shaper that looks like old school bike shorts.:flowerforyou:
  • ultimategar
    ultimategar Posts: 96 Member
    This is a pretty commom problem, especially if you like long walks in hot conditions.
    Lanacane powder is the solution! This stuff (known as magic powder by anyne who uses it) is mentholated which feels amazing on raw skin, and non-talc so it doesn't gum up or get nasty. Put it on before, during and after. I'd wait a few days for the current redness to subside, maybe swim or something instead. Walking/running/cycling shorts will help too.
    I'm in no way affiliated with this product, but it has saved my life more than once.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    body glide--looks like a deoderant stick and I found mine at a sporting store in the soccor section. Runners use it for areas that chaffe. Not cheap but a little bit goes a long way and no more chaffing.

    If you are raw wait a day or 2 to let it heal up a bit first.
  • Ashia1317
    My roommate got me turned on to KY jelly - or a lubricant to help with this matter. We keep a supply at the house for when we have to work out or even in summer if we go out in shorts or bathing suite.
  • tashasbaby
    Hi hun, if you really don't want to stop exercising why don't you try some crunches or torso twists (not sure of the proper name)
    Just do some exercises involving your top half, that way you are still keeping active but giving your thighs a chance to heal x
  • jodi8135
    diaper rash cream works great i put it on befor bed and by morning its better. also like everyone else said spandex and make sure they are tight.

    good luck and i feel your pain
  • yepratt
    you probably need to se a doctor for some antifungal powder like nystatin. the chaffing comes from the constant moisture in that certain area. always remember to pat dry not rub and keep it dry as much as you can. good luck!!
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    yup let it heal first then go back at it.

    I use something called Body Glide. It comes in a stick like deodorant and its a runner's lubricant. You can get it at any running store/sports store.

    I use it on my feet to avoid blisters and on my inner thighs when I go for long runs. Its better than Vaseline because its not goopy but essentially it does the same job.

    Want TMI ?? - back in July when I first started exercising I was going for 20 - 40 minute bike rides every day... well I gave my freaking vagina friction burn from my bike seat. OMG searing pain right in my no no place. Was HORRIBLE and the sad part is that it took me several days to figure out why and how it hurt so bad. :blushing:
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    A&D diaper rash.