Clicky Knee!!

KarenLouise1981 Posts: 144
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey guys,

Just a quick question for you all - I have been running for around 8-10 weeks and gradually increasing my distance and run/jog ratio up to 10km in around 1:15 and all has been going well. Today I went for a gentle run and done 8km in around 50 mins. The run went well as I feel I have conqured my breathing and slowing down for 1 min at a time lets my heart rate settle. So I got home, over the moon and feeling great apart from a little stiff in my hips.

Now this suddenly changed when I went to walk up the stairs in my unit and my left knee went "CRACK!" No pain and I thought it was just that one step but no, it happened every step, and every time I bend my knee. No pain, looks a little inflamed maybe but sunds like i'm flicking a bit of plastic and sounds right under the knee cap right in the middle. I'm not worried but it sounds terrible and was wondering if anybody had anything similar, expecially if it came on suddenly like mine; and what you do to treat/ease it? I need a massage anyway as my hip flexor needs looked at and was wondering if the 2 could be connevcted as it's the same leg.

Thanks guys



  • GypsyWagon
    GypsyWagon Posts: 82 Member
    I find my knees get clicky if I'm not dinking enough water...hope you get it figured out.
  • CronoCX
    CronoCX Posts: 59 Member
    sounds similar to a noise i hear when i do leg curls and extensions. It sounds like a click very weird. Hope you find out something about it I would be interested in what people say please post or send me a message of the answer if u do! Ill do the same if I find out anything
  • yepratt
    yepratt Posts: 26
    Omg!! yes I have that problem as well. Do you take anything for you joint? Do you drink milk? Are you more than 20lbs over wgt? Just throwing out some possible problems. I do take medication for my joints ( I do have a touch of arthritis in that knee, which was adiagnosis from my mri of that knee). It do really bother me but when i'm on my period my knees do get soft and boggy.... just be safe at what ever you do, listen to you body.... and alway remember to stretch!!! good luck
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    I had the same thing happen to me. After about a month I started having pain. It would come and go but sometimes it was very intense. I finally went to the doctor and after an ultrasound (very expensive but it ruled out a blood clot) and visiting a specialist (also costly) I found out that I had a cartilage tear. Bucket tear to be exact.

    Now, two years later, I still have pain from time to time but Doc told me that as long as the pain was tollerable he suggested no operation. He said the operation may or may not help.
  • Thanks for your replies guys. I have started drinking more water and had a hot shower and a good stretch etc. Doesn't seem to be much change now so i'll give it overnight then book in with physio/chiro if no better. Last thing I want at 29 is cartlidge damage! I've only just started getting into it :-(

    Hope you all have a great Monday!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Every time I bend my knees, they sound like someone is ripping velcro apart. They've sounded like that for at least 20 years. No pain though, so I don't worry about it, nor have any doctors. My whole family has bad knees and I'm the only one never to have any knee pain, knock wood. ;)
  • billmac
    billmac Posts: 51 Member
    The problem with a bucket tear is that it can flip over and end up between the upper and lower bones of your leg. Then it wears the hell out of the cartilage. My knees are one heck of a mess anyway from sport but the bucket tear really did some damage.
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