pammilou Member


  • I've done one of the Color Runs also, and it's pretty casual. My two kids did it (7 and 17) and neither of them ever run - we just would run a little and stop when they needed to. But it gets crowded around the color areas so you pretty much have to slow down or stop. It's not timed either - just for fun - so no pressure…
  • Thank you so much for the inspiration and motivation!
  • I have a lot of recipes - I'm working out moving all the ones in the generic 'recipes' board to categories because I've gotten so many now that it's hard to dig through. (I became pescetarian last year, but family are not, so there is a big variety.)
  • I started with Phase 2 because I'd been doing a lot of heavy lifting already and had been eating pretty well - just not as clean as I thought I was apparently. Anyway, I just finished the first week and am really happy with things. It's hard workouts and takes time. It's an hour and a half at the gym 4 days/week and an…
  • A true inspiration! Congratulations!
  • Just started Phase 2 yesterday. (Skipped one because I'd been lifting regularly with the BFL plan and eating pretty well - just stepping it up on both counts with Jamie's plan.) I think the clean eating is going to make a big difference, and while I do less reps with LiveFit, there is more of a variety of exercise and a…
  • I started on yesterday, but started with Phase 2 since I'd been doing Body for Life since mid-April and have a pretty good base of muscle going already. I just needed help leaning down and stepping up on lifting even more.
  • OH, make sure you stick with what they tell you to do - don't try to alter it because you think it's not enough or whatever. AND don't get upset if you don't see results right away, particularly on the scale. Most will tell you that it's at week 8 or so that you will see sudden and dramatic changes. Give it at least 8-9…
  • I also did BFL 7 years ago and got great results. Then I got preggers :) I have just started it again 3 weeks ago because I concentrated on running for a while, did two half-marathons, but am in the 'off-season' and want to build muscle plus lose a little more. You don't have to do the supplements and such. I do protein…
  • I don't have a 'good' answer for you, but I wanted you to know that I feel your pain. I have a 20 year old girl, 16 year old boy and 6 year old girl. My 20 year old has been overweight since she was about 10. Just a little, but now, more so. She appears confident and okay with herself, but I think it's all a facade. She's…
  • Two reasons: 1. Because it's very personal. I don't need people I don't know judging me and you know you do. It's like at the gym when people look around as they are waiting to do their next set or as they are running on the treadmill and size others up. We shouldn't, and probably say we don't, but we do. 2. My dad used to…
  • I just started it myself after having a friend lose 64lbs last year (9 mos) on them. I had already lost 20lbs last year by simple dieting/exercising and ran my first half-marathon, but I'm wanting to lose another 20 this year. I thought this would be a great way to kick start it, plus just easier since I work two jobs and…
  • I also ran my first half marathon last Sunday. I got 2:45:33, a full 15 mins slower than my training group's practice half, but I had to take the last three weeks off entirely from running because of shin splints that the doc thought was borderline becoming a fracture. But after those 3 weeks, much babying and kinesio…
  • I'm doing my first half-marathon Nov. 13th, and am training with a group. Here's what I've learned during training: We were told that you should eat something about 30-45 mins before that you would eat if you were coming off a stomach flu - basically the thing that comes to mind that's not too harsh on your stomach. I have…
  • Congratulations! You look great :)
  • Congratulations!! You look great :) Pam
  • I too have slipped back into weekend blinders. I do great all week, then blow it out of the water on the weekends. I made a promise to myself that I am going to be more careful about that because I know now that I can't do that kind of thing and succeed at this. However, I'm also not just trying to lose weight, I'm…
  • That is awesome!! I hope to do my first half this year as're an inspiration :)
  • Me too! I am 5'3" and have lost 20, but have 15 more to go. :) Pam
  • I think the others are right. I got this one time free counseling from a weight loss nutritionist earlier this year and she said that once in a while of not eating enough isn't going to immediately cause your body issues, it's just if that's your regular habit. But I would perhaps plan on a bit more food during the day…
  • Excellent! Congratulations!
  • Thank you for sharing all of that! Hubby and I are planning on doing the Warrior Dash here in NC in August, so I loved the great descriptions of everything and tips. Congratulations!! I'm only a couple of years behind you and about the same size - you're an inspiration :)
  • Holy cow! That is incredible! Great work! Pam
  • Awesome!! I've done about 120 jumps and can't wait to get back to it when little one is a bit older :) Let us know how it goes! Pam
  • Congratulations :) I know that feeling, when you amazing yourself. Well, I'm learning it. Great job!
  • I teared up myself reading your story. Congratulations and great job!
  • Great job!
  • ROFL! I confess I agree with some of these ;)
  • I'm banned from tequila - I get in too much trouble :) Which leads to my confession that I refuse to drink bad beer - I'll cut calories and/or workout to allow myself the good stuff or just skip it! I also confess that even if I get to my goal weight for the first time ever, I'll likely still not feel pretty because I'm…
  • Wow, you look great!