

  • Love it, used to be on Netflix Instant, if it still is I think I'll go back and re-watch it just to reaffirm my goals ;) Thanks for the reminder!
  • Perhaps adding some (or increasing) strength training would be good, it'll fill you out and help cut your body fat down and help reduce problem areas. That way you can be lean without looking gaunt. Shoot you might even put on a few pounds in muscle.
  • Thats what motivated me to buy chickens and raise them myself. Hopefully next year I can get a bigger batch of birds for meat. At this point I'm giving eggs away because I get more than I can eat :D As for red meat, I'm fortunate to live in an area of abundant deer and elk, can't get more free range and organic than that…
  • You know, I'm one of those anti-BMI people, when I was at my ideal weight, my BMI was around a 25-26. People said I looked like I was around 120-130 pounds when I was really 155 pounds. The women in my family are just really dense, all of my mom's side are amazon women with man-like strength, I inherited a 5'4 frame from…
  • Let me make a point though, the bladder is a sterile area. You have a few areas like this in your body (stomach, kidneys, ect) so it's not sugar that's actually causing the bladder infection, it's bacteria. The sugar is just giving them the fuel to multiply faster than they normally would. You should try and figure out why…
  • Bladder infections are usually bacterial in nature, are there are several sources you can contract this bacteria from. However, if you pre-diabetic or diabetic without knowing it, you're more likely to carry bacteria in your bladder (which is normally a sterile place). Also, OD'ing on sugar will make you pee more and…
  • I can't afford new clothes either, but I have plenty of clothes in all the sizes down below to my goal size. Good luck!
  • I'm 5'4" and currently 203, and wear a 16. But the women from my family are a lot heavier than we look, lead bones or something, when I was 150 I was a size 8/9, and a medium/small shirt. Normally that would make someone overweight (at 5'4 and 150). I know I'm significantly stronger than most women, so maybe I've always…
  • Well, it all depends. When you calculated your daily caloric need, what did you put your activity level as? because "lightly active" or "highly active" tries to take into account all the waitressing/fishing/sweeping/laundry one would do during a day (or the lack of all that). I put mine as sedentary, so I do count some…
  • fidgekitty: lost 2.4 lbs, worked out 4 days and maintained a minimum of 64 oz of water a day :) (hope I did it right)
  • I'm feeling pretty good about my progress so far. I've gotten in 3 workouts and one day of extreme labor lol. I've also completed my water goal every day. I'm shooting for about 1400-1600 calories, with an emphasis on high protien and using p90x as my workout program. So far it seems to be working, I'm down 8 pounds with a…
  • I would say it's the mix of running and strength training. Your body will work to become efficient at actions and movements it does frequently. By switching it up, especially with strength training and building lean muscle, your body has to change and readapt, therefore overcoming your plateau. Congrats :D
  • If your radial pulse is so weak you're having a really hard time feeling it, it sounds like your BP is dropping (you need a systolic of about 100 or more to feel a radial pulse), it sounds like you're have some vasodilation/syncope episodes when you stand up suddenly, which could also be a sign of hypoglycemia (when we…
  • I'm down, I'm starting p90x doubles and a *net* 1200 calorie goal on Monday, so I'm really hoping to lose about 10+ a month (I've got a long way to go) :D
  • And that was what most of the commentors said on the forum, except they were even nicer than that. Like it was said above, if you're gonna put yourself out there then expect comments and criticism, if you don't want it, start a blog and shut off the comments.
  • Oh, and I want to stress the statement about taking manual radial pulses, TAKE IT MANUALLY! lol, automatic HRM's can be so off, as well as automatic BP monitors, especially when moving (like in the back of an ambulance, jogging, even walking). I've gotten insane readings from the smallest thing from automatic HRM and…
  • As an EMT and Health Information Administrator student, I second all of that.
  • Now that I saw the thread in question, I think people were being blunt in stating their opinion but I didn't see anyone be outright mean. I saw a lot of "congrats on your success but you looked fabulous before!" or "I'm happy for you, because you're happy, but your health and weight is concerning" I wouldn't say anyone was…
  • lol and I totally forgot the meds, that can absolutely affect your resting HR, if you do a hardcore-all-out sprint, don't be surprised if you see a massive jump in heart rate, and HR monitors aren't as acurate when being jostled or bumping, like immediately after or during a sprint.
  • Everyone's resting heart rate is difference, norm is between 60-100, although 90 is high normal for having only sat up or you were just laying in bed. However, factors that could cause a high HR at rest: - elevation, the higher you are, especially if you're not quite acclimated, the harder your body works - you're…
  • Wow, I guess I'm shocked by that, I've never seen anyone outright attack someone one here (but I'm new so I haven't really gotten to know a lot of people yet lol) I'm curious now as to the thread you're referencing, what has is about? What could the person have said to start such an inflammatory response? I can't see why…
  • What kind of weight do you want to gain? Fat or muscle? If you wanna gain weight and stay healthy, then yeah, up the fats, up the carbs, up the protein, up the calories in general. Put avacado on your salads, sautee veggies in olive oil, don't skimp on the peanut butter, maybe even give whey protein smoothies a shot.
  • According to p90x, each video burns about 600 calories. I'm thinking that's a general average if you're doing the program, since stretch X and Yoga likely don't burn that many, but Cardio, Plyo and Coresynergistics could easily exceed that. You can always use "calisthenics" which is under cardio, they have various levels…
  • Thanks everyone, I decided to allot myself extra calories so that I'm not beating myself up over a cup cake, and other food festivites. I'll make sure I get in my workout and be back on track first thing Sunday. I'll attempt to log in my calories over the next two days, I think that'll keep me accountable to enjoy my food…
  • That's true, I doubt I'm going to undo half a week's good eating and working out with one day if I don't completely binge, and if I don't relax I'll probably obsess about it worse than if I just have a damn cupcake! lol
  • Oh and I'm stressing today because today I've gotta make the cupcakes. It's my first exposure to temptation lol :smokin:
  • I guess that's what I'm scared of, have just "one" and giving myself that taste, and it killing my resolve, and it's been an issue in the past. My husband tells me "just don't have more than one, it's easy" but it's like I constantly think about having more later, and finding ways to sneak it so that I don't have to feel…
  • That'st great! I feel you on the pictures, I can count all the pictures of my taken since my kid were born on one hand, I made myself take before's because I wouldn't be able to find any good ones elsewhere lol.
  • Reading this made my day, the best compliment comes from kids because they don't hold anything back! Congrats, and keep up the good work!!!
  • That's very possible, and that's the water weight you're seeing. It's easy to gain several pounds in water weight overnight, or lose it, depending on the sodium content you took in. The other day I finally had a good eating day and I dropped 4 pounds instantly, you'll see other people mention how they went out for drinks,…