Is this even possible?

Hi folks, so here is what I'm wondering. I weigh myself everday (yes, I know you should weigh yourself once a week because the weight will flucuate during the week but I enjoy watching the ride everyday). With that being said, I went out and bought a new scale and a fairly pricey one, too, because I want as accurate a reading as possible. I wear the exact same thing everytime I weigh myself and the scale is in the exact same place, so there's no change there.

Well, here's my question. I weighed myself this morning and I was 1.8 lbs lighter than yesterday! Is that even possible or do you think there's something going wrong with my scale? I mean, losing nearly 2 lbs in one day??? Really??


  • Chelij
    Chelij Posts: 49
    I lost 2 lbs in a matter of 10 minutes....I went pee (sorry for the TMI). It's possible through water loss and bowel movements to lose that much weight in a day. I often will see no loss for days, then all of a sudden I'll drop 2 lbs and stay there. If it goes back up it was probably water or bowel contents (apparently we carry around about 25 lbs of stuff in our bowel at any time).
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Did you try weighing on the old scale? Scales can be very different. When I bought a new scale, it also weighed me as 2 lbs less but I was still the same weight on the other scale.
  • fidgekitty
    fidgekitty Posts: 43
    That's very possible, and that's the water weight you're seeing. It's easy to gain several pounds in water weight overnight, or lose it, depending on the sodium content you took in. The other day I finally had a good eating day and I dropped 4 pounds instantly, you'll see other people mention how they went out for drinks, or pizza, or on vacation, and dropped the 3-5-7 pounds they gained while out, overnight. Also, if you do some intense strength training, where you really broke your muscles down, you could see a weight gain because of the fluid your muscles are retaining while they repair.
  • AshleyPic
    AshleyPic Posts: 13 Member
    It is possible... your body looses a significant amount of weight each day through bowel and urine elimination. I am in nursing so this might be too much information, but your weight can fluctuate by several pounds based on whether or not you have eliminated your bowels, how much you have sweat, etc.... And also, maybe your last scale wasn't working well! I would keep weighing yourself and see how it goes. PS - I weigh myself everyday too! :)
  • giammarcor
    giammarcor Posts: 217 Member
    My other scale was a very inaccurate one and never gave the same weight twice and it would flutuate my as many as 5lbs in both directions every time I stepped on it. I got my initial weight from my doctor visit, then got the new scale and went from there.
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    Just wait tomorrow it may be back. I weigh everyday also and it can fluctuate that much either way or even more. I also weigh same spot, same clothes, same time. Sometimes I will weigh myself in middle of day too just to see how much I fluctuate through out the day. I was up .6 lbs from yesterday but yesterday I was down 1.5lbs rom the day before. If you want to check your scale weigh something that you know what it weighs like a 10 lb weight or something. Good Luck! Happy weighing:)
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    your weight can flucuate up to 4 lbs in either way just normally, hence why you shouldnt weigh yourself every day :happy:
  • giammarcor
    giammarcor Posts: 217 Member
    I'm definitely buying into the water weight explanation (thank you all for that). A couple of days ago, I had a huge spike in my sodium content from a few things I ate and I can see how that would have retained the water. Yesterday, I reduced the sodium and got back on my blood pressure medication (which also includes HCTZ a fluid reducer). This would definitely have effected my retention.

    See, that's why I love this site so much. I ask a question and within literally seconds, I get answers.

    Thank you all so very much!
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    I lost 2 lbs in a matter of 10 minutes....I went pee (sorry for the TMI). It's possible through water loss and bowel movements to lose that much weight in a day. I often will see no loss for days, then all of a sudden I'll drop 2 lbs and stay there. If it goes back up it was probably water or bowel contents (apparently we carry around about 25 lbs of stuff in our bowel at any time).

    Sorry to go off topic here but oh my god that is insane!!!

    I think you have had good advice from some previous posters on your original question anyway! :)
  • jtkelley420
    jtkelley420 Posts: 24
    I've lost 3 lbs over night. First time that happened I wondered the same thing.
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    You can lose that much for sure!! I weigh myself every day as well, just to see if the foods I am eating are causing gains at all... today I woke up a pound lighter from yesterday. Your scale isn't broken, you just lost 2 lbs!! Congrats!!! :)