I need to gain weight!

heey there, I'm new here, I'm 18 years old, I need tips on how to gain weight, I go to the gym 3 times a week, hoping to gain weight, somehow, what should I do ? I don't eat alot, how can I eat more and gain weight faster?


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    did you punch in your goals on here? I would say increase your carbs, protein, and healthy fats.
  • fidgekitty
    fidgekitty Posts: 43
    What kind of weight do you want to gain? Fat or muscle? If you wanna gain weight and stay healthy, then yeah, up the fats, up the carbs, up the protein, up the calories in general. Put avacado on your salads, sautee veggies in olive oil, don't skimp on the peanut butter, maybe even give whey protein smoothies a shot.
  • tokki890
    tokki890 Posts: 3

    I'm in the same situation myself...I just started tracking my calories last week. I've been drinking meal replacement shakes - the version with plus calories (e.g. Ensure), snacking an energy bar or two ON TOP of having regular meals.

    ChantalGG is right - on top of eating more calories, make sure to up the carbs, protein and healthy fats (I'm using myfitnesspal to track my nutrients). Don't wanna gain unhealthy weight.

    I read that nuts are packed with calories and perhaps you could try eating that throughout the day? I personally don't like nuts that's why I'm not doing that or else I would.