SarahKhristan Member


  • Mazel tov on the baby! My own will be 4 months in a few weeks. Getting off the "baby fat" is harrrd, but slow and steady you will lose the weight.
  • This, this, this! This!!!! I'm completely disturbed by the "I'm eating within my calories" diet, but each meal is pizza, soda, or fast food. Blurgh.... :s
  • If you lick it, you log it! You're doing yourself a disservice by not accurately logging each and every calorie. Who knows how many hidden calories you're eating?
  • I weigh myself daily, in the morning. I like to know how my body reacts to certain foods, or if I see a gain of a lb or two I double down and place myself on notice. I've been weighing myself daily for so many years now it's a habit that I can't break. (Truthfully, I wouldn't either). What really matters to me is my…
  • Best of luck! I feel immeasurably better now that it's gone. I always felt like I had a pit in my stomach. If you do have it removed, try not to laugh too hard - it'll hurt!
  • I have to stamp this - great website - lots of information on lifting and even where to begin.
  • Actually, this is directly copied and pasted from an email sent to me! I've had to read it and reread it many times, and play around with the links. It's great information. Best of luck!
  • I make two different pork dishes that are a great hit: Parmesan crusted pork chops and jaeger schnitzel (Pintrest has a few good recipes for both).
  • This was sent to me from a good friend, Bluelena. This has been very helpful. You can do TDEE or you can do what MFP tells you. Both are very effective. So, here it is in laymen's terms. I had to read the IPOARM post one billion times before I took the plunge, but it honestly is the best decision I made since joining MFP.…
  • Yes you can! I actually ate a bacon cheeseburger not that long ago, and it was AWESOME. I just made sure it fit within my calories and I did a lot of exercise earlier in the week, so I felt like I had really earned it.
  • I just posted about Alli and an unfortunate sneezing/pooping myself incident. Save your money. Genuine diet and exercise will help you lose weight. If you have a little one, I'm certain he or she keeps you on your toes. Use their energy to assist in your weight loss.
  • True story: Several years ago I was looking for a way to "get thin quick". I took Alli for several months and did indeed lose weight. I had the loose stools (ugh) but the pill did what it was supposed to do. I eventually went off of it. A few days after stopping the pill I had an unfortunate sneezing/s***ing myself…
  • On a serious note - I lost a lot of weight and ended up having a gall bladder issue. Two years ago I dieted pretty hard which resulted in me developing gall stones. I ultimately had to have my gall bladder removed. This doesn't happen to everyone, but it does happen.
  • Did you add in an entire serving? I also find that sometimes there's a glitch in the recipe maker - so add portions to closer get to your calories if you need to.
  • I don't consider it cheating if I earned it. I don't eat poorly too often, but rather I plan ahead for them if I want it. Right now, I don't take too many meals like that though, because I'm really focused on getting to a certain goal.
  • You will find a wealth of knowledge and support on this site. There's no gimmick to losing weight, but it will require dedication. Whatever your ultimate reason is for losing weight, keep in mind to do so in small goals. Be proud of every milestone, even if it's 10 pounds at a time. Be honest in your food logging and you…
  • Personally, I do not eat back my calories. I log my cardio as 1 calorie - but let me add that I normally eat between 1400-1800 calories (and sometimes more). When I work out, it's usually for only a half hour. This is what has worked for ME. Now, this doesn't work for everyone. If I were doing longer cardio sessions, or…
  • It took my husband and I about 6 months to get pregnant. We're lucky, as I know some people who have taken years (and I envy my friends who can get pregnant simply looking at one another). It's hard to hear "relax and enjoy the process" when you want to start a family. There's something incredibly sad about having a late…
  • I lurve me some yoga! Count me in!
  • Well done! Any time you can get a bargain while shopping is excellent. Best of luck as you continue to hit new goals!
  • This deserves to be said again and again.
  • If I hit my goal, I should be able to wear a bikini. And I will, stretch marks and all. I EARNED those during my pregnancy. I'm not ashamed!
  • I have a glass of wine almost every night. If I want it, I make it fit in my calories. Simple as that. But - I used to have 2-3 glasses a night. I now only have ONE.
  • A few years ago, I had gained so much weight that I literally had nothing to wear. My husband and I were planning on going to a NYE party. I tried on probably everything in my closet. Nothing fit. Even my "gym clothes" looked terrible. I stood in my bedroom, naked, and looked at myself in the mirror and cried. I hated what…
  • I'm there with you all! I have over 100 lbs to lose but I'm not going to give myself a timeline. I did that before, and when I didn't hit goals, I got really frustrated and eventually gave up and gained back the weight I had lost. I'm trying to lose weight again now. I've been successful thus far. I consider the success as…
  • Definitely see a Dr. Two years ago, when I started MFP, I had horrible abdominal pains. They were long, sharp pains that lasted hours. After seeing a Dr and getting an ultrasound, we discovered I had gallstones. I had my gallbladder removed shortly thereafter. (I feel like a million bucks now!) Ultimately, pain is your…
  • This. Many times this. I manage my hunger better by including frequent snacks throughout the day. At night I like yogurt, an apple, carrots and hummus, etc. Just make sure you leave room within your caloric budget for whatever snacks you want. Tip: I pre-log. I find that this helps me plan what I'm eating and I'll plan…
  • I didn't add breastfeeding as exercise, but I did eat an extra 500 calories a day (I based my calories on TDEE). I did the "custom" version for MFP instead of allowing them decide on how much I needed to eat. I ended up losing weight anyway and my baby ate like there was no tomorrow. Best of luck with the delivery!