deladypilot Member


  • 8/27 - 6.12 miles ( 140.68 miles)
  • 8/24 - 4.66 miles (123.05 total) 8/25 - 5.74 miles (128.79 total) 8/26 - 5.77 miles (134.56 total) Cize workout & walking
  • 8/23 - 8.14 miles (118.39 total miles) Wow. 8 miles for me is great. That is what I get when I mow 1 1/2 acres with a push mower. Guess I better do that more often.
  • 8/20 - 3.49 miles 8/21 - 5.93 miles (Walking to the hits) 8/22 - 5.55 miles (Radio Remix) 110.25 total miles
  • 8/1 - 4.42 miles 8/2 - 7.16 miles (11.58 total) 8/3 - 5.33 miles (16.91 total) 8/4 - 4.16 miles (21.07 total) 8/5 - 5.19 miles (26.26 total) 8/6 - 4.57 miles (30.83 total) 8/7 - 3.95 miles (34.78 total) 8/8 - 7.72 miles (42.5 total) 8/9 - 5.55 miles (48.0 total) 8/10 - 4.51 miles (52.51 total) 8/11 - 4.23 miles (56.74…
  • 8/1 - 4.42 miles 8/2 - 7.16 miles (11.58 total) 8/3 - 5.33 miles (16.91 total) 8/4 - 4.16 miles (21.07 total) 8/5 - 5.19 miles (26.26 total) 8/6 - 4.57 miles (30.83 total) 8/7 - 3.95 miles (34.78 total) 8/8 - 7.72 miles (42.5 total) 8/9 - 5.55 miles (48.0 total) 8/10 - 4.51 miles (52.51 total) 8/11 - 4.23 miles (56.74…
  • You are doing great. We all have rough patches on this journey, the important thing is that we just keep pushing forward. It is kind of like a speed bump in the road, you slow down to go over it but then you just pick up speed and keep moving forward. The slow downs may happen just gain momentum and keep on keeping on. You…
  • sorry you are feeling bad and hope it goes away soon. Part of being healthy is knowing when your body needs to rest. If you feel like taking a walk then do so but I would not push it to much. I know it is hard anytime I sit down I get a guilt feeling like I should be up moving but there has to be a balance. Feel better…
  • 8/1 - 4.42 miles 8/2 - 7.16 miles (11.58 total) 8/3 - 5.33 miles (16.91 total) 8/4 - 4.16 miles (21.07 total) 8/5 - 5.19 miles (26.26 total) 8/6 - 4.57 miles (30.83 total) 8/7 - 3.95 miles (34.78 total) 8/8 - 7.72 miles (42.5 total) 8/9 - 5.55 miles (48.0 total) 8/10 - 4.51 miles (52.51 total) 8/11 - 4.23 miles (56.74…
  • It is hard to let them go. My 23 yr old daughter is moving to Florida for good. She does not leave until November but my heart aches already
  • Im currently doing KettleWorX program. Loving it. Great combination of cardio and weight.
  • Welcome back. You are not the only one to have fallen off the wagon, what is important is that you are getting back on it. We are here to support you. Feel free to add me if you wish
  • Nothing. I have just learned to not eat as much of it as I once did. I enjoy pizza, cakes, cookies so no need to cut them out just limit them and have smaller portions. I do watch bringing crackers in the house as I lose control so eat them only when im out or when I can by a single serving size
  • There are so many forms of exercise it is all a matter of finding what you like by trying new things. What is good for one is not good for another. Summer months there are things like kayaking, canoeing, hiking, swimming not to mention all the classes that are out there like Karate, Zumba, etc. Winter months things like…
  • 8/1 - 4.42 miles 8/2 - 7.16 miles (11.58 total) 8/3 - 5.33 miles (16.91 total) 8/4 - 4.16 miles (21.07 total) 8/5 - 5.19 miles (26.26 total) 8/6 - 4.57 miles (30.83 total) 8/7 - 3.95 miles (34.78 total) 8/8 - 7.72 miles (42.5 total) 8/9 - 5.55 miles (48.0 total) 8/10 - 4.51 miles (52.51 total) 8/11 - 4.23 miles (56.74…
  • Hey Everyone - Im in. I need to start pushing myself a little harder. So I would like to join the August challenge. I use a fitbit and mostly Leslie videos but do take some outside walks now and then. I will set my goal at 150 miles for the month and see how that goes. Here is what I have done so far 8/1 - 4.42 miles 8/2 -…
  • Im 50 have lost 33 lbs with 3 more to go then the hard part starts. I have to maintain it. Tired of the yoyo thing so by all means I could use more motivational friends. I will send you a request.
  • How about new hand weights, kettlebell, walking or running shoes, workout gear. I usually just head to Dicks Sporting goods and find something that says...hmmmm, I could use that and I deserve it.
  • Im currently working on the KettleWorX program with my kettlebell. It all depends on which day it is. Some days are core workouts some are cardio workouts. So as mentioned above you can log it anywhere from circuit training to calisthenics. I just always remember that the calories given by MFP are typically an estimate and…
  • I love my fitbit. It is a constant reminder to keep moving and not spend so much time on the couch. I have my fitbit linked to MFP and I log all my food here (better database). What kind of ideas are you looking for?
  • That is awesome. Persistence pays off. Congrats
  • The photo idea is a great way to keep motivated. You have done great, keep at it
  • Im not a gym person either. I have found the KettleWorX program and just started on it. Love the kettlebells. I also have yoga mats, an aeropilates machine, hand weights and lots of cardio DVDs. I love them. I get up before anyone else in the house, get my workout done and then im ready for the day. No driving in the heat…
  • Im motivated but need that extra motivation to keep pushing beyond my comfort zone
  • I have feet, ankle and knee issues. The best thing to do is go to a foot wear store and get fitted properly. I have several pair of ACIS that have gel in them and they work well. I just bought my first pair of Brooks and I can tell you they are like walking on clouds even after I have done a 5 mile walk or been on my feet…
  • So sorry you have had to go through all of that. Might I suggest setting a smaller goal for now. Maybe just to lose 5lbs or maybe to get out and walk 3 days this week. Just something small that starts the change back into the direction you want to go. You can add other changes as things go along. Be proud of yourself that…
  • I think often that when people have seen you out of shape or over weight for any length of time that when you do become healthy they see you as too skinny. It is a mental perception. I think you look fantastic
  • I will send you an friend request. I am here every day and try to comment on all of my friends posts. Anyone else is free to add me if they are active
  • Vacations can be tough but you will over come. I always wait a few days after I get back before I see what the scale says. I know my weight might be up but part of it may be sodium so I give myself a couple days to get back in the swing of things and then face the music. One way or another you have to face it. Getting and…